Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.
Yeah, good point. Tougher though to describe why we killed people for no reason.

Oh, I never had a problem with that... if anyone asked me, "They're dirty stinkin' terrorists who hate America, and they need to die!"
I was talking about all the American soldiers that died in Iraq.
I never called any of them anything. Bush campaigned on returning dignity to the White House. :lol:

What a joke that turned out to be.

Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.
Why would you explain that to a kid, you sick fuck?

Because it was on the news.... other question never had to answer...

"Why did the president stick a cigar up that lady's pee-pee?"
Well, never had to explain to a kid during the Bush years what a "Semen Stain" was.

well, maybe you should place the blame on kenny starr and company for spending 70 million of our money to make that an issue.

what a concept.

Or Clinton could have never harrassed Paula Jones, and it wouldn't be an issue.
Or Clinton could have settled with Paula Jones, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton never could have had an affair with Lewinsky, and it never would have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have told the truth when asked about it in court, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have come clean and fessed up instead of wagging his finger at us, and it wouldn't have been an issue.
Or Clinton could have never signed the IC statue back into law, when Lawrence Walsh proved what a horrible idea it was.
Or Clinton never could have run on the "I believe Anita (Dung)Hill" platform in 1992, and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Can't blame Ken Starr for doing what the law he operated under required. It's why it's a bad law.

he wasn't found to have harassed jones. she had an affair with him, notwithstanding that the arkansas mafia got her to file suit on the last day before the statute of limitations ran.

his and her business. i couldn't care less.

anita hill told the truth about the ethically challenged embarrassment to the court, clarence thomas.

i can blame kenny starr for his little witchhunt that he thought would get him a supreme court appointment... and the pretend fiscal conservatives who spend 70 million on garbage but only spent 7 million investigating 9/11.

so there ya go.

now this one lying about sexually harassing women and them getting paid... THAT should trouble you.

and for the record, there are a lot of reasons to settle a case that have nothing to do with the allegations being true. you all impeached a popular sitting president for what cain just did, though.

now THAT i find amusing.
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Yeah, good point. Tougher though to describe why we killed people for no reason.

Oh, I never had a problem with that... if anyone asked me, "They're dirty stinkin' terrorists who hate America, and they need to die!"
I was talking about all the American soldiers that died in Iraq.

You were? Then you have some serious problems with grammer. We didn't kill ANY American soldiers. (Okay,maybe the occassional friendly fire incident). The enemy did.

That's a simple enough answer. That's their job. Those of us who served understood that.
he wasn't found to have harassed jones. she had an affair with him, notwithstanding that the arkansas mafia got her to file suit on the last day before the statute of limitations ran.

his and her business. i couldn't care less.

anita hill told the truth about the ethically challenged embarrassment to the court, clarence thomas.

i can blame kenny starr for his little witchhunt that he thought would get him a supreme court appointment... and the pretend fiscal conservatives who spend 70 million on garbage but only spent 7 million investigating 9/11.

so there ya go.

now this one lying about sexually harassing women and them getting paid... THAT should trouble you.

and for the record, there are a lot of reasons to settle a case that have nothing to do with the allegations being true. you all impeached a popular sitting president for what cain just did, though.

now THAT i find amusing.

Actually, he settled with Jones. Paid her $850,000 at the end of the day, gave up his law license. So if you are going to make the argument that Cain is guilty of something because the NRA settled for five figures, Clinton settled for close to a million after spending millions on legal fees. If he had the out of "Hey, we wuz having an affair", he should have gone with that.

For Anita Hill, her entire credibility collapses on one point. She asked to be transferred with Thomas from Dept. of Ed to EEOC. If he was harrassing her, she'd have been happy to see him leave. She went with him. That means nothing else she says is credible at that point.

Now, frankly, I've been critical of Starr and all IC's. It's a bad law. It essentially gives a prosecutor an unlimited budget to investigate, but they are practically required to indict someone for something.

So, um, what more were we supposed to investigate on 9/11. We know who did it, whe know how they did it, and we've spent a trillion dollars killing them for the crime.

Now, for Herman Cain- I think that Herman Cain is unfit to be president for reasons that have little to do with this nonsense, but I'm not willing to condemn him until we actually know what the details are.

It appears she got three months severance. That's "Just go away" money, not "we are sooo sorry for your pain" money. Seriously, I got three months severance from my last job, and the only thing at dispute there was that there wasn't really any work for me to do at that point. Could have sued them for age and medical discrimination, but I didn't because I figured it wasn't worth it.
no one ever said that ...hello.

