U.S. Exploring Deal to Limit Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Interesting read ...


WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is exploring a deal with Pakistan that would limit the scope of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, the fastest-growing on Earth. The talks are the first in the decade since one of the founders of its nuclear program, Abdul Qadeer Khan, was caught selling the country’s nuclear technology around the world.

The talks are being held in advance of the arrival of Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, in Washington next week. They focus on American concern that Pakistan might be on the verge of deploying a small tactical nuclear weapon — explicitly modeled on weapons the United States put in Europe during the Cold War to deter a Soviet invasion — that would be far harder to secure than the country’s arsenal of larger weapons.

But outside experts familiar with the discussions, which have echoes of the Obama administration’s first approaches to Iran on its nuclear program three years ago, expressed deep skepticism that Pakistan is ready to put limits on a program that is the pride of the nation, and that it regards as its only real defense against India.

The discussions are being led by Peter R. Lavoy, a longtime intelligence expert on the Pakistani program who is now on the staff of the National Security Council. At the White House on Thursday, Josh Earnest, the press secretary, was asked about the talks and broke from the administration’s previous position of refusing to comment.


This is hilarious and so transparent. The U.S. is updating and increasing its nuclear capability and tries to have other nuclear states reduce their nuclear capability while defending Israel's. Unbelievable.
This is hilarious and so transparent. The U.S. is updating and increasing its nuclear capability and tries to have other nuclear states reduce their nuclear capability while defending Israel's. Unbelievable.

ISIS claims it is 'infinitely' closer to buying a nuclear weapon from Pakistan and smuggling it into the US

Islamic State has claimed it is 'infinitely' closer to buying a nuclear bomb from Pakistan and smuggling it into the US.

An article, apparently penned by British hostage John Cantlie for the terror group’s magazine, Dabiq, says the scenario is 'more possible today than it was just one year ago'.

Cantlie, a photojournalist who has been held captive for more than two years, has appeared in multiple propaganda videos and articles for the extremist group.

Read more: ISIS claims it is 'infinitely' closer to buying a nuclear weapon
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