U.S. borrows $ from China & gives it right back as Foreign Aid, have we lost our mind


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
The U.S. is borrowing money from China only to give some of it right back as foreign aid. Have we lost our freakin’ minds???

Lawmakers criticize US aid to creditor China | KMOV.com St. Louis

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“WASHINGTON (AP) — Aid to China — $275 million worth over 10 years — has been approved while control of both Congress and the White House has shifted between the parties.”

“But with America scrambling to reel in its $14.8 trillion national debt, the foreign aid budget has become a first casualty. Republicans are calling for steeper cuts to the $21 billion budget of the U.S. Agency for International Development.”

“This year's aid will be just $12 million, half that of 2010, but it's a prime target. China is the world's second largest economy, America's main foreign creditor, and blamed by both Democrats and Republicans for many of America's economic woes.”
Yes, we have lost our minds. Aid to China? Ridiculous! And the Super Committee can't find cuts?
Oh, they can find cuts like Medicare for the elderly and social security for people who have paid into the system all their lives. They can cut the education system and even are considering lowering minimum wage for Americans. But they would never think of cutting off aid to China or illegal aliens in America or to countries who hate us.

It's time for all the BUMS in Washington D.C. to be thrown to the curb and told "Good Riddance"!
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with our enemies!!! What the HELL is wrong with our government!?

China vows closer military ties with North Korea - Yahoo! News

Friday, November 18, 2011

BEIJING (AP) — China said Friday it would strengthen military ties with ally North Korea, amid continuing tensions between Pyongyang and Seoul and stalled efforts to restart nuclear disarmament talks.

The vow follows a three-day visit to the North by the Chinese military's top political commissar, Li Jinai, during which he told North Korean leader Kim Jong Il that China's army wanted to enhance understanding and mutual trust and strengthen practical exchanges with the North Korean military.
All Foreign Aid needs to be halted until it can be fully re-evaluated on a nation by nation basis. This is just another case of Big Government running amok. Foreign Aid should only be given based on strictly humanitarian needs. That's not happening right now. And if they're gonna give all our Money away,at least make demands on these nations that will benefit American Citizens. That's not happening right now either. If they want our money there should be goals & requirements they must meet to continue receiving it. American Citizens need to see some real tangible benefits from giving all that cash away. The Foreign Aid issue really is a mess and only getting worse. Their current system is broken & outdated. Time for a major overhaul.
and then we have to pay them back what we borrowed to give them.. makes perfect sense to obamallama ding dong.
I would argue that there wasn't much "mind" to lose for the people who made this particular decision.
Oh, they can find cuts like Medicare for the elderly and social security for people who have paid into the system all their lives. They can cut the education system and even are considering lowering minimum wage for Americans. But they would never think of cutting off aid to China or illegal aliens in America or to countries who hate us.

It's time for all the BUMS in Washington D.C. to be thrown to the curb and told "Good Riddance"!


Please GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD and every other IDIOT who believes as evidently ARRP and idiots in their AD that ANY CUTS will occur for anyone over age 55 that means anyone NOW on MEdicare/Social SECURITY!


The FACTS from the TRUSTEEs report IF you take the time to down load is there WILL BE CUTS due to not enough income to match payments going out starting in 2036!!!
BUT the FACTS ARE NO CUTS to anyone receiving now or over age 55!

NOW addressing OTHER MAJOR WASTES YES this is a perfect example of STUPID WASTEFUL spending on Chinese and Vietnamese prostitutes USING YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!!

$2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job

(NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their
social setting.

Obama already cut Medicare by 500 million dollars to fund Obama Care which is going to fail. The politicians can change their minds overnight and reverse any part of any Bill.

It's the politicians who put their bloody red thieving hands in the Social Security pot and stole all the money. Bill Clinton used Social Security to balance the budget.

Whether it’s now or down the road it doesn't matter. A lot of people are not 55 at this minute and they've paid their whole lives into the system and you can bet the government is not going to give them back their money!

The politicians are now mulling over maybe the Americans should be willing to forfeit their retirements to save their country. As it goes the government can confiscate peoples 401k’s for the good of the nation. The politicians are the ones who ruined the nation’s economy in the first place. The politicians are slaughtering the Constitution while the sheep stand by. Not to mention the 50% inheritance tax that the government feels their entitled to.

