U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
The Libtard doth protest too much....

How's that lawsuit coming along?
Most board members ignore you because you have no credibility. How does it feel to be the board joke / most ignored snowflake?

So...you are trying so hard to make this about me now? :heehee: Yep, sure sounds like you believe I have no cred when you try so hard like that. :heehee: Carry on, little boy. Carry on.
And...............has this lawsuit been filed yet?
it will never make it to court----the capital police will pay off the husband to keep the id of the murderer under wraps.
haha, you already have your idiotic little 'spiracy at the ready for when reality, as usual, does not align with your fantasies. Pre-emptive self-delusion, so to speak.
Most all lawsuits get settled out of court---very few ever make it to courts.

This said, the capital police fucked up bad--------and the details including the name of the shooter have already been buried ----they will never ever fucking allow this to go to court. Not only because it is costly to fight court cases but because they do not want the facts out. Babbit was murdered 1st degree with the shooter reportedly posting right before that day that he wanted to kill trump supporters-------babbit was killed because she was a trump supporter not because she was ever any threat tot he cops---the other cops and secret service knew this and had kept this murderer away from their barricade (notice he was carrying papers not manning the defensive line) until he snuck up the side out of their view with his weapon drawn to sneak in a shot to kill a trump supporter. The videos clearly show this...this case will never go to court. NEVER.
And...............has this lawsuit been filed yet?
it will never make it to court----the capital police will pay off the husband to keep the id of the murderer under wraps.
haha, you already have your idiotic little 'spiracy at the ready for when reality, as usual, does not align with your fantasies. Pre-emptive self-delusion, so to speak.
Most all lawsuits get settled out of court---very few ever make it to courts.

This said, the capital police fucked up bad--------and the details including the name of the shooter have already been buried ----they will never ever fucking allow this to go to court. Not only because it is costly to fight court cases but because they do not want the facts out. Babbit was murdered 1st degree with the shooter reportedly posting right before that day that he wanted to kill trump supporters-------babbit was killed because she was a trump supporter not because she was ever any threat tot he cops---the other cops and secret service knew this and had kept this murderer away from their barricade (notice he was carrying papers not manning the defensive line) until he snuck up the side out of their view with his weapon drawn to sneak in a shot to kill a trump supporter. The videos clearly show this...this case will never go to court. NEVER.

By "fucked up," you mean that cop single-handedly kept lawmakers holed up in the House chamber safe from that violent mob until they could be safely evacuated.

Yeah, that family won't get a dime, if they ever even try to sue.
And...............has this lawsuit been filed yet?
it will never make it to court----the capital police will pay off the husband to keep the id of the murderer under wraps.
haha, you already have your idiotic little 'spiracy at the ready for when reality, as usual, does not align with your fantasies. Pre-emptive self-delusion, so to speak.
Most all lawsuits get settled out of court---very few ever make it to courts.

This said, the capital police fucked up bad--------and the details including the name of the shooter have already been buried ----they will never ever fucking allow this to go to court. Not only because it is costly to fight court cases but because they do not want the facts out. Babbit was murdered 1st degree with the shooter reportedly posting right before that day that he wanted to kill trump supporters-------babbit was killed because she was a trump supporter not because she was ever any threat tot he cops---the other cops and secret service knew this and had kept this murderer away from their barricade (notice he was carrying papers not manning the defensive line) until he snuck up the side out of their view with his weapon drawn to sneak in a shot to kill a trump supporter. The videos clearly show this...this case will never go to court. NEVER.
Excuse making already? Show us where this lawsuit is being settled...or filed...or anything but a lawyer blowing smoke and all the trump fluffers doing their dance of anticipation.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Let's make that $50 million dollars.
Make it a zillion. And demand giant space lasers as well. the result will be the same.
Again, where are all the pissed-off anti-cop 'Defund the police', 'Hold the police accountable for shooting / murdering unarmed civilian' snowflakes?

Suddenly its ok when Pelosi's foot soldiers blindly, indiscriminately fires his weapon through a door, shooting and killing an unarmed, white. female, conservative, veteran for the hideous crime of TRESPASSING.
Again, where are all the pissed-off anti-cop 'Defund the police', 'Hold the police accountable for shooting / murdering unarmed civilian' snowflakes?
I suppose they see the difference between fleeing or being subdued or holding an can of soda versus actively participating in a violent resurrection. I did not think I would ever have to explain that to another functioning adult. But here we are...
That's not how you ignore people. By making threads about them rather than the actual topic. Just sayin' :heehee:

You don't even know the difference between a POST and a THREAD.


Thanks for that, snowflake.
Still working on that ignoring me, I see. ;) Carry on, little boy.
Sorry, you can't help but 'dunk' on stupidity like that!

This "ignore" isn't working out for you, is it? :heehee:

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