U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

"She had Fucking Animal Crackers in her Backpack,"

That is the first I have heard that.
But, you know, I'm 700 miles or so from Washington DC.
How could I know what she had in her back pack?

I wonder if the uniformed officer who shot her knew it was animal crackers?

Or did he suspect it contained 3lbs of C-4 explosive?
Or an M-18 Claymore?
M-67 Grendade?
Or a cut-down Armsel Striker?

Gotta make a quick decision when criminals have busted down doors and screamed deadly threats, and still keep coming after you point your police pistol at 'em.

Hard to say, ain't it?

But your concern over her animal crackers is duly noted.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
She had Fucking Animal Crackers in her Backpack, you imbecile.
You have animal crackers in your skull
Like the peaceful protesters during the summer of love.
The asshole capitol police stood their and watched her and the BLM asshole Sullivan who provoked the incident while doing nothing to prevent it. They are responsible for her death as well as Pelosi for not planning for the protestors a week earlier when she knew.
"Charged with Insurrection?
That number is ZERO!
OK, zero charged with insurrection to date. Got it.

So let's imagineer that you are the attorney for, say, Zachary Alam (arrested for acts during the January 6th Capitol breach)..... and you see that some of the federal charges are:

  • 'Assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon;
  • Destruction of Government Property;
  • Engaging in physical violence with a deadly weapon'.
So, do you meet with your shackled client in the detention center visitor's room and cheer him up by declaring ----

"Good News Zach, you ain't exactly home free, but they didn't get you on 'Insurrection'. "

Or maybe you represent John Anderson.

  • Assaulting officers
  • Theft of Government Property
"All good news, John.... 'cause they haven't charged you yet with sedition or insurrection"

Or maybe you've been retained by Chris Albert...

  • charged with unlawful possession of a firearm on Capitol Grounds and Building.
"Don't worry, Chris.....they haven't charge you yet with Insurrection."

My avatar is confident you will be able to put some good cheer and sunshine into your clients lives, counselor Blair.
What was the dangerous weapon ?

Officers were assaulted with various weapons - flag poles, night sticks, bear spray.

It would seem to me the law would allow anyone to use or do what the police use or do, as long as they do not use or do it first?
So these are only illegal if the police did not use them first.
And I don't think you will find that is the case.
I think then it is the police who are guilty.

But I do not believe the election was stolen.
However that does not alter the rights of those who think it was.

Video clearly shows the mob attacking the police. There was no excuse for these attacks. 150 officers were injured some seriously.
They were just in a hurry to get to the congressional gift shop.
"Charged with Insurrection?
That number is ZERO!
OK, zero charged with insurrection to date. Got it.

So let's imagineer that you are the attorney for, say, Zachary Alam (arrested for acts during the January 6th Capitol breach)..... and you see that some of the federal charges are:

  • 'Assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon;
  • Destruction of Government Property;
  • Engaging in physical violence with a deadly weapon'.
So, do you meet with your shackled client in the detention center visitor's room and cheer him up by declaring ----

"Good News Zach, you ain't exactly home free, but they didn't get you on 'Insurrection'. "

Or maybe you represent John Anderson.

  • Assaulting officers
  • Theft of Government Property
"All good news, John.... 'cause they haven't charged you yet with sedition or insurrection"

Or maybe you've been retained by Chris Albert...

  • charged with unlawful possession of a firearm on Capitol Grounds and Building.
"Don't worry, Chris.....they haven't charge you yet with Insurrection."

My avatar is confident you will be able to put some good cheer and sunshine into your clients lives, counselor Blair.
What was the dangerous weapon ?

Officers were assaulted with various weapons - flag poles, night sticks, bear spray.

It would seem to me the law would allow anyone to use or do what the police use or do, as long as they do not use or do it first?
So these are only illegal if the police did not use them first.
And I don't think you will find that is the case.
I think then it is the police who are guilty.

But I do not believe the election was stolen.
However that does not alter the rights of those who think it was.

