U.S.A. - We're #1!!!!...in mass shootings.

Dumbshit, what does it say above? Oh, right, 1982 to 2015.

And - Deaths:
2015: 14
2014: 13
2013: 36
2012: 72

Tell you what dickhead, you work on reducing the number of deaths due to doctors mistakes (AMA admits to 120,000 per year) then, when you have fixed that egregious problem, then we can talk about guns. Till then your so called concern for the American public is shown to be bullshit.
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

Of course you have to throw in suicide to boost your numbers you dishonest asshole......considering Japan, South Korea, and China have just about 0 ability for law abiding citizens to get guns...and they still commit suicide at 2 times our rate...

and in this country, only half of the suicides are by gun....so if you get rid of guns, the people who would have used guns will simply use what the other half of our suicides used......

PMH is a dishonest political hack. He's been shown the evidence over, and over and over again. Further he's admitted to saying he doesn't even care about the human race so his "concern" over gun violence is horseshit. he is a Heydrich wanna be. He just doesn't have the balls that Heydrich had.
Actually I'm more like this:

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


Regardless, nature will end humanity, eventually.

Good. I suggest you get started. People like you don't contribute so you're just a waste of resources. By all means end yourself.
Deer hits are what we call......"accidents"
Mass killings are......."on purpose"

Then accidents are a bigger problem than intentional mass shootings....aren't they?

Accidents are not preventable

On purpose is

Really? Anders was not supposed to have a gun either, how many dozens did he murder? Looks like your laws aren't too effective now are they.
Interesting spin

Thanks for posting

How about addressing the point instead of slinking off with your petulant little passive aggressive bullshit response. You're such a pathetic little child.

He can't address the point......their very own Mother Jones showed how stupid their point about mass shootings is........now they have nothing to say........
[...who thinks you're better than everyone else.
That's only because I am.

And the only reason we want the guns is because they kill people. It's not complicated, and it's not about control. That we do okay with as it is. Religion, money, drugs, sex, regulation, TV, etc. That's more than enough in most cases.

Bullshit. You're just a typical Heydrich wanna be. You want to take the guns away from people because then you can control them and no, you're not better than anyone. You are one of the most pathetic, delusional asshats on this forum.
You have guns and you don't think we control you? Interesting.

The guns don't protect you from control. They just do a lot of unnecessary damage and are no longer needed, in most cases.

Sure they do. As usual you ignore history.
[...who thinks you're better than everyone else.
That's only because I am.

And the only reason we want the guns is because they kill people. It's not complicated, and it's not about control. That we do okay with as it is. Religion, money, drugs, sex, regulation, TV, etc. That's more than enough in most cases.

Bullshit. You're just a typical Heydrich wanna be. You want to take the guns away from people because then you can control them and no, you're not better than anyone. You are one of the most pathetic, delusional asshats on this forum.
You have guns and you don't think we control you? Interesting.

The guns don't protect you from control. They just do a lot of unnecessary damage and are no longer needed, in most cases.

yeah...you're right...except for rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture and murder....why would a law abiding citizen need a gun for self defense....just ask the Mexicans.....their own government is working with the drug cartels to murder them in the thousands...they don't need guns either...right?
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




Sorry your post was ruined by the truth, and reality.....and considering, that the truth and reality that made your post silly came from Mother Jones....a double bummer.....
The range of years is noted, asswipe...

Fuck head.......you didn't list the years.......

Your post moron...

1085 victims, 572 deaths.
Dumbshit, what does it say above? Oh, right, 1982 to 2015.

And - Deaths:
2015: 14
2014: 13
2013: 36
2012: 72

Tell you what dickhead, you work on reducing the number of deaths due to doctors mistakes (AMA admits to 120,000 per year) then, when you have fixed that egregious problem, then we can talk about guns. Till then your so called concern for the American public is shown to be bullshit.
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.
Fuck head.......you didn't list the years.......

Your post moron...
Dumbshit, what does it say above? Oh, right, 1982 to 2015.

