Tyre Nichols is the new Police bashing story being pushed nationally.

I hear all y'all say but remember when big cities in blue states said...'we gonna lower the requirements for cops so that we can hire more minorities'....which you know what that means. bad freakin' idea and only a leftist couldn't follow where that would lead.

Jason Whitlock hit the nail on the head.

I think Memphis police have a long history of corruption. Long before black cops were allowed. I do agree white cops seem more qualified to murder blacks. The numbers show. This is rare but white cops killing blacks is not. So shut up. Even back when conservatives were allowed to run a major city. Now back to Hooterville and tell us how to run a small town goober. Not Metropolis.
Great idea! I'm sure we have the technology to come up with such a weapon.

And if they use it and you die, if it's caught on body cam you weren't listening to the cops. Sorry. If you have a weak heart or hit your head on the fall, sorry. Very small percentage of young men cops use this on would die from it. They're young and healthy. But if you are on PCP or LSD and that plus the dart cause you to die, sorry.
You mean like how they are dying now being beaten to death or shot with real guns? Maybe try something that can neutralize a resisting offender better than the Taser Toy. It doesn't have to be a tranquilizer dart you bring up good points.
I think Memphis police have a long history of corruption. Long before black cops were allowed. I do agree white cops seem more qualified to murder blacks. The numbers show. This is rare but white cops killing blacks is not. So shut up. Even back when conservatives were allowed to run a major city. Now back to Hooterville and tell us how to run a small town goober. Not Metropolis.
well you're wrong. It is more likely that white cops kill whites. And blacks are killed less often that whites...know why?? JUST FOR THE REASON of the hell involved.

You mean like how they are dying now being beaten to death or shot with real guns? Maybe try something that can neutralize a resisting offender better than the Taser Toy. It doesn't have to be a tranquilizer dart you bring up good points.

Wrap them up with netting. Why not?
I think Memphis police have a long history of corruption. Long before black cops were allowed. I do agree white cops seem more qualified to murder blacks. The numbers show. This is rare but white cops killing blacks is not. So shut up. Even back when conservatives were allowed to run a major city. Now back to Hooterville and tell us how to run a small town goober. Not Metropolis.
where's yer frakin' link?
One interesting question might be "how would media act if the same five officers killed a person who was NOT black"? Would they still fan outrage?
unlikely. if there is a bad white guy, whites are okay with taking him out. Blacks have water buffaloes when a black criminal is taken out. Not saying Nichols was a bad guy. Don't even know if the cops are bad guys cause we've only seen one shoulder cam and bits and pieces of perhaps a second.

what really pisses me off is when white people have no discernible problem with Gov't agencies killing white peop;le.
unlikely. if there is a bad white guy, whites are okay with taking him out. Blacks have water buffaloes when a black criminal is taken out. Not saying Nichols was a bad guy. Don't even know if the cops are bad guys cause we've only seen one shoulder cam and bits and pieces of perhaps a second.

what really pisses me off is when white people have no discernible problem with Gov't agencies killing white peop;le.
the media's race baiting helps no one, it hurts civil liberties and those wishing to drive change.
The silver lining is that the cops are all black themselves. Otherwise, we’d have BLM savages burning the cities down for months on end.
They may do so anyway unless the white mayor is brought down
driving, walking, standing, or sitting at home while black
The stats just don't align with your emotion. From 2015 - 2021, there were only 135 unarmed black people shot to death by police -- and again .. unarmed doesn't mean there isn't a threat (Like Michael Brown).
The stats just don't align with your emotion. From 2015 - 2021, there were only 135 unarmed black people shot to death by police -- and again .. unarmed doesn't mean there isn't a threat (Like Michael Brown).
Yup. That is an average of 22 per year out of 50 million police encounters, many with belligerent, defiant, and stoned people - and likely threatening in some way. The instances where an unarmed black man was NOT threatening yet killed anyway are perhaps two or three a year.
True to form, the media continues it's assault on law enforcement by pushing the beating death of Tyre Nichols every hour of the day. This is the red meat they toss the Cop hating public and it makes life miserable for the vast majority of Cops trying to do a very dangerous job to keep us safe. It is one of the reasons why nearly all of the states in America cannot hire enough cops.

So, why don't police departments weed out the bad actors? I worked in Nursing for many years. There is no way a bad nurse is allowed to continue working if they can't/won't do their job correctly. No kind of workforce puts up with what I see police departments put up with. They only make changes when something ugly like this Tyree Nichols case comes to light.
The media is right to publicize this story. Watching the video of him being pepper sprayed, hit and kicked is painful, though. I turn my head away from the TV when that part comes on.
driving, walking, standing, or sitting at home while black
Yet if you had bothered to read the breakdown you would have seen that 389 white people were killed compared to 224 black people. But don't let facts get in the way of your bull shit.
Yet if you had bothered to read the breakdown you would have seen that 389 white people were killed compared to 224 black people. But don't let facts get in the way of your bull shit.
But do let cherry picking facts make you into a liar.

Black 15% of population
White 60% of population

Statistically, unless there's some other driver, like RACISM, there should be 4 times as many Whites as Blacks...


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