U.S. Diplomats Are In Revolt Against The Trump Administration


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
This is a NYTimes story so you can take it any way you wish. Here’s the link to it https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/05/...-quiet-revolt-donald-trump-tensions.html?_r=0

But, what I really found interesting at the source, War News Updates, is the following editorial comment:

WNU Editor: I have been out of the diplomatic game for almost 25 years .... but when I was in it I always found most U.S. and Western diplomats to be personally liberal/progressive on social issues, economics, and the role of government. And that was then! So am I surprised that there is a revolt among these diplomats against the Trump administration today .... not really. And I am also willing to bet that what really rankles the U.S. diplomatic corp is not the policy differences .... though that is a problem for almost all of them .... but the proposed massive cuts in their budgets. For those who may not know .... the life for a senior Western diplomat is an incredibly privileged one .... it is a culture of entitlement and being incredibly spoiled .... and if you play with their budgets and their expectations on what they can do with that money .... you can take this to the bank .... they go crazy.

He gets it right on, IMHO
Yep, with the commiecrats slow rolling every appointment, too many maobama left overs. They should just can them all and let senior embassy staff handle the day to day business until new people are seated.

This is a NYTimes story so you can take it any way you wish. Here’s the link to it https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/05/...-quiet-revolt-donald-trump-tensions.html?_r=0

But, what I really found interesting at the source, War News Updates, is the following editorial comment:

WNU Editor: I have been out of the diplomatic game for almost 25 years .... but when I was in it I always found most U.S. and Western diplomats to be personally liberal/progressive on social issues, economics, and the role of government. And that was then! So am I surprised that there is a revolt among these diplomats against the Trump administration today .... not really. And I am also willing to bet that what really rankles the U.S. diplomatic corp is not the policy differences .... though that is a problem for almost all of them .... but the proposed massive cuts in their budgets. For those who may not know .... the life for a senior Western diplomat is an incredibly privileged one .... it is a culture of entitlement and being incredibly spoiled .... and if you play with their budgets and their expectations on what they can do with that money .... you can take this to the bank .... they go crazy.

He gets it right on, IMHO
Thank God, fire them. State Dept has been the more un-American than the DNC the past 40 years.
poor lil Shitforhair,,, the big bad country is out to get him ..... just like he was out to get everyone and everybody during his entire campaign.

the miserable sob should have thought of that THEN ! He's a candyass weakstick.

Fuck him.
So lets get it Diplomats are seriously concerned that Trump is throwing decades of alliances down the drain and buddying up with the Russians who have by committed cyber warfare against the US government...

Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Get real traitor...
Why did Obama let Russia do so much?

Obama didn't have the proof... That's something adults use to make decisions.

But why are you a traitor.... You support or ignore Russian interference but want to admonish US Diplomats...

Just when did you sell out your countrymen to get scraps from the Russian table...
Russian interference...

You clueless snowflake. There was no "Russian interference." :p The ZOG Swamp is far more extensive than any of us realized though. That is why a midget Muzzie is currently mayor of London.

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