They may be able to pull the wool over your eyes and then piss down your back and tell you it’s raining but I’m fighting back.

The trillions of dollars that the politicians are bragging about trimming off the budget won't happen immediately either. I wouldn't put it past them to change the deal they make today, in the dead of night tomorrow. The politicians can't be trusted because they’ve done it before.

We're all going to Hell in a hand basket and if we don't vote out these old politician cronies. We’re all going to end up in the poor house, they can’t stop spending and they will spend us into oblivion. I ask you, what good is a political party if we are flat broke and under siege because that’s where we’re headed.
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Oh, they can find cuts like Medicare for the elderly and social security for people who have paid into the system all their lives. They can cut the education system and even are considering lowering minimum wage for Americans. But they would never think of cutting off aid to China or illegal aliens in America or to countries who hate us.

It's time for all the BUMS in Washington D.C. to be thrown to the curb and told "Good Riddance"!


Please GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD and every other IDIOT who believes as evidently ARRP and idiots in their AD that ANY CUTS will occur for anyone over age 55 that means anyone NOW on MEdicare/Social SECURITY!


The FACTS from the TRUSTEEs report IF you take the time to down load is there WILL BE CUTS due to not enough income to match payments going out starting in 2036!!!
BUT the FACTS ARE NO CUTS to anyone receiving now or over age 55!

NOW addressing OTHER MAJOR WASTES YES this is a perfect example of STUPID WASTEFUL spending on Chinese and Vietnamese prostitutes USING YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!!

$2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job

(NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their
social setting.

What about someone who is 40 and has been paying into this failed system for 24 years already??????? Thats 24 years of stealing 7% of a mans labor, cause he is forced to slave to survive. DO THE MATH thats 1.8 YEARS of a mans life stolen!

No, we must continue the system for all people currently on it, unless they want to opt out. Ron Paul has it right on this one.
China funds the Chamber of Commerce. They worked together to give seminars all across the US to teach companies how to outsource to China. The Chamber of Commerce gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

Connect the dots. And yes Virginia, it really is that simple.
In my opinion:

What do we do about it, how do we cure America’s problems???

Let's see if a man is drowning and we witness the event do we:

A. Have a sandwich so you’ll have enough strength to save the drowning man.

B. Think about it and go ask your father for advice before acting.

C. Go buy a row boat, paddles and life preserver.

D. Take your shoes off and jump into the water and pull the dude out and save his life.

It seems to me at this point America doesn’t have much of a choice we're nearly on the breaking point of going under water and drowning. We know what the problem is and that is that the politicians that won't stop spending money that we don’t have. The politicians are creating new spending and borrowing more money from foreign countries and that's a couple of the major problems taking this country down. Perhaps you would like to live in 3rd world status?

So the politicians are the utmost problem and America needs to vote ALL politicians that are currently in office, out of office, right off the bat. Then elect some politicians to office that will do the work of the "We the People."

The current politicians think doing the people’s work is to spend us into bankruptcy. They have created more government agencies that we didn’t have before and that we don’t need and they cost too much money, that we don’t have. It’s not their money and they don’t care. They just want that adrenaline rush that they get when they pass a Bill spending millions of dollars of someone else’s money!

The logical solution is to find out what the problem is. The first step in curing the problem is realizing what the problem is.

The problem is both parties of the American politicians spending money that the American taxpayers (you) don’t have. So, remove these bad employees (the politicians) from office, ASAP!

Get your butts to the poles local, state and federal levels and vote the incumbent politicians out of office. Especially, Latino elected officials. Never let any politician have more than one term in office because the longer they stay in office the more corrupt they become. That is proven!

Then we must come up with a plan to get China off our backs at this point it's either them or us. When it comes down to Thee or Me, to Hell with Thee and all for me! No, love lost here. Cut them off, pay them what we owe them and move on. There’s no reason to throw good money after bad. Or increase the power of our enemies. We need to cut off all foreign aid until we have our fiscal house in order.

