U.S. Academies Focus On Oaths and Loyalty To Constitution As Political Divisions Intensify.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) — For 75 minutes, Maj. Joe Amoroso quizzed his students in SS202, American Politics, about civilian leadership of the military, the trust between the armed forces and the public, and how the military must not become a partisan tool.

There was one answer, he said, that would always be acceptable in his class filled with second-year students at the U.S. Military Academy. Hesitantly, one cadet offered a response: “The Constitution.”

Yes,” Amoroso said emphatically.

His message to the students, known as yearlings, was simple: Their loyalty is “not about particular candidates. It’s not a particular person or personality that occupies these positions. It’s about the Constitution.”
The Oath taken upon enlistment is very clear, "Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States Against ALL emenies both foreign and domestic ."

The United States Military DOES NOT take an oath to support, protect and defend just one man.

Our Constitution is more important than one man. Try to remember that MAGA.
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WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) — For 75 minutes, Maj. Joe Amoroso quizzed his students in SS202, American Politics, about civilian leadership of the military, the trust between the armed forces and the public, and how the military must not become a partisan tool.

There was one answer, he said, that would always be acceptable in his class filled with second-year students at the U.S. Military Academy. Hesitantly, one cadet offered a response: “The Constitution.”

Yes,” Amoroso said emphatically.

His message to the students, known as yearlings, was simple: Their loyalty is “not about particular candidates. It’s not a particular person or personality that occupies these positions. It’s about the Constitution.”
You are correct of course. The U.S Constitution has been under attack for a long time though, by many stakeholders, internal and external to the U.S.

Suddenly all of the world is concerned with the Constitution as they believe it is a buffer between Trumps power and beyond. He was president for four years, did he send U.S troops anywhere? Where is this loud support for the Constitution along other lines?

Maybe the partisan danger is not within the military but within the elite class, media and global socialists?

I support America and your Constitution and any democratically elected leaders around the world. You have MANY who do not support your Constitution. Hell, your own police agencies are assisting the most dishonest agencies in Canada. I am vastly aware of this. Canadian agencies which have been brazenly and unconcerned about being as dishonest as they could be for decades. I am surprised to be aware of this, but, it signals far more to me than just that my plight, you have been defying your Constitution with "loop holes and workarounds" for decades. America has lost it's identity and it's uniqueness by internal cults working with other nations cults. Nations in sharper decline than America.

What is happening in America is a controlled decline to turn America into a Middle Power, just as the U.K is today. In 1975, I believe the U.K was the second most powerful nation on earth. It took them over 50 years to become largely insignificant, with definite help of the E.U and their disasterous, heavy handed centralized decisions, and major intelligence successes by China and Russia.

America was the sole Super Power in 1989. Here we are, talking about the dangers of Trump as president, just as we were in 2016. It perplexes me that politicians just assumed that once Trump lost he would go away and it would be open season on his supporters instead of truly listening to what Americans wanted. As always, they promise to "govern for everyone" but do quite the opposite. Now four years later, the greatest hits are revived and we hear the question asked "why is this guy still relevant"?

If you want political oligarchs the likes of which are seen around the world than continue. Know this future generations, a hundred years from now in 2124 when you scrub the internet and read posts from forums like these: apathy and arrogance combined with purposely destruction of Americans who loved their country is the reason that China rules your planet and your life.
The Oath taken upon enlistment is very clear, "Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States Against ALL emenies both foreign and domestic ."

The United States Military DOES NOT take an oath to support, protect and defend just one man.

Our Constitution is more important than one man. Try to remember that MAGA.
MAGA is NOT ONE MAN, you retarded Marxist ASSHOLE!!!!! :eusa_hand:

The US military is severely infiltrated by extreme right revolutionaries and it's well into the level of senior officers. Any actions such as this could be too late.

There's no real sign that the extreme right is losing popularity.

This was all forecast in "The Next Civil War" by Marche.
MAGA is NOT ONE MAN, you retarded Marxist ASSHOLE!!!!! :eusa_hand:


Listen shit stain, the Oath is to the Constitution of the United States, not a Reich Wing Terrorist Movement. You do understand that right? P01135809 has already said he would be willing the U.S. Military against citizens of this country protesting him. The Oath is the Constitution not to an Orange Faced Putin loving draft dodger.
Listen shit stain, the Oath is to the Constitution of the United States, not a Reich Wing Terrorist Movement. You do understand that right? P01135809 has already said he would be willing the U.S. Military against citizens of this country protesting him. The Oath is the Constitution not to an Orange Faced Putin loving draft dodger.
A triggered Marxist.
How cute!
WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) — For 75 minutes, Maj. Joe Amoroso quizzed his students in SS202, American Politics, about civilian leadership of the military, the trust between the armed forces and the public, and how the military must not become a partisan tool.

