U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:

WTF?? LOL. Drink some more. It'll help, I promise. :)
No one stole anything. No one manufactured ballots. Who would do that, the Keebler elves?
You have two more weeks to shower your savior with your love and adoration.
Then, he's gone...probably for good.
4 tours in the Air Force and she comes home a terrorist bitch. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

Standing up to the Democrat filth that stole an election is what her swearing an oath to defend the Constitution was all about.

No one stole anything. Free and fair election. Trump lost. Sit down and shut up. (I'm tired of saying Deal with it).
Oh yes the Democrats stole the vote replacing their will instead of all the American peoples' overwhelming majority vote for incumbent President Donald John Trump. A d they expedited it using omeurta tricks intended to fool everybody else except their royal narcissist selves. :cranky:

He lost. Sit down and shut up. :auiqs.jpg:
No one stole anything. Free and fair election. Trump lost. Sit down and shut up. (I'm tired of saying Deal with it).

That is the most ignorant statement ever posted on this forum.

There was massive voter fraud by the Democrat filth with the mail in ballot scam. Everything from bogus ballots to fraudulent mail in ballots, to electronic fraud to denying Republican observers. All in Democrat controlled swing districts.

With the pandemic The Chinese handed China Joe the mechanism to steal the elction and the Democrat Dirty Tricks ran with it. Now the Chinese have their man in the White House.

Your fucking Moon Bat denial isn't going to change it.
4 tours in the Air Force and she comes home a terrorist bitch. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

Standing up to the Democrat filth that stole an election is what her swearing an oath to defend the Constitution was all about.

No one stole anything. Free and fair election. Trump lost. Sit down and shut up. (I'm tired of saying Deal with it).
Oh yes the Democrats did steal the vote, replacing their will instead of all the American peoples' overwhelming majority vote for incumbent President Donald John Trump. And they expedited it using omeurta tricks intended to fool everybody else except their royal narcissist selves. :cranky:

Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:

So "Do what you are told and no one gets hurt" only applies to blacks, not white women?

What was it you do not understand about Nancy "I'm the most important woman in the world" Pelosi's shoot to kill all Trump supporters omeurta order?
The police will let Negroes and Communist burn, riot, loot, murder and destroy our cities but they will kill you protecting politicians if you try to protest against the Democrats stealing an election.
Once again you`re full of it. Look at the police response when BLM went to the capitol.
BLM vs Capitol protests: This was the police response when it was Black protesters on DC streets last year - CNN

You are confused Moon Bat.

There was massive damage done by the Negros and Communists not only in DC but all over the country and for the most part the governments let the bastards get away with it.

Hell, boy, there was more damage done to to the Wendy's in Atlanta by the Negroes and Communists than was done yesterday by the Patriots.

That filthy ass low IQ worthless Negro Mayor of DC didn't call out the NG when her soul brothers and sisters and their Communists buddies were burning and destroying DC but was Johnny on the spot to demand the NG when the Patriots were protesting massive Democrat voter fraud.
The police will let Negroes and Communist burn, riot, loot, murder and destroy our cities but they will kill you protecting politicians if you try to protest against the Democrats stealing an election.
Once again you`re full of it. Look at the police response when BLM went to the capitol.
BLM vs Capitol protests: This was the police response when it was Black protesters on DC streets last year - CNN

You are confused Moon Bat.

There was massive damage done by the Negros and Communists not only in DC but all over the country and for the most part the governments let the bastards get away with it.

Hell, boy, there was more damage done to to the Wendy's in Atlanta by the Negroes and Communists than was done yesterday by the Patriots.

That filthy ass low IQ worthless Negro Mayor of DC didn't call out the NG when her soul brothers and sisters and their Communists buddies were burning and destroying DC but was Johnny on the spot to demand the NG when the Patriots were protesting massive Democrat voter fraud.

Trump called out the NG.
4 tours in the Air Force and she comes home a terrorist bitch. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

Standing up to the Democrat filth that stole an election is what her swearing an oath to defend the Constitution was all about.

