Tyre Nichols? How about supporting cops.

Did he die at the scene from the beating he got? No. So he wasn't beaten to death. He was beaten to a mortal wounding and died 3 days later.
from the beating,,

using your logic i can beat a person to an inch of their life in hopes they die the next day so I am not responsible for their death,,,
I SUPPORT THE COPS IN THIS CASE! I support the cops that immediately suspended them. I support the cop (Top Cop in that city) that fired them. I support the Memphis Police department turning all footage over to Shelby County Prosecutor and making it public.
Along with the cops of the city police of the City of Memphis, TN, I also support the Elected leaders of that Blues city, by the Big Muddy Mississippi for handling this from start to finish, with openness, candar, outreach to family thousands of miles away, many timely updates to the local and national news media. The elected leaders, the police and community leaders and the family of the victim acted in good judgement and restraint in a time that have seen lesser cities, devolve into violence. Their actions should be a model to the rest other the country.

Suspension? Maybe. Firing and all the rest? Definitely not. Tyre resisted. So he got what he deserved. It was just his bad luck that it ended up killing him.
Suspension? Maybe. Firing and all the rest? Definitely not. Tyre resisted. So he got what he deserved. It was just his bad luck that it ended up killing him.
so death is what hen deserved,,,

if thats the case then cops should all be shot before they can kill again?? it is what they deserve isnt it??
I side with criminals not being criminals and cops not being criminals.

If America wants to know what's going wrong, supporting violent cops is a starting point.

Here's a word for the day for you concerning your argument. Sophistry. You support criminals not being criminals? That's like supporting dogs not being dogs.
Suspension? Maybe. Firing and all the rest? Definitely not. Tyre resisted. So he got what he deserved. It was just his bad luck that it ended up killing him.
We don't underwrite cops bad luck. I expect them to get lucky, get it right, or just plain get, and possible get what's coming to them, instead of them going off on their own program and taking a chance getting the city and the people and businesses in it buttfkd.
There is actually responsibility that goes with carrying a badge and a gun for the government.
it is not about me. it is about people been too stupid to do what is best for them. where they think running from police is in their best interest. there are many US citizens that do comply with police instructions and do not have the idiotic notion that they can remedy a situation by resisting police and take off running.

See post number 96. Tyre probably thought that resisting and running was in his best interest. Turns out, that wasn't the case, for him. But no doubt his parents are likely to get a shitload of money out of it.
They tried to apprehend Tyre several times, he fought it. What were they supposed to do? If they let him walk, they wouldn't have been doing their jobs.
they werent supposed to beat him to death,,

funny they had 800lbs on him along when build and training and they claim they couldnt detain him,,

sounds more like they were spending time beating his ass instead of arresting him,,
We don't underwrite cops bad luck. I expect them to get lucky, get it right, or just plain get, and possible get what's coming to them, instead of them going off on their own program and taking a chance getting the city and the people and businesses in it buttfkd.
There is actually responsibility that goes with carrying a badge and a gun for the government.

Could you be any more wrong? No doubt you will try. Maybe you will succeed. But I will set you straight. Tyre resisted and ran. No doubt that pissed the cops off. Only a god damned moron would expect somebody who is pissed off to act rationally. Though my own personal opinion is that the cops did act rationally. Tyre resisted, so he got beaten. Now if they had just let tyre go, THAT would have been them not doing their job.
they werent supposed to beat him to death,,

funny they had 800lbs on him along when build and training and they claim they couldnt detain him,,

sounds more like they were spending time beating his ass instead of arresting him,,
They did not set out to beat him to death. They were trying to cuff him, he was resisting and ran away. He'd be alive today if he had just complied.
Why would I support a cop who steps back and kicks a man in the head while he is being held down by 3 other guys?

When I was 18 I got jumped by 3 guys and one of them did exactly that to me with a steel toed boot. That fucking cop is no different

If that's what one of the cops did, (And that is a big IF) not even that enabled the cops to cuff him, did it.
This incident is like so many others. Black man get's pulled over, argues with the cops, refuses to obey, gets beat or ends up room temperature. You'd think they'd learn.
The cops are supposed to use the minimal amount of force conversant with making an arrest. Five cops beating a suspect isn't minimal force.

Are you kidding me!!! What would you have liked them to do. Suck his dick until he complied? Also, even the force they did use wasn't enough to get cuffs on him. Was it. The cops eventually got tired of trying to get cuffs on him. So they decided to really beat the shit out of him. I say they should have gotten promoted and given medals.
This incident is like so many others. Black man get's pulled over, argues with the cops, refuses to obey, gets beat or ends up room temperature. You'd think they'd learn.

With so many of them winning lawsuits over the use of excessive force, I doubt if they will ever learn.

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