U.S. court rules dreadlock ban during hiring process is legal

Sorta stupid...there are dozens of ways not to hire someone why bring dreadlocks into it
. Umm, because someone is claiming discrimination at a job interview because of their dreds maybe ?? I don't know.

Probably but don't mention dreds and no worries
.Unspoken assessments are the safest these days, because if you were to try and help someone by saying "hey go clean up your act, and then come back to see us", you will next get a lawsuit after the snowflake meltdown comes. Not sure what an extreme tattoo person could say, other than sign my paper showing I was looking for a job please, and then go back to getting his welfare and food stamps.
Well we can bet the NAACP will be one this and claim it is racist, and isolates blacks . meanwhile look at the colleges where they separate themselves blame it on whites, and want nothing to do with whites, but what you are white and you did it.......Mmmm k

It's the norm, whether church on Sunday or a fraternities in college for blacks to segregate themselves and then blame whites for segregation.

Whites are discriminated against and exploited, and the icing on the racist cake is blaming whites for being the purps when they're the victims.
Dreads on black people are fine. But when a white man or woman has them, it’s a forgone conclusion they smoke weed and a lot of it.

It's also a forgone conclusion that a black man with dreds smokes weed, except no one cares because no one holds blacks to the same standards as whites.
I wish they could delve deeper into resteraunt worker hygiene or other during the interview, because we have a super problem with companies hiring nasty people to handle, cook, serve, and deliver the food these days. Hey, this is where corporate America being scared of PC AMERICA, and wanting their labor as cheap as they can get it "screwed" we the customers over badly.

Oh and those automated resteraunts, well good luck with that because that ain't working out to well from what I've heard.

What happened to standards ??? Has the protection of groups destroyed common sense and quality standards in America ??
When it starts with one thing though it spills over into everything else such as " tattoos" which in some aspects is understandable, but does it really take away that person credentials esp. today .......
how about those HUGE holes in those twenty something ears LOL....... Mmmmk

So what's next you can't wear purple because it offends someone dumb ass or the boss hiring....

Dreadlocks aren't even that bad, I'd take dreadlocks over those goofy looking doughnut holes in kids ears today lol

Dreads on black people are fine. But when a white man or woman has them, it’s a forgone conclusion they smoke weed and a lot of it.

& perhaps are rastafarian. some religions use wine,wear crosses & can do much worse...
1st impressions (they say) are lasting impressions. There should be a certain amount or dress code required, and decency expected when employees come to a job for hire. If one comes to a job interview, and they are dressed like an idiot, then the employer's should be able to send the person packing. It's just that simple.

1st impressions (they say) are lasting impressions

What the.....HECK is that ?

ha- he looks like he'd fit in that basket of deplorables right nicely...................
1st impressions (they say) are lasting impressions. There should be a certain amount or dress code required, and decency expected when employees come to a job for hire. If one comes to a job interview, and they are dressed like an idiot, then the employer's should be able to send the person packing. It's just that simple.

1st impressions (they say) are lasting impressions

What the.....HECK is that ?

oh sorry

he is one of those guys who claim trump is mentally unstable











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