Not true. Check out USArmy Retired, Radioman, and Rabbi. Just for starters. They are out and out racist with their stupid pictures and comments. And then there are others that are so passive-aggresive that they think nobody gets it. Yet when any of them are accused of being racist they have absolute hissy fits. Hello to you.
Ummm. No one ever said there are no racists on the right.

You did.

But no one else did.


Oh, STFU!!! What's wrong, Cleo??? Are you bitchy because you didn't get enough candy tonight?? People won't give candy to a dog. But your Halloween picture is really nice. Bitch.

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LOL. I never listen to Rush. I just lived there at the time.

And voted.
But you didn't vote for either Obama or Clinton, did you?
The only one of my votes that I have ever shared with anyone, is my vote for Perot.

Other than that, assume as you wish with the information you have.

I was one of the volunteers for Obama's Inauguration. So, whatever you want to glean from that information, feel free to do so.

Says you. I don't believe you would do that.
he wasn't found to have harassed jones. she had an affair with him, notwithstanding that the arkansas mafia got her to file suit on the last day before the statute of limitations ran.

his and her business. i couldn't care less.

anita hill told the truth about the ethically challenged embarrassment to the court, clarence thomas.

i can blame kenny starr for his little witchhunt that he thought would get him a supreme court appointment... and the pretend fiscal conservatives who spend 70 million on garbage but only spent 7 million investigating 9/11.

so there ya go.

now this one lying about sexually harassing women and them getting paid... THAT should trouble you.

and for the record, there are a lot of reasons to settle a case that have nothing to do with the allegations being true. you all impeached a popular sitting president for what cain just did, though.

now THAT i find amusing.

Actually, he settled with Jones. Paid her $850,000 at the end of the day, gave up his law license. So if you are going to make the argument that Cain is guilty of something because the NRA settled for five figures, Clinton settled for close to a million after spending millions on legal fees. If he had the out of "Hey, we wuz having an affair", he should have gone with that.

For Anita Hill, her entire credibility collapses on one point. She asked to be transferred with Thomas from Dept. of Ed to EEOC. If he was harrassing her, she'd have been happy to see him leave. She went with him. That means nothing else she says is credible at that point.

Now, frankly, I've been critical of Starr and all IC's. It's a bad law. It essentially gives a prosecutor an unlimited budget to investigate, but they are practically required to indict someone for something.

So, um, what more were we supposed to investigate on 9/11. We know who did it, whe know how they did it, and we've spent a trillion dollars killing them for the crime.

Now, for Herman Cain- I think that Herman Cain is unfit to be president for reasons that have little to do with this nonsense, but I'm not willing to condemn him until we actually know what the details are.

It appears she got three months severance. That's "Just go away" money, not "we are sooo sorry for your pain" money. Seriously, I got three months severance from my last job, and the only thing at dispute there was that there wasn't really any work for me to do at that point. Could have sued them for age and medical discrimination, but I didn't because I figured it wasn't worth it.

i already said people settle for a lot of reasons. in clinton's case, he was busy being president (which historically should have stayed any civil action, anyway, but for the ethically challenged scalia and their buds).

cain lied yesterday. all of a sudden that's peachy keen?

just like what thomas did to anita hill was peachy keen with the right.
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them. they can run anthony out of office for flashing his shwinkie at someone who was ok with it...

but call cain on this and he's being "victimized".

too funny. but they're not hypocrites or anything, right?
I think the funniest part is that Cain keeps playing the race card. Constantly.


Okay on with it.

Btw, using the race-card seems to be your constant m.o.
But you didn't vote for either Obama or Clinton, did you?
The only one of my votes that I have ever shared with anyone, is my vote for Perot.

Other than that, assume as you wish with the information you have.

I was one of the volunteers for Obama's Inauguration. So, whatever you want to glean from that information, feel free to do so.

Says you. I don't believe you would do that.

In case I had never made this clear to you, not only could I not care less what you think, I'm not convinced you can.

Have the rest of your case of Twinkies. Breakfast has to hold you over until your mid-morning snack of a case of Ho-Hos.
i already said people settle for a lot of reasons. in clinton's case, he was busy being president (which historically should have stayed any civil action, anyway, but for the ethically challenged scalia and their buds).

cain lied yesterday. all of a sudden that's peachy keen?

just like what thomas did to anita hill was peachy keen with the right.

If he was "busy being president", he should have settled in 1994 when she filed suit,not drag the thing out for five years, spend millions of dollars, and finally settle for $850,000 when she initially only asked for $250,000. He shouldn't have turned a nusience lawsuit into a consitutional crisis. 90% of his injuries in all things Jones/Lewinsky were self inflicted. And for what, exactly? So people wouldn't know he was a horndog? Really?