No one stole anything. Free and fair election. Trump lost. Sit down and shut up. (I'm tired of saying Deal with it).
Oh yes the Democrats stole the vote replacing their will instead of all the American peoples' overwhelming majority vote for incumbent President Donald John Trump. A d they expedited it using omeurta tricks intended to fool everybody else except their royal narcissist selves. :cranky:

He lost. Sit down and shut up. :auiqs.jpg:
The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution entitles me to have free speech, so I do not have to shut up so you communist apparatchiks won't be inconvenienced. Neener, neener, neeeeeeener. :muahaha:

Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:

WTF?? LOL. Drink some more. It'll help, I promise. :)
No one stole anything. No one manufactured ballots. Who would do that, the Keebler elves?
You have two more weeks to shower your savior with your love and adoration.
Then, he's gone...probably for good.

You're playing dumb. Yes, the deep state omeurta liars employed their pandemic vote larceny to steal the election from President Trump, numerous seats in the House and Senate. And that's the way the deep state gain control. They learned it from Mussolini. :cranky: Don't blame me because you didn't know how they are because I am not responsible for your intentional naivity.

Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:

WTF?? LOL. Drink some more. It'll help, I promise. :)
No one stole anything. No one manufactured ballots. Who would do that, the Keebler elves?
You have two more weeks to shower your savior with your love and adoration.
Then, he's gone...probably for good.

You're playing dumb. Yes, the deep state omeurta liars employed their pandemic vote larceny to steal the election from President Trump, numerous seats in the House and Senate. And that's the way the deep state gain control. They learned it from Mussolini. :cranky: Don't blame me because you didn't know how they are because I am not responsible for your intentional naivity.

No one stole anything. You are a lemming. A sheep. Weak minded. Easily led. You've allowed your right wing and alt-right media klaxxons to feed you a narrative. And quite frankly, after yesterday, I think a lot of soft core Trump supporters were turned off. I talked to a couple who said that they never wanted to see this happen. I pointed out that words of the President have meaning and they do matter.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.

I know.. This is what elections look like in Syria. Assad always wins and if you object, you're dead or in prison.

Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:

WTF?? LOL. Drink some more. It'll help, I promise. :)
No one stole anything. No one manufactured ballots. Who would do that, the Keebler elves?
You have two more weeks to shower your savior with your love and adoration.
Then, he's gone...probably for good.

You're playing dumb. Yes, the deep state omeurta liars employed their pandemic vote larceny to steal the election from President Trump, numerous seats in the House and Senate. And that's the way the deep state gain control. They learned it from Mussolini. :cranky: Don't blame me because you didn't know how they are because I am not responsible for your intentional naivity.

My God B. They had this riot all set up. Knee pads, ropes, 2 way radios. Just to make Trump look bad.

This is so incredible the lengths they go.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.

I know.. This is what elections look like in Syria. Assad always wins and if you object, you're dead or in prison.
And you believed a 5 yr Russian hoax...lol

Trump came to the attention of the FBI because his crew kept calling the Russian Embassy.. We have monitored communication at Russian Embassies all over the world for decades. If I called the Russian embassy all the time, I would come up on the radar.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.

I know.. This is what elections look like in Syria. Assad always wins and if you object, you're dead or in prison.
And you believed a 5 yr Russian hoax...lol

Trump came to the attention of the FBI because his crew kept calling the Russian Embassy.. We have monitored communication at Russian Embassies all over the world for decades. If I called the Russian embassy all the time, I would come up on the radar.
LOL....CNN never told you yet. So I can't hold you at fault.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.

I know.. This is what elections look like in Syria. Assad always wins and if you object, you're dead or in prison.
And you believed a 5 yr Russian hoax...lol

Trump came to the attention of the FBI because his crew kept calling the Russian Embassy.. We have monitored communication at Russian Embassies all over the world for decades. If I called the Russian embassy all the time, I would come up on the radar.
LOL....CNN never told you yet. So I can't hold you at fault.

We were monitoring the Soviet Embassy in Tripoli before Gaddafi ousted King Idris. Its SOP.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.

I know.. This is what elections look like in Syria. Assad always wins and if you object, you're dead or in prison.
And you believed a 5 yr Russian hoax...lol

Trump came to the attention of the FBI because his crew kept calling the Russian Embassy.. We have monitored communication at Russian Embassies all over the world for decades. If I called the Russian embassy all the time, I would come up on the radar.
LOL....CNN never told you yet. So I can't hold you at fault.

