U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Well it was stolen.

Nah, you're just a brainwashed retard.

Don't waste your time. As long he HE keeps telling them it was stolen, they'll keep believing it. HE is their messiah... funny when you think about it... odds are he he was nothing but a punchline to them while was hosting that idiotic reality show, then he starts spouting some of their favorite slogans, making promises that appeal to their lizard brain, and, voila! Unqualified asshole in the White House!

And now we've got Biden and Harris and the Dems control both houses of Congress. Thank you very fucking much...
The Democrats have zero credibility any normal person at this point.
Everyone knows that they can never be trusted.
This Election Fraud will haunt the Crazy Democrat Cult for generations.
The Democrat Voter base is now made up of Violent Antifa Crackpots and BLM Racist.
Good Luck.
You are going to need it.

Did I somehow give you the impression I am a Biden/Dem supporter? GOD I hope not...

As for good luck, we're all going to need it...
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Those who are watching the events today in DC, which was incited by The President of our United States, has put those of his base who entered the premises in danger of serving 10 years in prison, but trump's doing so has made him incapable of holding any office under the United States.
This was a mostly peaceful protest.

What are you talking about?

Are you a damn liar, or too busy watching Sesame Street?
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.

We didn't lose. America lost. It lost its trust in the election process. The court must hear the protests and do the right thing of recounting the ballots and investigating the machines. I doubt this is going away. There will be more protests in the streets.
Do any of the idiots at the Capitol, who show their face on camera, realize what will happen to them?

The same thing that happened to the idiot rioters this summer.

Police will identify them from video and pictures and then arrest them.

The charges will include
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Trump tells the angry mob to go home and that the election was stolen.
Well it was stolen.

Except that it wasn't. As confirmed by everyone from Barr to the DOJ to the CISA to the local and state election officials. Even republican ones.

Biden won every count, recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, the official tally, 306 electors worth of the certificates of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

While Trump's attorneys starkly refused to even ALLEGE in court that fraud had occurred.

You've been played.
You know it was rigged, and God dammit I hope they beat you liberals silly.

So you imagine a conspiracy that the evidence refutes......and then hope for violence for anyone who refuses to cling to your imagination.

Sigh....more conservative 'Flat Earth' bullshit.
You putthis country through a 5 yr Russian hoax and a pre planned impeachment. This is the price you will pay dearly. Go pound sand.
You mean the one investigated by Republicans??
Do any of the idiots at the Capitol, who show their face on camera, realize what will happen to them?

The same thing that happened to the idiot rioters this summer.

Police will identify them from video and pictures and then arrest them.

The charges will include
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

That's why their idiots. Closed circuit cameras all over the place.
Braindead China Joe is not a leader in any sense of the word. A corrupt career politician who Obama plucked from oblivion to be a yes man. A follower and sycophant. FUCK him.

He isn't riling people up over a made-up conspiracy. This is what happens when idiots in charge spout insane rhetoric. A woman isn't in critical condition over anything Biden said.

I'll take Biden over that clown any day. Can't wait to get him out of there.
The made up shit was Russia. Before the meetings were stopped an AR rep. layed out the facts and the fact ballots and machines are being held from the citizens view for audit. The conspiracy is the cover up of the fraud.
Trump tells the angry mob to go home and that the election was stolen.
Well it was stolen.

Except that it wasn't. As confirmed by everyone from Barr to the DOJ to the CISA to the local and state election officials. Even republican ones.

Biden won every count, recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, the official tally, 306 electors worth of the certificates of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

While Trump's attorneys starkly refused to even ALLEGE in court that fraud had occurred.

You've been played.
You know it was rigged, and God dammit I hope they beat you liberals silly.
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.
And you believed a 5 yr Russian hoax....God how do you post here I'd be so ashamed
Dumbfuck, no, I didn't. Seems the shame is all yours.
Another fart in our history for the grandkids to cherish..
They won't be teaching US history to your grandchildren if Biden takes office. It will all be erased or corrupted to a point where it is unreconizable. You will not be able to speak of freedom and liberty.
What did CNN call the riots all year? “The voice of the unheard”?

I don't know what they called them.

Are you condemning those riots and supporting these ones?
Yes I condemn riots.

This is a protest. Don’t think they should had broken into the chambers, but they didn’t destroy anything, set anything on fire, nor did they shoot anyone.

It’s jut funny that liberals have been okay with rioters destroying property all year, but now suddenly its a terrible crime that needs to be stopped immediately.
The mob is already mitigating the scene! "Besides breaking of that window and that lone woman getting shot, this has been nothing like a BLM mob where there's plenty of vandalism!" These people need serious mental help! :rolleyes:
No looting, no buildings burned....this is MILD compared to previous BLM and Antifa riots.

The initial BLM protests were people kneeling. People (including Trump) condemned that.
LMAO!!! Yeah...OK

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