And - Deaths:
2015: 14
2014: 13
2013: 36
2012: 72

Tell you what dickhead, you work on reducing the number of deaths due to doctors mistakes (AMA admits to 120,000 per year) then, when you have fixed that egregious problem, then we can talk about guns. Till then your so called concern for the American public is shown to be bullshit.
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013... 505. And those are going down, not up, as more people own and carry guns........out of 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands.....and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.
[...who thinks you're better than everyone else.
That's only because I am.

And the only reason we want the guns is because they kill people. It's not complicated, and it's not about control. That we do okay with as it is. Religion, money, drugs, sex, regulation, TV, etc. That's more than enough in most cases.

Bullshit. You're just a typical Heydrich wanna be. You want to take the guns away from people because then you can control them and no, you're not better than anyone. You are one of the most pathetic, delusional asshats on this forum.
You have guns and you don't think we control you? Interesting.

The guns don't protect you from control. They just do a lot of unnecessary damage and are no longer needed, in most cases.

yeah...you're right...except for rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture and murder....why would a law abiding citizen need a gun for self defense....just ask the Mexicans.....their own government is working with the drug cartels to murder them in the thousands...they don't need guns either...right?
Guns aren't for self-defense. They were invented to kill, mostly people. That's all. if guns were for defense it wouldn't bother you that radical Muslims. or any Muslims, buy them.
[...who thinks you're better than everyone else.
That's only because I am.

And the only reason we want the guns is because they kill people. It's not complicated, and it's not about control. That we do okay with as it is. Religion, money, drugs, sex, regulation, TV, etc. That's more than enough in most cases.

Bullshit. You're just a typical Heydrich wanna be. You want to take the guns away from people because then you can control them and no, you're not better than anyone. You are one of the most pathetic, delusional asshats on this forum.
You have guns and you don't think we control you? Interesting.

The guns don't protect you from control. They just do a lot of unnecessary damage and are no longer needed, in most cases.

yeah...you're right...except for rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture and murder....why would a law abiding citizen need a gun for self defense....just ask the Mexicans.....their own government is working with the drug cartels to murder them in the thousands...they don't need guns either...right?
Guns aren't for self-defense. They were invented to kill, mostly people. That's all. if guns were for defense it wouldn't bother you that radical Muslims. or any Muslims, buy them.

Guns were created to save the life of the user, and more often than not, they don't even have to be fired to achieve that goal....cops use guns every day to keep the peace and very few ever need to fire them...dittos Soldiers......
Dumbshit, what does it say above? Oh, right, 1982 to 2015.

And - Deaths:
2015: 14
2014: 13
2013: 36
2012: 72

Tell you what dickhead, you work on reducing the number of deaths due to doctors mistakes (AMA admits to 120,000 per year) then, when you have fixed that egregious problem, then we can talk about guns. Till then your so called concern for the American public is shown to be bullshit.
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013... 505. And those are going down, not up, as more people own and carry guns........out of 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands.....and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.
Roughly 270 million guns actually: Guns in America | Facts and statistics about firearms in the USA
[...who thinks you're better than everyone else.
That's only because I am.

And the only reason we want the guns is because they kill people. It's not complicated, and it's not about control. That we do okay with as it is. Religion, money, drugs, sex, regulation, TV, etc. That's more than enough in most cases.

Bullshit. You're just a typical Heydrich wanna be. You want to take the guns away from people because then you can control them and no, you're not better than anyone. You are one of the most pathetic, delusional asshats on this forum.
You have guns and you don't think we control you? Interesting.

The guns don't protect you from control. They just do a lot of unnecessary damage and are no longer needed, in most cases.

yeah...you're right...except for rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture and murder....why would a law abiding citizen need a gun for self defense....just ask the Mexicans.....their own government is working with the drug cartels to murder them in the thousands...they don't need guns either...right?
Guns aren't for self-defense. They were invented to kill, mostly people. That's all. if guns were for defense it wouldn't bother you that radical Muslims. or any Muslims, buy them.

