U.S.Capitol on lockdown

No they [the Democrats] are not to blame.

Just the reaction one expects from a snowflake.

For the last 4 years Barak Obama, his criminal administration, and the Democrats have treasonously colluded with foreign enemies, knowingly used Russian Intel Service Propaganda, violated both Constitution and rule Of law, committed FISA Court crimes....for DECADES, illegally spied on EVERYPONE...for DECSADES, initiated and conducted continuous non-stop coup attempts, engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, Espionage, Sedition, manufactured false evidence, ignored REAL crime by their own, and admittedly affected the 1st politically partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes, zero evidence, and zero witnesses ...all at victimized tax payer expense...and since they owned the NIA, DOJ, CIA, FBI while doing it all and - with the help of the Deep State - afterwards has gotten and will get away with it the most heinous, historic crimes and treason in US history.

These same groups / people committed massive fraud - which they have admitted to, saying 'It was not enough to change the election...TRUST US, and Americans who have witnessed / lived through all of this are just supposed to STFU ... again ... allow the crimes / criminals to go unpunished ... again ... like good little 'slaves'?

F* That! At some point people say, 'Enough'.

If Democrats, politicians, judges, our own USSC - who acknowledged election fraud had occurred but cowardly refused to have anything to do with the mess - would have given the concerns over election fraud of MILLIONS of Americans due process, would have actually taken those concerns seriously and seriously taken the time to look at the claims, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN DONE, if Millions of Americans had not been told 'YES, election fraud did occur but not enough to matter - trust us, STFU, and accept the election results' NONE of this would have happened. NONE of it.

The lack of faith in our elections and in our government due to witnessed, acknowledged fraud and crimes committed during the election was only made worse by those Americans' concerns being ignored, told to forget what they had seen, and just to accept a Biden win, told by the same people who engaged in treason, crimes, and who had just spent the last 4 years attempting non-stop coups against the President of the United States!

Ted Cruise was right yesterday when he stated an 'Emergency Election Commission' needed to be appointed and given 10 days to look at every serious election fraud / crime claim and make a decision...as Congress did in 1877. Had this been done 8 WEEKS ago yesterday never would have happened. Cruise pointed out that even if the 'EEC' was for SHOW to demonstrate our elected government did seriously consider the concerns of Millions of Americans and did seriously address them doing so would have ended all the loss of faith in our elections and our government, and ended all the Conspiracy Theories.

Instead, the extremely corrupt Deep State, politicians, and traitors they have had to endure for 4 years told them their concerns did not matter, that their concerns and loss of faith in the govt and elections were to be ignored, and Americans once again were just supposed to STFU and 'get in the back of the bus'. The American people and their concerns were not even an afterthought.

MILLIONS of Americans believe there was election fraud in this last election. They have been told by members of both parties that election fraud DID occur, just not enough to matter, yet they are not seeing anyone in our government who gives a damn enough to punish those who engaged in it or to take action to prevent it from ever happening again. All of this, on top of the last 4 years, drove Millions of Americans to a breaking point. - What do you do when those in charge are violating the Constitution and Rules of Law, getting away with it, yet are demanding 'you' obey that same Constitution and Rule of laws.

(I am sure after colonists dumped Tea into the Boston Harbor a lot of British supporters said aloud, 'This is not who we are. We should just accept being ruled, to know our place, and go on as usual.')

It was not ONLY the Democrats who did this and definitely deserve PART - not all - of the blame for yesterday. It was Democrats, Republicans, and even our USSC. There is never 1 side to an argument or a 'fight'. There is never only 1 person / group to blame. To declare all responsibility for yesterday lies SOLELY on those who support Trump and Trump are completely wrong.
They had this all in the works. This is another hoax. Hide behind 100k Magas, dress in maga gear. And go nuts. Classic ANTIFA work.
maga is a horde of zombies infected with lies...

Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

You're just as presumptuous as the stupid Democrats in Congress that are arguing the same bullshit about what precipitated the breach of the Capitol Building.

