Tyranny- Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S.

It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

I can see why Republicans see this as terrorism
They don't hate the idea, they just hate Oblama....

No, they hate the idea of the unclean masses (47%) having the same right to vote as they do
You idiot, they have the right to vote.
Then why would you object to programs that make it easier for We the People to vote?
It's already ridiculously easy to vote.
After you spend time and money on it, I though voting was to be free from a fee??
And actually you just showed your statement to be a lie. You're criticizing Republicans, you don't get it when Obama wants people to be required to vote. A politician wants people to be required to vote? WTF, you think he thinks that benefits him? You have a magic decoder ring? Obviously you don't view those equally
Your vote is worth nothing if the candidate is already bought and paid for by rich voters....

You really have no ability at all to follow a logical progression in a discussion. OK, let's go down your next left turn.

Again, you are a liar. You want more government, which you think is bought by rich people, because you don't like rich people. Again, if you believed rich people owned government, you would want less government, not more. This is yet another lie, and an obvious one.

The irony being you're right. The rich and powerful do own government. Which is why I am a true liberal, today referred to as a libertarian. I want less government for that exact reason, for me to have more control over my own life.

While you use the truth as a talking point you don't understand to prop up a government which operates according to what you claim to oppose
What's the difference between Mandatory Voting and Mandatory Health Insurance?
how about mandatory jobs? if you are over 18, able body, you must go to work.

Excellent! What's the pay and benefits?

What difference does that make??

You EARN what you get. The smarter and more ambitious you are, the more the pay and the benefits.

Your question revealed that you are a natural born free loader.
It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

I can see why Republicans see this as terrorism
They don't hate the idea, they just hate Oblama....
Conservatives don't hate Obama, they just hate Obama's ideas.
The people spoke during the 2014 midterms and Obama lost and he don't like losing.

You thought you were voting for (or against) Obama in the 2014 elections? No wonder you seem so confused all the time.

Now seriously, do you think the low voter turnout for Dems in the 2014 elections helped or hurt the Democrats?
Simple question. Can you answer it honestly or with spin?

HE, Himself said that His policies were on the ballot.

Both Him and His policies were roundly rejected. Maybe that's why he must rely on His phone and His pen.
First: Everybody MUST vote.

Then, everybody MUST vote Democrat. If He had a third term, that is exactly what He would propose.

And getting the third term, ENFORCE.

Look out for what might come by executive orders in the next months.
Only 50 million persons on food stamps ?
Very Uncaring......
100 million on food stamps and double the amount.....

Because we "care" and will bankrupt the country for your illiterate vote !
Hey...I have an idea....

like drug tests...why not make it mandatory to vote if you want to get welfare?

Bet that tosses out the whole idea of infringing on a persons rights by forcing them to take a drug test if they want welfare.

The government should not mandate anyone do anything but obey the laws that are designed to protect them.
Hey...I have an idea....

like drug tests...why not make it mandatory to vote if you want to get welfare?

Bet that tosses out the whole idea of infringing on a persons rights by forcing them to take a drug test if they want welfare.

The government should not mandate anyone do anything but obey the laws that are designed to protect them.
He doesn't know what the flat tax rate should be? And he wants there to be standard deductions?

When he talked about compromise on the tax issue, he sounded a lot like Obama did regarding the ACA. Compromise is cool.

I got as far as him saying that the letter he signed should help the negotiations. Got dizzy.
No deal is final until Congress approves it. It's a waste of time to make a deal Congress won't approve. Thus the letter helps the negotiations so they will know what will pass Congress vs what won't.

I think Flat tax is fine as long as it's only for those who make more than a livable wage. Those who make less than a livable wage shouldn't be taxed at all.

All voters should have skin in the game when it comes to spending

Wherever there is a state tax or federal tax, EVERYBODY pays the same rate, regardless whether the item bought was a million dollar yacht or a hundred dollar power drill tool.

The same idea should be applied to income.
Only a right-winger would categorize universal voting as tyranny.

Universal (compulsory, mandated by law) voting is/was cherished practice in such lovely places as North Korea, Cuba, Soviet Union and all its slave satellites. Such law, given enough time, will follow with compulsory vote for the State Party.
So, for a moron who is against voter ID, calls for Hitler, Mao type mandate.

Force people to vote for scum like Obama. Yea, that's the ticket.

There's that word 'transform' again...... Oh the pain........................


President Obama, whose party was trounced in last year’s midterm election due in part to poor turnout among Democrats, endorsed the idea of mandatory voting Wednesday.

“It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

Read more: Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S. - Washington Times
Seriously, Obama is so bad, you don't really have to LIE in an OP to point out his failures.
Phone rings: "Hello Mr Smith, we see that you haven't voted yet, and by law you must vote or go to jail."

Mr Smith: "Oh, I didn't even know it was election day, I didn't even know who the candidates are! I don't want to go to jail."

Election Police: "If you don't come to the election place and cast a ballot, and don't wish to go to jail, we can cast a ballot for you in favor of the incumbent."

Mr Smith: "Yeah, that sounds great, I'm working and don't have time to come vote, I don't even know I vote. By the way, what's incumbent mean?"

They don't hate the idea, they just hate Oblama....

No, they hate the idea of the unclean masses (47%) having the same right to vote as they do
You idiot, they have the right to vote.
Then why would you object to programs that make it easier for We the People to vote?
It's already ridiculously easy to vote.
After you spend time and money on it, I though voting was to be free from a fee??

What do you have to spend on it? If you're talking about ID, Bigfoot is sighted almost as often as someone who legally functions in today's society without some form of ID.

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