U.S. General Accounting Office sounds alarm on America’s insolvency

You would never be able to read his tax returns anyway, and neither would 99.99999999% of the public, even if he did release them, so I don't blame him for not releasing them. As an example, just try to get a handle on just one company, a publicly traded one, via its 10K filing, and tell us how much Apple is loopholing and how much it should be be paying in taxes, then go search the Federal IRS database on 'private rulings' and account for those as well. If you can do all that, then you can claim you might know something about it, that is if you personally filled out and audited his returns yourself. Otherwise his returns, as are the vast majority of corporate returns, might as well be written in some cryptographic code for all the enlightenment they will provide.


... from the SEC's EDGAR system. And if you're really good, then have a go at General Electric's ...

Good post. :thup:

The whole point was to cherry pick some data that would make for excellent liberal talking points. Conversely, not releasing the return made for it's own talking point, which Nat is making use of here.
Nothing but political theater.
I think you mean paying all the taxes one legally owes does not contribute to the deficit.

Obama has been president for 2,920 days PLUS two leap days...if these loopholes are such a terrible issue, why didn't he work with Congress to address it?

And do NOT say obstructionist Congress...because they've been raring to tackle tax reform.

Do YOU have any idea is Trump paid millions in taxes or paid ZERO in the last decade?
Do you know? I don't know and most likely you do not either because the guy REFUSES to show ANY of his tax returns.

Drain the swamp????? LOL

You would never be able to read his tax returns anyway, and neither would 99.99999999% of the public, even if he did release them, so I don't blame him for not releasing them. As an example, just try to get a handle on just one company, a publicly traded one, via its 10K filing, and tell us how much Apple is loopholing and how much it should be be paying in taxes, then go search the Federal IRS database on 'private rulings' and account for those as well. If you can do all that, then you can claim you might know something about it, that is if you personally filled out and audited his returns yourself. Otherwise his returns, as are the vast majority of corporate returns, might as well be written in some cryptographic code for all the enlightenment they will provide.


... from the SEC's EDGAR system. And if you're really good, then have a go at General Electric's ...

Ergo, NO ONE who will ever run for the presidency and call him/herself a "business person" need ever show his or her tax returns....
The reasons: The vast majority of Americans are too ignorant anyway.
I think you mean paying all the taxes one legally owes does not contribute to the deficit.

Obama has been president for 2,920 days PLUS two leap days...if these loopholes are such a terrible issue, why didn't he work with Congress to address it?

And do NOT say obstructionist Congress...because they've been raring to tackle tax reform.

Do YOU have any idea is Trump paid millions in taxes or paid ZERO in the last decade?
Do you know? I don't know and most likely you do not either because the guy REFUSES to show ANY of his tax returns.

Drain the swamp????? LOL

You would never be able to read his tax returns anyway, and neither would 99.99999999% of the public, even if he did release them, so I don't blame him for not releasing them. As an example, just try to get a handle on just one company, a publicly traded one, via its 10K filing, and tell us how much Apple is loopholing and how much it should be be paying in taxes, then go search the Federal IRS database on 'private rulings' and account for those as well. If you can do all that, then you can claim you might know something about it, that is if you personally filled out and audited his returns yourself. Otherwise his returns, as are the vast majority of corporate returns, might as well be written in some cryptographic code for all the enlightenment they will provide.


... from the SEC's EDGAR system. And if you're really good, then have a go at General Electric's ...

Ergo, NO ONE who will ever run for the presidency and calls themselves a "business person" need ever show his or her tax returns....
The reasons: The vast majority of Americans are too ignorant anyway.

So ... why aren't you whining about how Obama can suddenly afford three mansions on a 'civil servant's' salary, and one who wasn't a 'civil servant' for very long at that? You think his tax returns are honest, and he's not taking any 'weird deductions n stuff'? And yes, the vast majority of Americans are too ignorant to be judging and having opinions on business tax returns; thanks for acknowledging that.
Just as the door slams shut on the Obama Administrations doubling of the national debt...worthless Washington picks this moment to sound the alarm. Typical..
Lol...the U.S. is a business,
the politicians hired are its employees....
They're saving face before Trump realises
the true scope and takes away everyone's
cotton candy and unicorns by blowing the lid off!
Interesting timing, $10 trillion later and just as a new president is coming in.

I, like a great man Rand Paul, believe that the U.S debt is a national security threat. Let's hope Trump can decrease this debt while also improving jobs and broadening the tax base.

