U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

"GUILTY FOR NON PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOB ALLOWING A PREVENTABLE DEATH..............They are responsible for her death as well as Pelosi ........."
So now, per the poster Slapper, it is Speaker Pelosi and the uniformed police who are responsible for Babbitt's death.

OK, good to know.
However, in the version of Conservativism and Republicanism that I grew up within and practiced for much of my adult life, well, in that version personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions played a rather prominent role.

Slapper's version seemingly relies on other people to be responsible for your decisions.
OK, I guess.
America is a big tent society and we can tolerate and accommodate a certain degree of that in the populace.

But, just so y'all know----I kinda sorta thought that Ms. Babbitt didn't exactly have clean hands in this little gig.

After all, she did nothing to prevent her companions from violently bashing at the door with a helmet (despite the oath she took to protect the United States); and we can watch her shouting aggressively at the police through the broken window; and, importantly, we can see her jump into the window frame to illegally enter a restricted space......and she did it, rather foolishly I might add, totally clad in a Trump flag that obscured if she was armed, or wearing a suicide vest, or perhaps explosives in her backpack. Or even carrying a box of Barnum & Bailey animal crackers.

That deluded suggestible woman paid an awful price for poor judgment. As can happen in life.
Per Captain Obvious.

Pelosi is always to blame. Her existence screams guilt, criminal,mentally ill and much more.
She is totally in charge of the Security of the Capitol. With that piece of information comes the fact that she was versed a week prior to Jan.6 , that there would would be a demonstration or march with many thousands of people. The red flag didn't pop up in her mentally ill brain, that getting additional support would be a wise decision. No, instead she did nothing with intention to blame President Trump.
Had there been additional police or military presence, no one would have breached the building and no innocent human being would have been murdered.
The police let the protesters inside.

No they did not.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
She had Fucking Animal Crackers in her Backpack, you imbecile.
You have animal crackers in your skull
Like the peaceful protesters during the summer of love.
The asshole capitol police stood their and watched her and the BLM asshole Sullivan who provoked the incident while doing nothing to prevent it. They are responsible for her death as well as Pelosi for not planning for the protestors a week earlier when she knew.
Except they didn't. There were 3 cops being escorted away by 3 other cops when she was shot. There was one more on the stairs who was not in position to stop her.

As far as Sullivan, he was the one warning others to back away from the Speaker's Lobby when he saw the officer draw his firearm. Others listened and backed away. Ashli Targetpractice then attempted to breach the polices' barricade anyway; earning her a Darwin award.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

One really has to appreciate how big of a failure that attack on the capitol was lol. It makes it even more pathetic when republicans try to blame it on lefties. The party of “personal responsibility” is rather pathetic.
One really has to appreciate how big of a failure that attack on the capitol was lol. It makes it even more pathetic when republicans try to blame it on lefties. The party of “personal responsibility” is rather pathetic.
You know what's "pathetic"?
It's brain dead creatures like you that think taking personal responsibility for yourself and actions means
you should let provocateurs and other criminals frame you so you wind up taking blame for
the acts of saboteurs.

Grow a brain stem.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
The Libtard doth protest too much....

Whatever happened to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat-supporting Snowflake outrage over police officers using 'excessive force', shooting and killing unarmed American citizens, demanding police officers who engage in such atrocities be held accountable, and defunding if not completely eliminating the police for such heinous acts?

Oh wait....this is the Obama administration Pelosi-run Capitol Police shooting indiscriminately and killing an unarmed female military veteran for her inexcusable crime of TRESPASSING.

Nothing to see here...move along.

"Charged with Insurrection?
That number is ZERO!
OK, zero charged with insurrection to date. Got it.

So let's imagineer that you are the attorney for, say, Zachary Alam (arrested for acts during the January 6th Capitol breach)..... and you see that some of the federal charges are:

  • 'Assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon;
  • Destruction of Government Property;
  • Engaging in physical violence with a deadly weapon'.
So, do you meet with your shackled client in the detention center visitor's room and cheer him up by declaring ----

"Good News Zach, you ain't exactly home free, but they didn't get you on 'Insurrection'. "

Or maybe you represent John Anderson.

  • Assaulting officers
  • Theft of Government Property
"All good news, John.... 'cause they haven't charged you yet with sedition or insurrection"

Or maybe you've been retained by Chris Albert...

  • charged with unlawful possession of a firearm on Capitol Grounds and Building.
"Don't worry, Chris.....they haven't charge you yet with Insurrection."

My avatar is confident you will be able to put some good cheer and sunshine into your clients lives, counselor Blair.
What was the dangerous weapon ?

Officers were assaulted with various weapons - flag poles, night sticks, bear spray.

It would seem to me the law would allow anyone to use or do what the police use or do, as long as they do not use or do it first?
So these are only illegal if the police did not use them first.
And I don't think you will find that is the case.
I think then it is the police who are guilty.

But I do not believe the election was stolen.
However that does not alter the rights of those who think it was.

They do not have the right to break down the doors to the House and Senate chambers. They do not have the right to attack the officers protecting the capitol. Thje only thing the officers are guilty of is not using their weapons to drive off the protestors.

As if you have any moral standing to lecture about "they do not have the right" regarding anyone. Don't you and your fellow leftists have some Targets to loot and burn down?
The FBI yesterday released their findings on the Capitol debacle and found that in this
"violent insurrection" there was no gun fire or weaponry used at all, save for the one kill shot
that murdered Ashley Babbitt!

Try to keep that in mind.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
The Libtard doth protest too much....

How's that lawsuit coming along?
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
The Libtard doth protest too much....

How's that lawsuit coming along?
Most board members ignore you because you have no credibility. How does it feel to be the board joke / most ignored snowflake?


From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
The Libtard doth protest too much....

How's that lawsuit coming along?
Most board members ignore you because you have no credibility. How does it feel to be the board joke / most ignored snowflake?


She's just so useless. If you respond to her posts, he just keeps saying you're obsessed with her. She's the newest member of my ignore list
And...............has this lawsuit been filed yet?
it will never make it to court----the capital police will pay off the husband to keep the id of the murderer under wraps.
haha, you already have your idiotic little 'spiracy at the ready for when reality, as usual, does not align with your fantasies. Pre-emptive self-delusion, so to speak.

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