Unless we want to drain every ounce of blood from the patient (America) we have to stop our corrupt politician’s evil ways. We as a nation are almost in a Life and Death situation and the world knows it, and they’re waiting around like a pack of hungry wolves to go in for the kill. Let’s see how fat and happy you feel when your town is being occupied by a foreign military or terrorists rebels with AK-47's and howitzers.

We don’t need to over populate our country to protect ourselves all we need is a few choice nukes and a beefed up military. We need to close the Southern border and deport illegal aliens from America. Leaving the border open is allowing terrorists groups to pay human smugglers to bring them through the deserts into America to wreak havoc on the U.S. It’s is known by authorities that the terrorists already have ties and sympathizers in America waiting for their safe arrival. It is a fact that Hezbollah and Al Qaeda are already in the United States. Ask yourself who’s hiding in the Mosque’s across America. Let me tell you it isn’t Mary who had a little lamb!

It’s come down to the point that laziness isn’t an option. The other guy isn’t going to fix the problems while you have another espresso and croissant. YOU yes you have to act in order to save your country. Get the word out! It’s time for every good man and women to come to the aid of your country!
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No continued Foreign Aid for any nation that doesn't show us concrete results that benefit American Citizens in a tangible way. I mean for instance,we give $Billions to people like the Palestinians who haven't done anything for American Citizens. In fact they've only helped kill many of them. They also only burn American Flags and chant 'Death to America!' So why do we continue pouring the money in? What have they ever done for us? Give me just one tangible thing a single Palestinian has ever done for American Citizens. And it's not only the Palestinians. I'm not just singling them out. This is currently happening with many nations we give Taxpayer cash to. We have an old outdated Foreign Aid policy and it's time to change it.
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IMO, We have to end immigration legal and illegal for at least for the next 5 years until we get things sorted out.

The Pakistani's are a perfect example of wasteful foreign aid. The U.S. has given them billions of dollars in foreign aid for decades. The United States enabled Pakistan to build over 100 nuclear warheads and they let their people starve at the same time.

Anyone remember the natural disasters in recent history. One I recall is an earth quake that happened and the Pakistani people were living in tents in the snow and dying of starvation and were freezing to death. Pakistan government didn’t lift a finger to help their own people. It was the U.S. and the worldwide organizations that went in and helped the people.

The U.S. needed Pakistan’s airspace to get to the Iraq war and our military. That war is a war we should have never got us into in the first place.

It was said for years that Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan and where did we find him, hiding in plain sight. The President of Pakistan wants to align with the Taliban and has publically said so on CNN!

America gave foreign aid to Iran up until about 2006. America gives aid to Mexico then we turn around and borrow money from Mexico, same with China.

We have to stop foreign aid to all countries and fix our own country before we can help anyone else. You would think by now, we could have taught the whole world to farm to feed themselves. The foreign aid gets misused by most government leader anyway. OR they build nuclear weapons to use against us or build up their military to attack us with the money. In many cases we are paying for our devise.

Let foreign countries take care of their own people. The first things they can do is hand out free birth control to the women and give the all the men vasectomies! Sterilization at birth probably isn’t a bad idea either. Then they can grow a really big garden. What do you think is crueler preventing births or watching children die?
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The U.S. is looking more like "Old Drunk Uncle Sam" looking for a few dollars to buy booze and cigarettes.


Russia Is One of 10 Biggest Creditors of the U.S.

Russia ranks the eighth in the list of the U.S. creditors, according to Finance magazine. The RF share in the U.S. state debt was 2.5 percent ($65.3 billion) as of June 30, 2008.

Japan ($583 billion) and China ($503 billion, less the debt to Hong Kong and Macao) are the key creditors for the United States, accounting for over 40 percent of the state debt on aggregate. What’s more, the debt to China goes up by 25 percent a year.

Other major creditors of the United States are Britain, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Switzerland, states of Caribbean offshore zone and the oil-exporting states, including Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman and others.

With the private sector taken into account, the U.S. foreign debt totaled $13.77 trillion as of early April, while the country’s GDP is projected to equal $14.4 trillion this year. The U.S. foreign debt didn’t exceed $6.95 trillion in 2003.

The share of foreign governments in the U.S. state debt widened from 52.6 percent in 2003 to 73.9 percent in 2007.



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