U.S. General Accounting Office sounds alarm on America's insolvency

An alarming report this month from the U.S. government accountability office to Congress says “action is needed to address the federal government’s fiscal failure.”

The 49 page report, entitled “The Nation’s Fiscal Health” says, among other things, that “Congress and the incoming administration face serious economic, security, and social challenges” and “an unsustainable long-term fiscal path caused by a structural imbalance between revenue and spending.”

The more alarmist aspects of the report highlight the continuing divergence between revenue and expenses, as well as the shortfalls in unfunded Social Security obligations.

It warns that without policy changes, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio will surpass its historical high of 106% within the next 25 years. The report stipulates that the new urgency implied in the document is a result of a more holistic picture of the nation’s finances that has emerged as a result of analyzing both the budget and the financial report of the United States government.

The debt service is less than 3% of GDP, so all the alarmist nonsense is mostly hot air. Shipping high productiivity enterprises and jobs overseas doesn't help, though, when running trade deficits of $400 billion plus every year for decades, as does tax breaks and subsidies for foreign 'investments' in labor racketeering scams and 'globalism' gibberish gutting the economy.

And Ron Paul is just another con artist, not a 'great man'; he never saw a set aside for his district he didn't like, and was one of the top four porksters in Congress for most of the years he was playing 'Libertoonian Hero' for the assorted airheads and loons running around, most of whom have apparently never filled out their own tax returns in their entire lives and are easily fooled by silly cognitively dissonant gibberish. There is of course some reason for concern, but not nearly as much as the ignorant think there is, and most of the deficit can be greatly reduced by doing away with tax breaks for Red China and those who import their junk, along with the tax breaks for 'overseas profits' and hedge funds' special tax rates.

I mentioned Rand his son, you are referring to his father. Furthermore, you referring to him as a "loon" isn't very nice.

What I always say to people who are critical of libertarianism is "what do you have against freedom"?
So ... why aren't you whining about how Obama can suddenly afford three mansions on a 'civil servant's' salary, and one who wasn't a 'civil servant' for very long at that? You think his tax returns are honest, and he's not taking any 'weird deductions n stuff'? And yes, the vast majority of Americans are too ignorant to be judging and having opinions on business tax returns; thanks for acknowledging that.

Not sure......BUT, much of Obama's new-found wealth is through the sale of his books....

Secondly, if Obama "gamed" the tax system because of his administration's oversight of the IRS, one would wonder why Obama (to help Hillary) would not have ordered the IRS to finish Trump's [fictional] audit so that the charlatan would have had NO excuse to hide his tax returns....that didn't happen and one wonders why?
Interesting timing, $10 trillion later and just as a new president is coming in.

I, like a great man Rand Paul, believe that the U.S debt is a national security threat. Let's hope Trump can decrease this debt while also improving jobs and broadening the tax base.

U.S. General Accounting Office sounds alarm on America's insolvency

An alarming report this month from the U.S. government accountability office to Congress says “action is needed to address the federal government’s fiscal failure.”

The 49 page report, entitled “The Nation’s Fiscal Health” says, among other things, that “Congress and the incoming administration face serious economic, security, and social challenges” and “an unsustainable long-term fiscal path caused by a structural imbalance between revenue and spending.”

The more alarmist aspects of the report highlight the continuing divergence between revenue and expenses, as well as the shortfalls in unfunded Social Security obligations.

It warns that without policy changes, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio will surpass its historical high of 106% within the next 25 years. The report stipulates that the new urgency implied in the document is a result of a more holistic picture of the nation’s finances that has emerged as a result of analyzing both the budget and the financial report of the United States government.

The debt service is less than 3% of GDP, so all the alarmist nonsense is mostly hot air. Shipping high productiivity enterprises and jobs overseas doesn't help, though, when running trade deficits of $400 billion plus every year for decades, as does tax breaks and subsidies for foreign 'investments' in labor racketeering scams and 'globalism' gibberish gutting the economy.

And Ron Paul is just another con artist, not a 'great man'; he never saw a set aside for his district he didn't like, and was one of the top four porksters in Congress for most of the years he was playing 'Libertoonian Hero' for the assorted airheads and loons running around, most of whom have apparently never filled out their own tax returns in their entire lives and are easily fooled by silly cognitively dissonant gibberish. There is of course some reason for concern, but not nearly as much as the ignorant think there is, and most of the deficit can be greatly reduced by doing away with tax breaks for Red China and those who import their junk, along with the tax breaks for 'overseas profits' and hedge funds' special tax rates.