Video clearly shows the mob attacking the police. There was no excuse for these attacks. 150 officers were injured some seriously.
They were just in a hurry to get to the congressional gift shop.
For the complete set of Biden Administration voodoo dolls
"GUILTY FOR NON PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOB ALLOWING A PREVENTABLE DEATH..............They are responsible for her death as well as Pelosi ........."
So now, per the poster Slapper, it is Speaker Pelosi and the uniformed police who are responsible for Babbitt's death.

OK, good to know.
However, in the version of Conservativism and Republicanism that I grew up within and practiced for much of my adult life, well, in that version personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions played a rather prominent role.

Slapper's version seemingly relies on other people to be responsible for your decisions.
OK, I guess.
America is a big tent society and we can tolerate and accommodate a certain degree of that in the populace.

But, just so y'all know----I kinda sorta thought that Ms. Babbitt didn't exactly have clean hands in this little gig.

After all, she did nothing to prevent her companions from violently bashing at the door with a helmet (despite the oath she took to protect the United States); and we can watch her shouting aggressively at the police through the broken window; and, importantly, we can see her jump into the window frame to illegally enter a restricted space......and she did it, rather foolishly I might add, totally clad in a Trump flag that obscured if she was armed, or wearing a suicide vest, or perhaps explosives in her backpack. Or even carrying a box of Barnum & Bailey animal crackers.

That deluded suggestible woman paid an awful price for poor judgment. As can happen in life.
Per Captain Obvious.


Any news on the lawsuit being filed yet? I know that trump and his business are going to a grand jury, but I can't help but wonder about this lawsuit.
But, just so y'all know----I kinda sorta thought that Ms. Babbitt didn't exactly have clean hands in this little gig.
Blaming the victim for the crimes committed upon her never goes out of style, looks like.
After all, she did nothing to prevent her companions from violently bashing at the door with a helmet (despite the oath she took to protect the United States);
So you also blame Ashley Babbitt for not thwarting the will of the angry mob behind her.
Yes. How "irresponsible" of her. :rolleyes:

and we can watch her shouting aggressively at the police through the broken window; and, importantly, we can see her jump into the window frame to illegally enter a restricted space......and she did it, rather foolishly I might add, totally clad in a Trump flag that obscured if she was armed, or wearing a suicide vest, or perhaps explosives in her backpack. Or even carrying a box of Barnum & Bailey animal crackers.
Perhaps that's why she was murdered by a cop with a bullet through her neck, from little more
than an arm's length away.
Even if all you claim is true, and I don't buy it, being murdered for trespassing is quite a heavy
penalty, wouldn't you say?
You think a Trump flag made it impossible for a Capitol cop, a very few feet away, to know if she was
wearing a suicide vest or not? I need to watch that video again because I didn't see any of that.
That deluded suggestible woman paid an awful price for poor judgment. As can happen in life.
Per Captain Obvious.
I'm sure she didn't have ANY inkling that the Capitol Cops would commit an extra judicial execution
on a US citizen for the crime of trespassing. I don't think anyone thought that was possible, the US not
being North Korea, China or Russia.
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I need to watch that video again because I didn't see any of that.

Sure. Watch it from several angles.
BellingCat has it in their feature, 'The Journey of Ashli Babbitt.'

ps......do you think the officer knew if she had animal crackers in her back pack?
Or C-4 explosives?

Notably: The shooting officer did perform to his sworn oath to protect the people's House and the legislators and staff within it.

It's a pity that Ms Babbitt didn't at least admonish her companions or tell 'em to not smash through that window in the people's house with that helmet.
She would have....I'd speculate......garnered a pinch more sympathy from folks other than the fringie MAGAcult.
I need to watch that video again because I didn't see any of that.

Sure. Watch it from several angles.
BellingCat has it in their feature, 'The Journey of Ashli Babbitt.'

ps......do you think the officer knew if she had animal crackers in her back pack?
Or C-4 explosives?

Notably: The shooting officer did perform to his sworn oath to protect the people's House and the legislators and staff within it.