Historically, no, being president does NOT stay a civil action. He tried that crap, and the Supreme Court slapped him down 9-0. It wasn't just Scalia. It was Ginsburg and Breir, who he appointed. The law was actually pretty clear on this point, all the way back to JFK, which is the last time this came up.

I don't know if Cain lied or not. He said that he didn't harrass the woman, and the woman was dismissed from her position with a modest severance package. But we don't really know, because we don't have any details. Now, if this woman comes forward, if the people who investigated it come forward, if they waive the NDA, then I can make an evaluation.

Not inclined to vote for Cain right now for a slew of other reasons, and feeling slightly depressed that our choice is between this nutbag and Romney, the Mormon nutbag.
I think the best part of this whole story is the fact that Cain was the President of a huge lobbying organization. The dude was a lobbyist.

I think it's kind of depressing that the government is so large, so intrusive, so byzantine in its workings that the people who run resturants feel a need to HAVE a lobby.

If the regulatory agencies are dismantled, will lobbysits become extinct?
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Cain isn't currently running for the presidency. He's running for the GOP nomination. Consequently, is quite possible that this info has come out at this time because either Romney (and his staff), or lower-tier conservative GOP candidates (and their staffs), or the inside-the-beltway GOP establishment is/are trying to derail his candidacy.

If it was the Democrats who were supposedly behind this, don't you think they would wait until Cain was the GOP nominee before releasing this information?

He is currently running for the Presidency. You can try (for some dumb-ass reason) to try to spin it. But there it is.

OF COURSE he's doing so by running for the GOP nomination. It would be pretty difficult for him to seek the Presidency without getting the nod of one of the two major political parties and he's clearly not seeking the liberal Democrat Parody nomination.

The MSM is decidedly biased in favor of the liberal Democratics. So any "news" they toss out there about any of the GOP candidates serves many different agendas.

You can pretend otherwise, but your pretense is not convincing.

You're not playing for the World Series (the presidency, in this analogy) until you've won the AL or NL Penant (the nomination). Any baseball team can SAY that they're playing for the World Series, but even the best regular season record doesn't necessarily make it to the World Series.

Can hasn't won the nomination. He hasn't even won one caucus or primary, yet. Hell, he doesn't even have one committed delegate to the Rep convention.

If anyone has a vested interest at derailing Cain's candidacy at this point in time, it's other Republicans who either don't want him to be their nominee, OR other republicans who think that derailing his candidacy could/would give them a better shot at winning the nomination themselves.

Again; your pretense is shallow and utterly unpersuasive.

At least for teams with pride and some talent, every game is played to get into the World Series. Not just the Division Championships or the League Championships. EVERY Game.

Mr. Cain is running for the Presidency.

By the way, so is the President. In the latter case, it is seeking RE-election, but it is still running.

If you think you had some brilliant "point," you were sadly mistaken.
I think the best part of this whole story is the fact that Cain was the President of a huge lobbying organization. The dude was a lobbyist.

I think it's kind of depressing that the government is so large, so intrusive, so byzantine in its workings that the people who run resturants feel a need to HAVE a lobby.

If the regulatory agencies are dismantled, will lobbysits become extinct?

Not that I'm advocating that, but maybe. I'm not even sure why this would be a federal issue to start with.
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.


they only care about consensual sex.. like bill and monica or anthony and his playmats.

sexual harassment and lying by a rightwingnut is a-ok by them. they can run anthony out of office for flashing his shwinkie at someone who was ok with it...

but call cain on this and he's being "victimized".

too funny. but they're not hypocrites or anything, right?
I think the funniest part is that Cain keeps playing the race card. Constantly.

And Limbaugh, and Laura Ingraham, and most of the rightwing propaganda machine - all of the clowns who most mocked the playing of the race card in the past.
Liberals thought people would be pissed about Sarah Palins adult past, they were fooled now they think we care what cain did 20 years ago in private.

It's becoming quite apparent that the left is bordering on mass hysteria over none of us really giving a shit about what is alleged to have happened 20 years ago.

If you go thru the Cain threads it's all the left wingers just having a melt down over the non reaction by conservatives.

I'm having a blast with this!:eusa_angel:
I'm glad to hear that none of you care about this. When Cain doesn't get the nomination, it will prove that Republicans are racist and won't vote for a black man.

That would be a moronic conclusion, but I understand why you would make it.

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