U.S.Capitol on lockdown

GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Bush put Maliki in place in Iraq. Maliki was an Iranian stooge and a Shia so he abused the Iraqi Sunni.. That's when ISIS came out of the shadows. Didn't you know Maliki was a huge blunder when Bush announced his presidency?
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An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

They have lots of face photos and will be arresting the people who stormed the Capitol within the next 2 weeks. We'll see who they are.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

Again, shouldn't have been there. They were treated with kid gloves. If those people storming the Capitol yesterday had been black, they'd still be removing bodies from the grounds. Sorry, you don't get the to flip the narrative. What happened yesterday was a disgrace. Egged on by the POS sitting in the WH. Glad he's gone in two weeks. He's gonna be in a lot of hot water.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

Again, shouldn't have been there. They were treated with kid gloves. If those people storming the Capitol yesterday had been black, they'd still be removing bodies from the grounds. Sorry, you don't get the to flip the narrative. What happened yesterday was a disgrace. Egged on by the POS sitting in the WH. Glad he's gone in two weeks. He's gonna be in a lot of hot water.

Lol, and nothing was condemned by the left over the past year of rioting. No, they wouldn't be removing bodies. Another lie. BLM were looting all year long and weren't being shot down while they were stealing and pillaging private properties. Quit lying.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

Again, shouldn't have been there. They were treated with kid gloves. If those people storming the Capitol yesterday had been black, they'd still be removing bodies from the grounds. Sorry, you don't get the to flip the narrative. What happened yesterday was a disgrace. Egged on by the POS sitting in the WH. Glad he's gone in two weeks. He's gonna be in a lot of hot water.

Lol, and nothing was condemned by the left over the past year of rioting. No, they wouldn't be removing bodies. Another lie. BLM were looting all year long and weren't being shot down while they were stealing and pillaging private properties. Quit lying.

Waah!!! Keep rationalizing. Last summer, protesters were tear gassed and hit with rubber bullets..all so the lump could walk to a church and hold up a bible the wrong way. Sure, protesting social justice and fomenting insurrection are SO the same thing. :)
One of the lessions that we learned yesterday is that the filthy ass government will kill you if you are a White protesting against the Democrats stealing an election but if you are a Negro or Communist rioting, looting, burning, murdering then the government doesn't do jackshit.
What we saw yesterday was just the tip of all the pent up anger Americans have against the Left that is working hard to destroy our country.

The bastards need to understand that Whites are nice, until they ain't.
Who says protest should be peaceful? You don't fix major corruption with peace.

This is just push back from a stolen election. No justice no peace.

Sometimes the Tree of Liberty must be fertilized with the blood of tyrants.

The Supreme Court would not hear it based on riots from the Left.

The Legislatures didn't want to make waves and didn't do the right thing.

The Right just reacted to that reality.

God bless them.

God damn the filthy Communists that will destroy this country for their Socialist greed.

God damn the weak members of Congress of both parties that let the Communists get away with the thievery.

Eat shit.
You ought spend two weeks in the Flame Zone for dat, o.be.joe. :cranky:
One of the lessions that we learned yesterday is that the filthy ass government will kill you if you are a White protesting against the Democrats stealing an election but if you are a Negro or Communist rioting, looting, burning, murdering then the government doesn't do jackshit.
And Flash accelerates that ball outta the park! :woohoo:
The police will let Negroes and Communist burn, riot, loot, murder and destroy our cities but they will kill you protecting politicians if you try to protest against the Democrats stealing an election.

Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:
Another lesson that we have been learning lately

We can't depend upon the Legislative, Judicial or Executive Branch to protect our Liberties.

We must defend it ourselves.

That is why our Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

By the way, another time when Patriots stormed a government building to protest against voter fraud.


Is this where we note that do what you are told and no one gets hurt?

Pelosi ordered a shoot to kill unarmed Trump supporters, doll, right after she orchestrated Joe the billion dollar extortionist to have Democrat precinct chairpersons nationwide to prep millions of illegal ballots into the polls for the insane vote steal for all times. :cranky:

So "Do what you are told and no one gets hurt" only applies to blacks, not white women?
4 tours in the Air Force and she comes home a terrorist bitch. Good riddance!

You are confused Moon Bat.

Standing up to the Democrat filth that stole an election is what her swearing an oath to defend the Constitution was all about.

No one stole anything. Free and fair election. Trump lost. Sit down and shut up. (I'm tired of saying Deal with it).
Oh yes the Democrats did steal the vote, replacing their will instead of all the American peoples' overwhelming majority vote for incumbent President Donald John Trump. And they expedited it using omeurta tricks intended to fool everybody else except their royal narcissist selves. :cranky:

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