Typical of Liberals who lose....Act like spoiled little children who have to destroy.

Should action be taken against these criminals.

  • No, since i am a liberal, these actions are just normal, just look at Baltimore and Ferguson.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, it is time to clean up the scum of the earth, and eradicate the festering cancer called Libs.

    Votes: 7 100.0%

  • Total voters
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.
Now that you have had your head pulled out of Uranus, do you want to know some real threats to you and your children(if they haven't been aborted)?
1. Obama let 10s' of 1000's of Muslims into this country, many radical sworn to ISIS. HRC wanted to increase by 550%. Do you have a death wish?
2. Obama and Putin were playing Nuclear Chicken, with your life as collateral damage if one accidently went off? Doomsday Countdown clock moved to 3 minutes. Hillary called Putin, Hitler would she be the one who started the nuke fight? Probably.
3. Murder of Police have been increased in the past 8 years, to the point that the men in blue, might not show up if you called them. If you dialed 911 would you expect the police to show up?
4. Baltimore, Ferguson, Detroit, Chicago and other liberally run cities have a much higher murder rated than before Obama took over. With HRC continuing the divisive rhetoric that Obama used, would you be surprised if the violence of the left spilled over near you? Liberals do have a death wish, they just want to take you with them.
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.
Now that you have had your head pulled out of Uranus, do you want to know some real threats to you and your children(if they haven't been aborted)?
1. Obama let 10s' of 1000's of Muslims into this country, many radical sworn to ISIS. HRC wanted to increase by 550%. Do you have a death wish?
2. Obama and Putin were playing Nuclear Chicken, with your life as collateral damage if one accidently went off? Doomsday Countdown clock moved to 3 minutes. Hillary called Putin, Hitler would she be the one who started the nuke fight? Probably.
3. Murder of Police have been increased in the past 8 years, to the point that the men in blue, might not show up if you called them. If you dialed 911 would you expect the police to show up?
4. Baltimore, Ferguson, Detroit, Chicago and other liberally run cities have a much higher murder rated than before Obama took over. With HRC continuing the divisive rhetoric that Obama used, would you be surprised if the violence of the left spilled over near you? Liberals do have a death wish, they just want to take you with them.
... thank you andaronjim, and that was the short list.

You have to realize that liberals only know what their handlers want them to know. Their handlers know in order to keep the sheeple voting for them, they have to lie to them and keep them ignorant of what the truth of the matter is. Like Rush Limbaugh says of leftists... "if they ever made known their true intentions, they'd never win an election." Gruber calling people STUPID comes to mind, that the left was counting on how STUPID people were to ram that abortion obamacare through. It's just all too typical of the left. They THINK they're so smart, they're so arrogant, that only THEY know what's best, when just the opposite is true. They are bigoted, brain washed, indoctrinated, group think, ignorant little bubble heads. Yesterday, they were dealt a wake up call from true Americans NOT under the spell of the of globalists, the elites and the establishment.
This will get worse. You certainly did not expect Trump to bring this country together. No one could do that.
This will get worse. You certainly did not expect Trump to bring this country together. No one could do that.
The only way to get this country back together is to start the McCarthy Communist trials again, find them and then give them a choice to either leave the country, pledge their allegiance to the US, or be given a trial and executed for treason. We did it back in the 1950's lets do it again.

Liberals if they would of won all 3 houses, then they would just start taking our guns away, and then execute US without even a trial. That is the liberal/Nazi way.

We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.

America will be ok. You may go now.
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.

We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.
Then stop acting like a child and grow the fuck up. If you are here illegally you will be deported. If you are a jihadist you will be deported.

If you are afraid you might have reason to be and that's just the way we like it.
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.
Now that you have had your head pulled out of Uranus, do you want to know some real threats to you and your children(if they haven't been aborted)?
1. Obama let 10s' of 1000's of Muslims into this country, many radical sworn to ISIS. HRC wanted to increase by 550%. Do you have a death wish?
2. Obama and Putin were playing Nuclear Chicken, with your life as collateral damage if one accidently went off? Doomsday Countdown clock moved to 3 minutes. Hillary called Putin, Hitler would she be the one who started the nuke fight? Probably.
3. Murder of Police have been increased in the past 8 years, to the point that the men in blue, might not show up if you called them. If you dialed 911 would you expect the police to show up?
4. Baltimore, Ferguson, Detroit, Chicago and other liberally run cities have a much higher murder rated than before Obama took over. With HRC continuing the divisive rhetoric that Obama used, would you be surprised if the violence of the left spilled over near you? Liberals do have a death wish, they just want to take you with them.
And so it begins... I told you so, as the liberals who feel cheated by the Republic(not Democracy) who voted against their slimy vagina who was going to continue the shit that Obama forced upon the US. Burning and throwing rocks are their way of protest, while I only remember Granny and Grandpa holding US flags while quietly protesting Obama and their Forced Obummercare upon US. Oh well, it is only going to get worse, so better Lock and Load, Hell is coming, and coming soon.

Thousands of anti-Trump protesters take to streets of U.S. cities
A demonstration of more than 6,000 people blocked traffic in Oakland, California, police said. Protesters threw objects at police in riot gear, burned trash in the middle of an intersection, set off fireworks and smashed store front windows.

Police responded by throwing chemical irritants at the protesters, according to a Reuters witness.

Two officers were injured in Oakland and two police squad cars were damaged, Johnna Watson, spokeswoman for the Oakland Police Department told CNN.
When America elected a black president there were no riots.
When America elects a America First President the liberals go nuts.
Go figure
We're not acting like spoiled children. More like scared children. I am more afraid for America than I have ever been in my life. I wasn't this afraid even when Bush was in office.

You're ant-American spoiled little child. Go ahead and riot, break windows, burn flags, steal and get arrested.
This will get worse. You certainly did not expect Trump to bring this country together. No one could do that.

Trump will do his part to bring the country together. He already started uniting in his acceptance speech. But Liberals are anti-American, spoiled little children that will never be satisfied.

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