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I'm betting it was funded by George Soros or one of his goon squad organizations.
Guess again Nimrod. He's all yours...
It sounds like this one individual is a trump supporter

but as far as we know all he is guilty of is tresspassing and dressing weird

I dont see him defacing the capital or setting any fires, do you?
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.
Patriots stand-up against the usurpation of our Constitution by the liberal media and their Democratic Party handlers. Lexington and Concord was today. Innocent patriot was murdered in cold blood. This is an uprising against the Washington D.C. liberal media cabal.
And guess who can be charged with her murder ... ? Everyone of the yahoos who stormed the Capitol today.
I do not recall you being this outraged during the BLM destructive riots. Hypocrisy 101. How many small businesses were destroyed today?
This was not a riot or event a protest. It was a planned attack on the US Capital for the specific purpose of stopping congress from doing it's constitutional duty of counting and certifying the electoral votes . Trump sent them there to do his bidding.
It wasn’t planned. It as an ad hoc emotional response IMO. It this was planned then Trump should be jailed.
While I do not support their protest, I do support their right to protest.
It’s insurrection.
Not protest.
Hey Pajama Boy. What you were you saying about the looting and murder this Summer. You purple PJ boys are in for a big suprize.
Hey Pajama Boy. What you were you saying about the looting and murder this Summer. You purple PJ boys are in for a big suprize.
That wasn’t insurrection, dope.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by the president is not an insurrection? :cuckoo:
The violent ones were not Trump supporters. They were your supporters. You planned this...not you....This was a coordinated attack with few police planned. You people are sick.
The violent ones were not Trump supporters. They were your supporters. You planned this...not you....This was a coordinated attack with few police planned. You people are sick.
Own it, loser.
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.
Patriots stand-up against the usurpation of our Constitution by the liberal media and their Democratic Party handlers. Lexington and Concord was today. Innocent patriot was murdered in cold blood. This is an uprising against the Washington D.C. liberal media cabal.
And guess who can be charged with her murder ... ? Everyone of the yahoos who stormed the Capitol today.
I do not recall you being this outraged during the BLM destructive riots. Hypocrisy 101. How many small businesses were destroyed today?
This was not a riot or event a protest. It was a planned attack on the US Capital for the specific purpose of stopping congress from doing it's constitutional duty of counting and certifying the electoral votes . Trump sent them there to do his bidding.
It wasn’t planned. It as an ad hoc emotional response IMO. It this was planned then Trump should be jailed.
While I do not support their protest, I do support their right to protest.
It’s insurrection.
Not protest.
Hey Pajama Boy. What you were you saying about the looting and murder this Summer. You purple PJ boys are in for a big suprize.
Hey Pajama Boy. What you were you saying about the looting and murder this Summer. You purple PJ boys are in for a big suprize.
That wasn’t insurrection, dope.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by the president is not an insurrection? :cuckoo:
The violent ones were not Trump supporters. They were your supporters. You planned this...not you....This was a coordinated attack with few police planned. You people are sick.
The violent ones were not Trump supporters. They were your supporters. You planned this...not you....This was a coordinated attack with few police planned. You people are sick.
Own it, loser.
How do you people look at your kids and say this cheating is how you live life. Are you people that miserable and unhappy about life. I find it astonishing.

Loser??...ewww I'm hurt. look I give you guys slack because this is the bottom basement board. Reserved for sodomites, retards, derelicts, village idiots, chronic trolls, trouble makers, kiddie diddlers, autistics and Downs, and a few good men and women.
4 tours in the Air Force and she comes home a terrorist bitch. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

Standing up to the Democrat filth that stole an election is what her swearing an oath to defend the Constitution was all about.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Standing up to the Democrat filth that stole an election is what her swearing an oath to defend the Constitution was all about.
Completely retarded, of course.
“Defending” the constitution now means disrupting the constitutional process. :uhoh3:
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.
Patriots stand-up against the usurpation of our Constitution by the liberal media and their Democratic Party handlers. Lexington and Concord was today. Innocent patriot was murdered in cold blood. This is an uprising against the Washington D.C. liberal media cabal.
And guess who can be charged with her murder ... ? Everyone of the yahoos who stormed the Capitol today.
I do not recall you being this outraged during the BLM destructive riots. Hypocrisy 101. How many small businesses were destroyed today?
This was not a riot or event a protest. It was a planned attack on the US Capital for the specific purpose of stopping congress from doing it's constitutional duty of counting and certifying the electoral votes . Trump sent them there to do his bidding.
It wasn’t planned. It as an ad hoc emotional response IMO. It this was planned then Trump should be jailed.
While I do not support their protest, I do support their right to protest.
It’s insurrection.
Not protest.
Hey Pajama Boy. What you were you saying about the looting and murder this Summer. You purple PJ boys are in for a big suprize.
Hey Pajama Boy. What you were you saying about the looting and murder this Summer. You purple PJ boys are in for a big suprize.
That wasn’t insurrection, dope.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by the president is not an insurrection? :cuckoo:
The violent ones were not Trump supporters. They were your supporters. You planned this...not you....This was a coordinated attack with few police planned. You people are sick.
The violent ones were not Trump supporters. They were your supporters. You planned this...not you....This was a coordinated attack with few police planned. You people are sick.
Own it, loser.
How do you people look at your kids and say this cheating is how you live life. Are you people that miserable and unhappy about life. I find it astonishing.

