U.S. General Accounting Office sounds alarm on America’s insolvency

And Japan's is 229%

Are they insolvent??

Yes. But as of right now, the world is too scared to pull the "pay us back now" card like they did with Greece. That time will be forced to come when Japan can't even pay the interest.

So trump is so bad the nation is going insolvent on day 1
Do YOU have any idea is Trump paid millions in taxes or paid ZERO in the last decade?
Do you know? I don't know and most likely you do not either because the guy REFUSES to show ANY of his tax returns.

Drain the swamp????? LOL

They are in the folder with Hillary's Wall St speeches.

The file is Headed "Things not to release because the opposition will attempt to make political hay out the contents, regardless of legality."

So, if you have evidence that something is amiss, please post it here...but don't believe for a second that you're fooling anyone about your motives and motivations.
So, if you have evidence that something is amiss, please post it here...but don't believe for a second that you're fooling anyone about your motives and motivations.

One CANNOT fool morons.......they're already fools.....

Never again will a nominee for president will show his or her tax returns....See, Trump has established a NEW American tradition....LOL
By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
One CANNOT fool morons.......they're already fools.....

Never again will a nominee for president will show his or her tax returns....See, Trump has established a NEW American tradition....LOL

A look in the mirror is in order...attacking Romney's extremely legal tax returns for nothing more that political theater directly leads to Trumps refusal to release his taxes. Heal thyself physician.
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By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.
A look in the mirror is in order...attacking Romney's extremely legal tax returns for nothing more that political theater directly leads to Trumps refusal to release his taxes. Heal thyself physician.

Extremely stupid......First, it was Trump who hammered Romney for NOT releasing his tax returns fast enough.......Second, when you bullshit your way into the oval office by stating you're the "best businessman that ever walked the planet"....Then, it would make some sense to show your returns as some proof that indeed you're one hell of a businessman.......and show the rest of us poor mortals how we TOO can make millions AND avoid paying one penny to the treasury.....

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