U.S. confidence in police at 22-year low

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm honestly surprised it's still at 52%, but even with that, when you have half the country now viewing law enforcement negatively that is a serious problem and shows a real disconnect between the political class the every day citizen.

U.S. confidence in police at 22-year low Gallup poll Reuters
I'm honestly surprised it's still at 52%, but even with that, when you have half the country now viewing law enforcement negatively that is a serious problem and shows a real disconnect between the political class the every day citizen.

U.S. confidence in police at 22-year low Gallup poll Reuters
Not surprising when you consider that in the past two years, dirty cops have been exposed a lot more in social media. Their actions have been made public by cell phone video, and by national publicity. But, there's still a lot being covered up by law enforcement agencies. Something is bad wrong when you have law enforcement agencies investigating law enforcement agencies. The general public is catching on to what's going on internally when cops get caught using excessive force, shooting unarmed citizens, and engaging in conduct that John Q. Public would be arrested and hauled to jail for.
I guess this proves that if the media wants to railroad you, they can.
It's actually not surprising considering all those murders committed by the police forces last year. Now the policemen should think twice before shooting people because the confidence in police may lower down below zero.
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I'm honestly surprised it's still at 52%, but even with that, when you have half the country now viewing law enforcement negatively that is a serious problem and shows a real disconnect between the political class the every day citizen.

U.S. confidence in police at 22-year low Gallup poll Reuters

and why do you think this is? It wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with leftist media and libtard politicians, would it?

No, not really.
I'm honestly surprised it's still at 52%, but even with that, when you have half the country now viewing law enforcement negatively that is a serious problem and shows a real disconnect between the political class the every day citizen.

U.S. confidence in police at 22-year low Gallup poll Reuters

and why do you think this is? It wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with leftist media and libtard politicians, would it?

No, not really.

Considering police abuse is statistically so tiny it's barely measurable by any scientific standard...I'm surprised it's that low.

But of course society is full of ignorant morons like you who, well, just honestly are too dumb or brainwashed to know any better.

Police PR goes in cycles. 22 years ago was the end of the last massive "stand down" by cops in the 1980s and early 1990s. People were mad at cops for not doing enough.

Why was that? The 60s and 70s cop hate movement. Cops said fuck it.

DontTazeMeBro....if you were such a brain dead idiot we could have an honest discussion on this. Unfortunately, that's not possible.
Confidence in Institutions Gallup Historical Trends

Of course.....what DontTazeMeBro didn't do was post the actual study.

And although it's at a low point....trust in police is STILL the #3 overall most trusted American institution....behind #1 Military and #2 Small Business (a vague large group).

So....despite the 24/7 effort by radical idiots and leftists like DontTazeMeBro, the police are still ranked very high in trust. It appears Americans just overall don't trust anyone that much anymore.

DontTazeMeBro....i do apologize for always destroying your threads with facts and context. I know you work really hard on them.
It's actually not surprising considering all those murders committed by the police forces last year. Now the policemen should think twice before shooting people because the confidence in police may lower down below zero.

All those murders?? Out of 1,000, 000 cops....who collectively worked 300 Billion hours of work- how many murders were committed?? 10? 20? Rabid liberals Ravi and ClosedCaption said about 6-12.

Now do the math. That would be about the lowest murder rate of any population of 1,000,000 in America
Cops have only themselves to blame for their loss of credibillity. Police regularly raid the homes of innocent Americans then say OOPS to bad we went to the wrong address and your home was the wrong address we picked today.
Cops have only themselves to blame for their loss of credibillity. Police regularly raid the homes of innocent Americans then say OOPS to bad we went to the wrong address and your home was the wrong address we picked today.

Blah blah blah. Regularly would have to mean at least 10-20% of the time. Of the millions of search warrants done in a year....how many are on the wrong house? If you don't know...your liberal brainwasher did his job well. Hint: it too is such a statistically tiny number...it's barely measurable.

Fact is most cop haters fall into two groups:
1- Brats who hate anyone with authority, and their only interaction with cops is what they see on TV and in movies (and believe it's real). That's probably you and DontTazeMeBro.

2- Career criminals.

Everyone else is ok with police.

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