Two Words

A special message for Cassie Mo:

Thanks again for the spectacular video. In appreciation, I offer the following attempt at humor:

Years ago a man lived in a small village with his dog. For some strange reason the dog ate grass, so the man named his dog Graze. Old Graze would eat grass all day long and didn't really want to eat anything else.

The man made a living by doing odd jobs for neighbors, and the only tool he had was a pipe wrench. But with this wrench he was able to do a lot of different repairs.

One day a friend from another village came to offer him a job, and the man gratefully accepted. He folded his coat around his wrench and walked to the next village. When he got to the job site he noticed his wrench was missing. His eyes swelled with tears and he walked home slowly and sadly, for he was sure he would never find the lost wrench. As he approached his house, he saw something familiar laying on the ground in his yard. It was his wrench!

The man looked towards heaven and praised God for the wonderful miracle. Then he realized that he would never have found the wrench if his dog hadn't eaten the grass and kept it from growing. The man wanted to do something special for his dog, but Graze didn't seem to want anything but grass. Then he got an idea; he would immortalize his dog by writing a song about him. It was a beautiful song, and soon it was sung around the world. If you stand outside a church on any Sunday morning, you are likely to hear this sweet old song: “Amazing Graze, how sweet the hound that saved a wrench for me.”

Grand Larceny

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