It's a pity that Ms Babbitt didn't at least admonish her companions or tell 'em to not smash through that window in the people's house with that helmet.
She would have....I'd speculate......garnered a pinch more sympathy from folks other than the fringie MAGAcult.
I don't think ANY cop knows if anyone in the mob on 1/6 was packing C-4 explosives.
It sounds like you would be willing to shoot Ashley Babbitt just on the remote chance she might be, however. Good to know. You come off really well, by the way.
Like a real humanitarian, except without all that needless compassion and other pussy stuff.

In fact carried to the extreme, you seem to be giving permission for mass murder
on 1/6 based on the fact someone in the vast chaotic mob might be a bomber.
Hey, you never know, right? Better safe than sorry and if someone is going to splatter
everyone's guts on the Capitol steps better for the authorities to pull the trigger, right?

As for sympathy for Ashley Babbitt I have honestly been shocked by the callous fuck her
attitude I've seen on these boards. Needless to say if the "MAGA cult" you hate so much
said the same about a comparable figure on the left the outrage and whining would be epic!
And endless, like the Trump loves Putin bullshit, which I know you are all in on.

I don't have many interactions with you and now I clearly see why.
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"GUILTY FOR NON PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOB ALLOWING A PREVENTABLE DEATH..............They are responsible for her death as well as Pelosi ........."
So now, per the poster Slapper, it is Speaker Pelosi and the uniformed police who are responsible for Babbitt's death.

OK, good to know.
However, in the version of Conservativism and Republicanism that I grew up within and practiced for much of my adult life, well, in that version personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions played a rather prominent role.

Slapper's version seemingly relies on other people to be responsible for your decisions.
OK, I guess.
America is a big tent society and we can tolerate and accommodate a certain degree of that in the populace.

But, just so y'all know----I kinda sorta thought that Ms. Babbitt didn't exactly have clean hands in this little gig.

After all, she did nothing to prevent her companions from violently bashing at the door with a helmet (despite the oath she took to protect the United States); and we can watch her shouting aggressively at the police through the broken window; and, importantly, we can see her jump into the window frame to illegally enter a restricted space......and she did it, rather foolishly I might add, totally clad in a Trump flag that obscured if she was armed, or wearing a suicide vest, or perhaps explosives in her backpack. Or even carrying a box of Barnum & Bailey animal crackers.

That deluded suggestible woman paid an awful price for poor judgment. As can happen in life.
Per Captain Obvious.

Pelosi is always to blame. Her existence screams guilt, criminal,mentally ill and much more.
She is totally in charge of the Security of the Capitol. With that piece of information comes the fact that she was versed a week prior to Jan.6 , that there would would be a demonstration or march with many thousands of people. The red flag didn't pop up in her mentally ill brain, that getting additional support would be a wise decision. No, instead she did nothing with intention to blame President Trump.
Had there been additional police or military presence, no one would have breached the building and no innocent human being would have been murdered.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Putin thanks you for your service, comrade!
Applesauce brains is meeting with his boss to get further orders.

"GUILTY FOR NON PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOB ALLOWING A PREVENTABLE DEATH..............They are responsible for her death as well as Pelosi ........."
So now, per the poster Slapper, it is Speaker Pelosi and the uniformed police who are responsible for Babbitt's death.

OK, good to know.
However, in the version of Conservativism and Republicanism that I grew up within and practiced for much of my adult life, well, in that version personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions played a rather prominent role.

Slapper's version seemingly relies on other people to be responsible for your decisions.
OK, I guess.
America is a big tent society and we can tolerate and accommodate a certain degree of that in the populace.

But, just so y'all know----I kinda sorta thought that Ms. Babbitt didn't exactly have clean hands in this little gig.

After all, she did nothing to prevent her companions from violently bashing at the door with a helmet (despite the oath she took to protect the United States); and we can watch her shouting aggressively at the police through the broken window; and, importantly, we can see her jump into the window frame to illegally enter a restricted space......and she did it, rather foolishly I might add, totally clad in a Trump flag that obscured if she was armed, or wearing a suicide vest, or perhaps explosives in her backpack. Or even carrying a box of Barnum & Bailey animal crackers.

That deluded suggestible woman paid an awful price for poor judgment. As can happen in life.
Per Captain Obvious.