Loser??...ewww I'm hurt. look I give you guys slack because this is the bottom basement board. Reserved for sodomites, retards, derelicts, village idiots, chronic trolls, trouble makers, kiddie diddlers, autistics and Downs, and a few good men and women.
How do you people look at your kids and say this cheating is how you live life
Yes, loser. The play of a loser. The narrative of a loser. The tactic of a weak loser. Your failed shitshow has you feverishly backpedaling to distance yourself. A loser all the way around.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....

'The World' survived Stalinism, Nazi Germany, bubonic plague, etc. That doesn't mean they didn't matter.
Trumpism will go down in history being compared to Stalinism, Nazism, bubonic plague-COVID-19.
Trump will not be compared to Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan.
Trump and his minions are a true embarrassment.
Many spineless politicians who support Trump are realizing they he is becoming a liability. They will be running from him like the spineless rats they are.

They should have removed him when they impeached him. I'm sure they regret it now.. They just couldn't face how sick Trump really is.
You're confused. President Trump was targeted by Barack Obama who instructed his staff to harass him, spy on him, and get him out of office at his last formal staff meeting in the oval office. That was treason and a violation of constitutional orders to provide a smooth transfer of power to the new president. President Trump did nothing untoward his 4 years in office, yet the Democrats harassed him,threatened his staff a d children on a daily basis, a d the speaker of the House wrongfully went after him and destroyed him by feeding frenzies she put the press up to.
This whole country is a hoax.

Move to Syria..
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.
My God we are in Syria. That was a preplanned riot. My God you people are monsters.

of course it was planned. Trump sent out save the date invites and even gave them a nice rally to stir their courage loaded with violent rhetoric.
But tell us again how it was really the left,loser.
This is what they have been told. They're in a detached reality.

That's the problem. They're not kidding.
as long as we have mail in ballots the democrats - your party - will steal every election
Republicans don`t know how to fill in their ballots and sign their names? The postage is free. Don`t blame the dems for your home schooling failures.
Why are you not behind something that could prove there was no fraud?

Because I'm not stupid and know a scam and a con when I see one.

That's why.

By doing what I said you could prove it is a scam. What is the problem?

That's already been proven, over and over and over and over. How many more times do you think it needs to be proven?
Then give of the ballots and machines and prove it again. Saying something is baseless proves 0. You are withholding the only thing that will prove there was no fraud. You are taking away what could prove Trump's case. That is obstructing justice.

And how many times will you required this? 3 times? 10 times? How about 100 times? Even after 100 times where it shows that the ballots and machines agree with each other and are valid, you still won't accept it. Even the hard core Senators that backed Rump have reverse their direction. Rump lost no matter how many times you count and recount. What's next, you going to join in the armed march on Washington where your objective is to seize control of DC and disband congress and the Supreme Court and surround the White House so that King Rump may anoint himself as President for Life.

Mussolini would be proud.
As you allude, there is no limit. Just like with the Birthers who insisted for years all Obama had to do was release his long form birth certificate to shut them up. But when he did, it didn't shut them up; it just reinvigorated them.

So now these idiots can go fuck themselves. It's over. I'm watching the counting now and there is nothing to stop Biden from being declared the winner of the 2020 election by Congress. There will be no more counts or recounts or investigations.

Even better, most of the objections to the swing states that were going to stall that declaration at best, flip the election at worst, are now being dropped because of Impeached Trump's inspired insurrection earlier. Impeached Trump literally sabotaged his own hail mary with that stunt.

PA got the House and SEnate objection so it's going in for discussion and vote in both houses. The Senate will take about 5 minutes and go directly to the vote where it's progged to fail. Every House Rep will want their time at the mic so it will take the full 2 hours and it still will fail.
Yeah, Senator Hawley, who gave the crowd a fist pump of support shortly before they stormed the Capitol, is a real piece of shit. Every other Senator and House member had the decency to drop their objections due to the terrorist attack on our Capitol. That sick fuck entered his objection anyway, even though it never had a chance of passing.
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

Again, shouldn't have been there. They were treated with kid gloves. If those people storming the Capitol yesterday had been black, they'd still be removing bodies from the grounds. Sorry, you don't get the to flip the narrative. What happened yesterday was a disgrace. Egged on by the POS sitting in the WH. Glad he's gone in two weeks. He's gonna be in a lot of hot water.

Lol, and nothing was condemned by the left over the past year of rioting. No, they wouldn't be removing bodies. Another lie. BLM were looting all year long and weren't being shot down while they were stealing and pillaging private properties. Quit lying.

All protests attract vandals and looters. They take advantage.
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?


The answer is yes.. He is an idiot.

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