U.S.A. - We're #1!!!!...in mass shootings.

Actually accidents are preventable. The statement "Don't run with scissors" comes to mind.

Keep guns away from criminals and crazies comes to mind

Then why don't you gun grabbers concentrate on that, and leave law abiding gun owners alone…..

And those 3rd world shitholes….have every one of your gun control measures and have more gun crime than we do….and the cities in the United States with the same extreme gun control as those countries, America being a first world country, have higher gun murder rates…like Chicago, D.C., Baltimore……..

I'm perfectly happy to do that....why do "law abiding gun owners" block background checks and owner registration?

Almost every one of these mass shootings is by a guy who is obviously bat shit crazy to everyone around him. Yet, when we want expanded reporting and controls to keep Dylann Roof and James Holmes away from weapons, the "law abiding gun owners" scream about the possible inconvenience

Please….explain what owner registration does to stop mass shooters….

Please explain how owner registration stops criminals…..

None of you can explain how they work…since they are not necessary to arrest gun criminals when they are caught.

I'll be waiting for the silence that will be your reply…….


You want to buy a gun. To buy a gun you have to show up at a gun shop and show him your license, just like you have for your car.
You are a felon or crazy shit and don't have a license, no gun

It works in most of the civilized world

Not really true. In ALL of the USA if a felon even attempts to purchase a weapon he is committing a felony. ONLY the State of Nevada actually enforces that law. In California they ignore that little law and will decline a felons purchase but they ignore it after that. A good friend of mine who was a Alameda County Deputy at the time was sucker punched as he was coming out of a store in downtown Oakland.

The perp was a felon, on probation, and carrying a gun. Fortunately my friend is damned tough so even though he suffered a broken jaw in the attack he was able to beat the bad guy to the ground and arrest him. Now, according to California law the felon on probation, with a gun, should have had his probation immediately violated and he should have been on his way back to prison for the duration of his original sentence PLUS an additional 9 years added for the assault on a Peace Officer.

The actual thing that happened was he was bailed out and on the street the next day. You want to stop violent crime? Try enforcing the laws that actually ARE on the books..m'kay?
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




Same old lies from the same old leftists...

ad nasium..
We have 320 million people.

It's interesting they started these stats in 1966, right after the welfare state was implemented.
The welfare state actually started in the 1930's, before Social Security began. Before Obamacare, the US was the only major industrialized country without a national sickness program.

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Actually accidents are preventable. The statement "Don't run with scissors" comes to mind.

Keep guns away from criminals and crazies comes to mind

Then why don't you gun grabbers concentrate on that, and leave law abiding gun owners alone…..

And those 3rd world shitholes….have every one of your gun control measures and have more gun crime than we do….and the cities in the United States with the same extreme gun control as those countries, America being a first world country, have higher gun murder rates…like Chicago, D.C., Baltimore……..

I'm perfectly happy to do that....why do "law abiding gun owners" block background checks and owner registration?

Almost every one of these mass shootings is by a guy who is obviously bat shit crazy to everyone around him. Yet, when we want expanded reporting and controls to keep Dylann Roof and James Holmes away from weapons, the "law abiding gun owners" scream about the possible inconvenience

Please….explain what owner registration does to stop mass shooters….

Please explain how owner registration stops criminals…..

None of you can explain how they work…since they are not necessary to arrest gun criminals when they are caught.

I'll be waiting for the silence that will be your reply…….


You want to buy a gun. To buy a gun you have to show up at a gun shop and show him your license, just like you have for your car.
You are a felon or crazy shit and don't have a license, no gun

It works in most of the civilized world

And that will stop felons and crazy people from getting guns?

Seems to me the last several mass shootings, none of the weapons used were illegal.
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




Same old lies from the same old leftists...

ad nasium..

etc, etc, etc...
more than 17 Black Americans were murdered yesterday, another 17 will be murdered today, and tomorror, and the next day...........................more than SIX THOUSAND/YEAR.

but because they wernt all murdered in one place, but spread out across liberal-run cities across the nation, the big brains on the Left, the compassionate left, dont count them, arent appalled, arent outraged. It's like they dont even "matter".
more than 17 Black Americans were murdered yesterday, another 17 will be murdered today, and tomorror, and the next day...........................more than SIX THOUSAND/YEAR.
And 99.9% of which are committed by black gang bangers and thugs with a stolen firearm.

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