There was one answer, he said, that would always be acceptable in his class filled with second-year students at the U.S. Military Academy. Hesitantly, one cadet offered a response: “The Constitution.”

Yes,” Amoroso said emphatically.

His message to the students, known as yearlings, was simple: Their loyalty is “not about particular candidates. It’s not a particular person or personality that occupies these positions. It’s about the Constitution.”
Democrats have fought the Constitution for many years, wanting to decide everything by public opinion, to hell with the Constitution and laws.
WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) — For 75 minutes, Maj. Joe Amoroso quizzed his students in SS202, American Politics, about civilian leadership of the military, the trust between the armed forces and the public, and how the military must not become a partisan tool.

There was one answer, he said, that would always be acceptable in his class filled with second-year students at the U.S. Military Academy. Hesitantly, one cadet offered a response: “The Constitution.”

Yes,” Amoroso said emphatically.

His message to the students, known as yearlings, was simple: Their loyalty is “not about particular candidates. It’s not a particular person or personality that occupies these positions. It’s about the Constitution.”
But that is not just one Branch as liberals claim. THe Executive and Legislative take that same oath and they take on their own understanding. That Biden violates the Constitution regularly calls the value into question

A FOOL by any other name.. .

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program To Prevent ‘Transgender Boys’ From Getting Pregnant​

HHS also gave over $1 million to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in August 2022 to study the risk of thrombosis, the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels which can lead to death, in transgender adolescents receiving sex change hormonal therapies, federal grant records show.
But that is not just one Branch as liberals claim. THe Executive and Legislative take that same oath and they take on their own understanding. That Biden violates the Constitution regularly calls the value into question

A FOOL by any other name.. .

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program To Prevent ‘Transgender Boys’ From Getting Pregnant​

HHS also gave over $1 million to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in August 2022 to study the risk of thrombosis, the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels which can lead to death, in transgender adolescents receiving sex change hormonal therapies, federal grant records show.

The Oath is to the United States Constitution. You just do not get that. Not that I'm surprised. The Oath to protect the Constitution, NOT on person.
WEST POINT, N.Y. (AP) — For 75 minutes, Maj. Joe Amoroso quizzed his students in SS202, American Politics, about civilian leadership of the military, the trust between the armed forces and the public, and how the military must not become a partisan tool.

There was one answer, he said, that would always be acceptable in his class filled with second-year students at the U.S. Military Academy. Hesitantly, one cadet offered a response: “The Constitution.”

Yes,” Amoroso said emphatically.

His message to the students, known as yearlings, was simple: Their loyalty is “not about particular candidates. It’s not a particular person or personality that occupies these positions. It’s about the Constitution.”
The Military must also not become a social experiment lab nor should its veterans be treated like terrorists nor should these same veterans be treated at a lower priority when compared to those immigrants choosing to violate US Immigration Laws.
A triggered Marxist.
How cute!

I triggered a fucking Facist.

I love my country. I fought for my country and bled for my country. I strongbelieve and defend American Democracy. YOU hate your country. YOU want a Fascist Dictator. I do not.

I believe in the peaceful transfer of power and YOU want violence.

I NOT a Communist, that is a label you people throw around when your facing an American to loves their country and believes in Democracy and the principal of one person one vote.

Moving your sorry traitorous ass to ignore.
I triggered a fucking Facist.

I love my country. I fought for my country and bled for my country. I strongbelieve and defend American Democracy. YOU hate your country. YOU want a Fascist Dictator. I do not.

I believe in the peaceful transfer of power and YOU want violence.

I NOT a Communist, that is a label you people throw around when your facing an American to loves their country and believes in Democracy and the principal of one person one vote.

Moving your sorry traitorous ass to ignore.
The Oath taken upon enlistment is very clear, "Support, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States Against ALL emenies both foreign and domestic ."

The United States Military DOES NOT take an oath to support, protect and defend just one man.

Our Constitution is more important than one man. Try to remember that MAGA.
The officer corps will obey the orders of the chain of command

And that ultimately means the president
I knew posting this thread would trigger the MAGA MAGGOTS. I am proven correct. We see that they do NOT believe the Constitution of the United States of America. For them it is about one man.

This man took money from The People's Republic of (Communist) China.

This man sided against 15-U.S. Intelligence Agencies who agreed that Russian interfered in the 2020 Election.

This man gave highly classifed information to both the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador.

This man told the President of the Philippines the location of at sea U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines.

This man illegally remover highly classified material from the White House and took to Shit-A-Lago.

This man condoned/defended/supported an Insurrection agains the the United States.

This man, who when he found out that Mike Pence (his Vice President) was in danger said, "So What".

This man has admitted he wants to a dictator.

This is man you people fucking love.

I am a proud and loud Democracy Loving American, you people worship want to be Fascist Dictator.
I'm not all surprised the resident MAGA are pissed. Every thing they believe in is unconstititional. They would use it as toilet paper.

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