I thought you were going to make yourself extinct? Oh riiiight. Death is reserved for other people, not you. Good thing they have guns so you can't murder them.
Tell you what dickhead, you work on reducing the number of deaths due to doctors mistakes (AMA admits to 120,000 per year) then, when you have fixed that egregious problem, then we can talk about guns. Till then your so called concern for the American public is shown to be bullshit.
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013... 505. And those are going down, not up, as more people own and carry guns........out of 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands.....and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.
Roughly 270 million guns actually: Guns in America | Facts and statistics about firearms in the USA

It's 2015 now.....over 320 million guns.....you don't even have date on that link....
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013... 505. And those are going down, not up, as more people own and carry guns........out of 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands.....and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.
Roughly 270 million guns actually: Guns in America | Facts and statistics about firearms in the USA

It's 2015 now.....over 320 million guns.....you don't even have date on that link....
Fine, link?
Tell you what dickhead, you work on reducing the number of deaths due to doctors mistakes (AMA admits to 120,000 per year) then, when you have fixed that egregious problem, then we can talk about guns. Till then your so called concern for the American public is shown to be bullshit.
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013... 505. And those are going down, not up, as more people own and carry guns........out of 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands.....and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.
Roughly 270 million guns actually: Guns in America | Facts and statistics about firearms in the USA

Wrong as usual. There are over 310 million firearms at last estimate, and that was 2009. The numbers have gone up.

"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition also quotes the figure, as does the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“The number of privately owned guns in the U.S. is at an all-time high, upwards of 300 million, and now rises by about 10 million per year,” said the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action in a firearms safety fact sheet released Jan. 17, 2013.

A November 2012 report titled “Gun Control Legislation” from the Congressional Research Service also supports that number, though ranks it a bit higher.

As of 2009, the report states, “the estimated total number of firearms available to civilians in the United States had increased to approximately 310 million: 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns.”

How Many Guns In The United States?
Deer hits are what we call......"accidents"
Mass killings are......."on purpose"

Then accidents are a bigger problem than intentional mass shootings....aren't they?

Accidents are not preventable

On purpose is

Really? Anders was not supposed to have a gun either, how many dozens did he murder? Looks like your laws aren't too effective now are they.
Interesting spin

Thanks for posting

How about addressing the point instead of slinking off with your petulant little passive aggressive bullshit response. You're such a pathetic little child.

You have proven an inability to understand sarcasm, satire and the give and take of retort with another poster
Due to your unique status as a poster, I find it preferable not to engage you in political discussion.
I thought you were going to make yourself extinct? Oh riiiight. Death is reserved for other people, not you. Good thing they have guns so you can't murder them.
When we all go, I go first since I'm the one pushing the button. Nothing unfair about that.

Oh? According to the voluntary part only you can push the button for you. You're not allowed to push the button for anyone else. See how that works. Of course you don't, you're a POS collectivist. You just want to murder people for the fun of it, you just don't have the balls to do it. Do you hang out at the local bund meetings talking with your buddies about smashing babies into walls too? That's about as tough as clowns like you can get. A real person would beat the shit out of you. hell my 9 year old daughter could take you down with her little pinky I wager...
My concern is 32K gun deaths a year. And there's a fix for medical mistakes, be honest about them, and we aren't.

There is a fix for gun murder and gun accidents....

Lock up known career criminals when they are caught with guns....for a long time....problem #1solved....

Start teaching gun safety in public schools along with fire safety.....problem #2 solved......
Plenty of people who know firearms kill themselves each year by accident, and gun safety for kids is easy - see a gun, run for your life and tell an adult. Do Not, ever touch. More than happy to teach that.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013... 505. And those are going down, not up, as more people own and carry guns........out of 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands.....and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.
Roughly 270 million guns actually: Guns in America | Facts and statistics about firearms in the USA

Wrong as usual. There are over 310 million firearms at last estimate, and that was 2009. The numbers have gone up.

"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition also quotes the figure, as does the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“The number of privately owned guns in the U.S. is at an all-time high, upwards of 300 million, and now rises by about 10 million per year,” said the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action in a firearms safety fact sheet released Jan. 17, 2013.

A November 2012 report titled “Gun Control Legislation” from the Congressional Research Service also supports that number, though ranks it a bit higher.

As of 2009, the report states, “the estimated total number of firearms available to civilians in the United States had increased to approximately 310 million: 114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns.”

How Many Guns In The United States?
I have no problem 320 million if that's where it stands now, besides the obvious, that I'd like them all turned into manhole covers.

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