Pelosi is always to blame. Her existence screams guilt, criminal,mentally ill and much more.
She is totally in charge of the Security of the Capitol. With that piece of information comes the fact that she was versed a week prior to Jan.6 , that there would would be a demonstration or march with many thousands of people. The red flag didn't pop up in her mentally ill brain, that getting additional support would be a wise decision. No, instead she did nothing with intention to blame President Trump.
Had there been additional police or military presence, no one would have breached the building and no innocent human being would have been murdered.
The police let the protesters inside.
"The police let the protesters inside."
Oh yeah, that was self-evident by the application of bear-spray in the officer's faces. The dragging down the steps to be beaten with a steel pole carrying the American Flag. The pummeling and stomping on of officers who were down. The loss of three fingers, and another the loss of an eye. Throwing fire extinguishers, and other objects at the officers.

You know, poster Weatherman, you may have been to DC for tours different than the ones I've been on.

But, in those several that I participated in I never saw any of the invitees, or the tourists, do that to the officers. Nor have I seen 'em break windows, batter down doors, vandalize offices and furniture, and poop & pee in the hallways.

Yupper, that's a fine bunch of jackass patriot 'tourists' you are defending poster, Weatherman2020
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

When the police shoot and kill an unarmed person Democrats usually cheer on and bail out Antifa and BLM terrorists as they loot, burn, destroy, and perpetrate BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run communities all over the US...

....but when a black Democrat cop shoots and kills an unarmed conservative female vet for the crime of trespassing, Democrats & their surrogate fake news media protect THIS cop and bury the story...

Go figure.

How do you know he is a Democrat? She was trying to break through the doors and enter the complex where the VP was presiding over the Senate.
'Black Policeman shoots and kills unarmed white female veteran for TRESPASSING'
- 'Capitol Police Warned In Advance By FBI of Violent Riot, Did Nothing To Prevent, Protect'
- 'Capitol Police Shown On Video Moving Barricades To Give Rioters Access To Capitol'
- 'Capitol Police Shown On Video Leading Trespassers Through The Capitol'
---- So technically Capitol Police LED Babbitt to the exact spot where she was executed by a fellow capitol policeman

Yeah, these are some of the potential headlines Democrats, Capitol Police, and Pelosi sought to avoid / prevented from being reported.....

Antifa looted, burned, & perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities all over the US when a white policeman shot and killed armed blacks who opposed / fought the police, but the Democrats, fake news media, Antifa...and YOU... are ok with a black cop shooting and killing an unarmed, white, female veteran who was trespassing.

She was shot because she was storming the capitol and trying to break down the doors. That is more than trespassing.

That is why numerous officials were fired or resigned. Because they did not take the proper prdecautions to porotect the Capitol. That does not excuse what happened.

"A viral video does not show police allowing crowds to breach barricades during riots at the U.S. Capitol—as many have claimed on social media—the person who shot the clip has told Newsweek.

Footage captured by Marcus DiPaola, a freelance journalist working at TikTok, has been viewed more than 30 million times on Twitter and more than 1.7 million times on TikTok.

Many who have shared the clip have suggested it shows police letting people get close to the building. One Twitter post that featured the clip alongside the caption: "the police opened the f***ing gates" has been shared more than 200,000 times.

However, officers only backed away after being threatened while being vastly outnumbered, DiPaola said.":

From PolitiFact: We didn’t find evidence of that. Instead, we discovered that some online video is getting misinterpreted. Many officers had to abandon their posts and barricades because they were far outnumbered and overwhelmed.

No oine was lured anywhere. Clearly they were allowed into the rotunda which was a mistake. When she was shot, the video shows no one escorting anyone here. We see smashed windows and the doors barracaded as people tried to force their way in and officers telling them to stop.

Lidsay Graham said this: “I mean, these police officers had every right to use deadly force,” Graham said according to the report. “They should have used it. The people in charge of securing the Capitol let the country down.”

Videos have been shown Trump Supporters asking Capitol Police why they were doing nothing as identified Antifa / BLM members were smashing windows and entering the Capitol....again, the Capitol Police guided them through the building....they facilitated this planned event.

