U.S. Economy Lost 54,000 Jobs in August; Unemployment Rate Rises to 9.6%

Methinks Mr. Clean has an out of date understanding of China. Industrialization has raised living standards and pulled many Chinese out of crushing, near starvation poverty - to the extent that they now have the mega traffic jam.

Their living standards go, ours go down.

If you remember your Accounting 101, for every credit there needs to be an equal debit to balance things out.
Methinks Mr. Clean has an out of date understanding of China. Industrialization has raised living standards and pulled many Chinese out of crushing, near starvation poverty - to the extent that they now have the mega traffic jam.

Their living standards go, ours go down.

If you remember your Accounting 101, for every credit there needs to be an equal debit to balance things out.

Boe? Remember Accounting 101???:razz:

Do you still have your clay tablets and abacus?
Methinks Mr. Clean has an out of date understanding of China. Industrialization has raised living standards and pulled many Chinese out of crushing, near starvation poverty - to the extent that they now have the mega traffic jam.

Their living standards go, ours go down.

If you remember your Accounting 101, for every credit there needs to be an equal debit to balance things out.

I remember not only my Accounting 101 but my Macro-Economics 101 as well.

You are thinking static pie and static system - which are not real concepts that work in the real world. We can't freeze frame our economy while the world develops around us. The U.S. economy has also benefited significantly from low priced goods from China to the extent that The Poor in the U.S. have big screen TVs, computers, and cellphones.

If our government were not consuming such a massive and increasing percent of our GDP, we'd be able to invest in innovations to increase our competitiveness. Labor is only one part of the cost structure. Distribution and raw materials are just as important for manufacturing; the U.S. has natural advantages in those areas when not crushed by heavy regulation.
Census jobs were taken out. But the private sector added 67,000 jobs. Add the numbers and you get over 120,000 census jobs.

Jobs have been added to private sector every month for the last eight.

This was on the news. Stop watching Fox.

What "News?"

The one for which you couldn't find a link?

What the fuck is wrong with you pissheads. You sit in front of the damn Internet. All you have to do is go look it up. If you fuckers and had shame you would apologize. Don't worry. No one is holding right wingers to any meaningful standard. And you Samson, you are a disgrace. I lower my opinion.

Private employers add 67,000 jobs, but unemployment rate rises - San Jose Mercury News

Private employers add 67,000 jobs, but unemployment rate rises

Employers hire more workers than expected - Business - Eye on the Economy - msnbc.com

Private employers added a total of 67,000 jobs last month, according to the Labor Department’s August jobs report released Friday. That number was below the amount of jobs needed to keep up with population growth, but was better than expected. Both July and June’s private-sector job figures were upwardly revised.

August Jobs Report: Private Sector Added 67,000 Jobs - DailyFinance

Americans received some rare good news about the U.S. economy Friday, with a report from the Labor Department that the private sector added 67,000 jobs in August, more than the 40,000 gain economists had forecast. But that unexpected increase was more than offset by the well-anticipated drop in government payrolls: The number of temporary U.S. Census workers fell by 114,000, accounting for the bulk of a 121,000 decline in government jobs. In total, the U.S. lost 54,000 jobs in August.

LOL..................we're getting lectured about "sitting in front of the internet"..............meanwhile, this asshole has how many posts in one year???!!!!!

Holy fcukk.............how is that possible???!!!

Census jobs were taken out. But the private sector added 67,000 jobs. Add the numbers and you get over 120,000 census jobs.

Jobs have been added to private sector every month for the last eight.

This was on the news. Stop watching Fox.

What "News?"

The one for which you couldn't find a link?

What the fuck is wrong with you pissheads. You sit in front of the damn Internet. All you have to do is go look it up. If you fuckers and had shame you would apologize. Don't worry. No one is holding right wingers to any meaningful standard. And you Samson, you are a disgrace. I lower my opinion.

You "lower your opinion???"


rdean, if you're gonna make a claim, is asking you to be credible really all that much to ask?
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Im laughing.......................

The k00ks are falling all over themselves posting up this BS graphs, statistics, articles................

My question is...........for what purpose?

Except for the 21%ers in this country, everybody else thinks the economy is in the crapper. Its now even seen on TV and radio commercials everywhere.

29% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThis.AdvertisementTwenty-nine percent (29%) of Likely Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, August 22.

While up a point from last week, confidence in the nation’s current course has ranged from 27% to 35% since last July.
Following Congress' passage of the national health care bill in late March, the number of voters who said the country was heading in the right direction peaked at 35%, largely due to a surge of enthusiasm by Democrats. It was the highest level of optimism measured since early September 2009.

29% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction - Rasmussen Reports

Elaboration needed on how spectacularly the people think the Dums are doing????:lol:
C'mon........lets call a spade a spade...................

Obama gets crappier approval ratings by the day and all the DUMS in COngress are about to go belly up in two months!!!
Look everyone....Skook is trying to trash this thread

Its a Tea Bagger thread....go at it Skook
This number is completely bogus. The real Unemployment Number has to be much higher. Their 9.6% number really is just Bull Chit. This Administration has become infamous for cooking the books. The real Unemployment Number is much worse.
Unemployment, include the long term unemployed who have given up looking and those who have taken low paying part time jobs to get by is actually 22%.

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Look everyone....Skook is trying to trash this thread

Its a Tea Bagger thread....go at it Skook

We have Skook, you have Mr Shaman or whatever the fuck his name is. Neither one adds any value whatsoever but they are our political crosses to bear.

Speak for yourself: I have Mr Shaman on Ignore. Makes reading a page with his crappola on it much more pleasent.
This number is completely bogus. The real Unemployment Number has to be much higher. Their 9.6% number really is just Bull Chit. This Administration has become infamous for cooking the books. The real Unemployment Number is much worse.

And likely to continue getting worse.

We no longer have the industry in this country to support the size of our workforce.

In 20 years, we'll be looking back at 2010 and it's 10% unemployment as the good old days.

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