We were monitoring the Soviet Embassy in Tripoli before Gaddafi ousted King Idris. Its SOP.
Dude. You have 400 posts in 3 days man. I'm not going to make it one more anymore....400 posts in 3 days???...Keep going, you should hit 50,000 in 2 months........God this astonishing.
Trump supporters with Hammer and Sicle tats stamped everywhere.....................I saw an albino deer once.
No they [the Democrats] are not to blame.

Just the reaction one expects from a snowflake.

For the last 4 years Barak Obama, his criminal administration, and the Democrats have treasonously colluded with foreign enemies, knowingly used Russian Intel Service Propaganda, violated both Constitution and rule Of law, committed FISA Court crimes....for DECADES, illegally spied on EVERYPONE...for DECSADES, initiated and conducted continuous non-stop coup attempts, engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Espionage, Sedition, manufactured false evidence, ignored REAL crime by their own, and admittedly affected the 1st politically partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes, zero evidence, and zero witnesses ...all at victimized tax payer expense...and since they owned the NIA, DOJ, CIA, FBI while doing it all and - with the help of the Deep State - afterwards has gotten and will get away with it the most heinous, historic crimes and treason in US history.

These same groups / people committed massive fraud - which they have admitted to, saying 'It was not enough to change the election...TRUST US, and Americans who have witnessed / lived through all of this are just supposed to STFU ... again ... allow the crimes / criminals to go unpunished ... again ... like good little 'slaves'?

F* That! At some point people say, 'Enough'.

If Democrats, politicians, judges, our own USSC - who acknowledged election fraud had occurred but cowardly refused to have anything to do with the mess - would have given the concerns over election fraud of MILLIONS of Americans due process, would have actually taken those concerns seriously and seriously taken the time to look at the claims, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN DONE, if Millions of Americans had not been told 'YES, election fraud did occur but not enough to matter - trust us, STFU, and accept the election results' NONE of this would have happened. NONE of it.

The lack of faith in our elections and in our government due to witnessed, acknowledged fraud and crimes committed during the election was only made worse by those Americans' concerns being ignored, told to forget what they had seen, and just to accept a Biden win, told by the same people who engaged in treason, crimes, and who had just spent the last 4 years attempting non-stop coups against the President of the United States!

Ted Cruise was right yesterday when he stated an 'Emergency Election Commission' needed to be appointed and given 10 days to look at every serious election fraud / crime claim and make a decision...as Congress did in 1877. Had this been done 8 WEEKS ago yesterday never would have happened. Cruise pointed out that even if the 'EEC' was for SHOW to demonstrate our elected government did seriously consider the concerns of Millions of Americans and did seriously address them doing so would have ended all the loss of faith in our elections and our government, and ended all the Conspiracy Theories.

Instead, the extremely corrupt Deep State, politicians, and traitors they have had to endure for 4 years told them their concerns did not matter, that their concerns and loss of faith in the govt and elections were to be ignored, and Americans once again were just supposed to STFU and 'get in the back of the bus'. The American people and their concerns were not even an afterthought.

MILLIONS of Americans believe there was election fraud in this last election. They have been told by members of both parties that election fraud DID occur, just not enough to matter, yet they are not seeing anyone in our government who gives a damn enough to punish those who engaged in it or to take action to prevent it from ever happening again. All of this, on top of the last 4 years, drove Millions of Americans to a breaking point. - What do you do when those in charge are violating the Constitution and Rules of Law, getting away with it, yet are demanding 'you' obey that same Constitution and Rule of laws.

(I am sure after colonists dumped Tea into the Boston Harbor a lot of British supporters said aloud, 'This is not who we are. We should just accept being ruled, to know our place, and go on as usual.')

It was not ONLY the Democrats who did this and definitely deserve PART - not all - of the blame for yesterday. It was Democrats, Republicans, and even our USSC. There is never 1 side to an argument or a 'fight'. There is never only 1 person / group to blame. To declare all responsibility for yesterday lies SOLELY on those who support Trump and Trump are completely wrong.

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