Babbitt was caught up in the mob mentality after the riot was initiated by Antifa / BLM - she entered the Capitol, trespassing on federal property. She was unarmed, as they all were, she took selfies, as many did, she did not attack anyone, she was not a physical threat to anyone.

The officer who shot and killed her said he felt 'at that second' that his life was in danger. He shot through the door at a target he claimed he could not see - hitting Babbitt who was outside the door, Babbitt was surrounded by 2 other officers, who the shooter could not see. After Babbitt was shot and fell, this did not prevent others from entering the room the officer was in.
- If he thought someone outside the room was a threat to his life, why didn't he shoot anyone else who continued and were coming through the door?

Once inside the room, none of the people in the group Babbitt was with - none of the people who broke into the room attacked anyone. According to the reports they just milled around.

What the policeman inadvertently / unknowingly did was give every Police Officer n the country the legal justification for shooting and killing someone - all they have to do is claim that at the moment they shot they FELT their lives were in danger, whether the person they shot had a gun or not.

Democrats scrambled to this policeman's defense, declaring he was justified in shooting an unarmed, white, female vet because in that minute he FELT that his life was in danger. If HE is entitled to this defense, EVERY police officer across the country is / should be, too.

There were no BLM members of antifa involved in the capitol attack. The attack was carried out by Trump supporters.That is lie no 1 for you.

Bobbitt was not caught up in anything. She had been radicalized by right wing faswcists who support Trump. If they were unarmed then how did 140 capitol officers get injured with 1 dying? Bad breath? They may not have had guns but thjey had plenty of weapons. She did not take selfies you stupd asshole. She was a physical threat as she and others were trying to break down the doors. She tweeted ""Nothing will stop us....they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!" That hardly sounds like someone who was taking a selfie. Lie 2 and 3.

The officer was justified in shooting. The police should have been more aggressive with their guns. That is why 140 officers were injured. The Secret Service quickly escorted the VP from the capitol complex. They saw this for what it was. House members were barricading the doors to keep attackers out. Police officers are not entitled to that defense when they have someone under control as with Floyd. Even his brother officers admitted he was wrong.

You are the biggest liar on this board.

AQ right winger was arrested for firing shots into a Minneapolis police station. He was masquerading as a protestor. Several right wingers agitated the situation.

And yet that case is completely different than the 6 Jan event and has nothing to do with it, despite your desperate attempt to claim it does.

The fact is that right wing Trumpsters were encouraging violence during the so-called riots you people keep bringing up.
"Charged with Insurrection?
That number is ZERO!
OK, zero charged with insurrection to date. Got it.

So let's imagineer that you are the attorney for, say, Zachary Alam (arrested for acts during the January 6th Capitol breach)..... and you see that some of the federal charges are:

  • 'Assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon;
  • Destruction of Government Property;
  • Engaging in physical violence with a deadly weapon'.
So, do you meet with your shackled client in the detention center visitor's room and cheer him up by declaring ----

"Good News Zach, you ain't exactly home free, but they didn't get you on 'Insurrection'. "

Or maybe you represent John Anderson.

  • Assaulting officers
  • Theft of Government Property
"All good news, John.... 'cause they haven't charged you yet with sedition or insurrection"

Or maybe you've been retained by Chris Albert...

  • charged with unlawful possession of a firearm on Capitol Grounds and Building.
"Don't worry, Chris.....they haven't charge you yet with Insurrection."

My avatar is confident you will be able to put some good cheer and sunshine into your clients lives, counselor Blair.
What was the dangerous weapon ?

Officers were assaulted with various weapons - flag poles, night sticks, bear spray.

It would seem to me the law would allow anyone to use or do what the police use or do, as long as they do not use or do it first?
So these are only illegal if the police did not use them first.
And I don't think you will find that is the case.
I think then it is the police who are guilty.

But I do not believe the election was stolen.
However that does not alter the rights of those who think it was.

They do not have the right to break down the doors to the House and Senate chambers. They do not have the right to attack the officers protecting the capitol. Thje only thing the officers are guilty of is not using their weapons to drive off the protestors.

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