I mentioned Rand his son, you are referring to his father. Furthermore, you referring to him as a "loon" isn't very nice.

What I always say to people who are critical of libertarianism is "what do you have against freedom"?

Not much difference, one riding on the other's coat tails, and of course we've all heard to ridiculous 'what do you have against freedom' tardness before; it's the pointless fall back of simple-minded ideologues when they have no real points. Libertoons aren't for freedom, so their memes make zero sense.
So ... why aren't you whining about how Obama can suddenly afford three mansions on a 'civil servant's' salary, and one who wasn't a 'civil servant' for very long at that? You think his tax returns are honest, and he's not taking any 'weird deductions n stuff'? And yes, the vast majority of Americans are too ignorant to be judging and having opinions on business tax returns; thanks for acknowledging that.

Not sure......BUT, much of Obama's new-found wealth is through the sale of his books....

Secondly, if Obama "gamed" the tax system because of his administration's oversight of the IRS, one would wonder why Obama (to help Hillary) would not have ordered the IRS to finish Trump's [fictional] audit so that the charlatan would have had NO excuse to hide his tax returns....that didn't happen and one wonders why?

No need to 'wonder; if there was anything in his returns, Obama would have had them leaked long before now, so nobody is 'wondering why'. And you really think his book sales royalties cover all that? lol ...
And you really think his book sales royalties cover all that? lol ...

You judge.......(Obama's total worth:about $12 Million)

A Timeline of Barack Obama’s Wealth
How exactly did Obama grow his fortune? Here’s a timeline of his earnings over the years, using data from the president’s previous financial disclosures:

  • 2004: He earns a salary of $60,287 from the Illinois State Senate and $32,144 from the University of Chicago Law School, where he taught. The president also has assets in four financial funds worth between $50,000 and $100,000 each.
  • 2005: Obama earns just over $847,000 off a book advance with Random House, plus $378,000 off book royalties. Meanwhile, his investments grow with the addition of a Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund valued between $50,000 and $100,000. He also reports deposit accounts valued between $150,000 and $350,000.
  • 2006: Obama reports royalties of just under $150,000, plus $425,000 off a book advance. He also acquires publicly-traded assets worth tens of thousands, including funds with Goldman Sachs and Vanguard.
  • 2007: Obama earns $3.3 million off book royalties from Random House and $816,000 from Dystel & Goderich Literary Management. He acquires a Northern Municipal Money Market Fund valued between $1 million and $5 million, in addition to U.S. Treasury notes valued between $500,000 and $1 million. For his daughters, he invests in two 529 college savings plans, each worth up to $250,000.
  • 2008: When Obama is sworn in as president, he owns somewhere between $1 million and $5.1 million in U.S. Treasury bills.
  • 2009: Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, which comes with a $1.4 million award. He donates it to an assortment of charities.
  • 2009-2015: Obama earns $400,000 a year as president and continues to earn book royalties, as well as interest on his investments.
Barack Obama’s Net Worth on His 55th Birthday
By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.
Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

True.....and that is why instead of a copy of the Bible, presidents take their oath with their left hand on a copy of the Constitution......

OOOOps, never mind......sorry, LOL
Interesting timing, $10 trillion later and just as a new president is coming in.

I, like a great man Rand Paul, believe that the U.S debt is a national security threat. Let's hope Trump can decrease this debt while also improving jobs and broadening the tax base.

U.S. General Accounting Office sounds alarm on America's insolvency

An alarming report this month from the U.S. government accountability office to Congress says “action is needed to address the federal government’s fiscal failure.”

The 49 page report, entitled “The Nation’s Fiscal Health” says, among other things, that “Congress and the incoming administration face serious economic, security, and social challenges” and “an unsustainable long-term fiscal path caused by a structural imbalance between revenue and spending.”

The more alarmist aspects of the report highlight the continuing divergence between revenue and expenses, as well as the shortfalls in unfunded Social Security obligations.

It warns that without policy changes, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio will surpass its historical high of 106% within the next 25 years. The report stipulates that the new urgency implied in the document is a result of a more holistic picture of the nation’s finances that has emerged as a result of analyzing both the budget and the financial report of the United States government.
Let us just pray that Trump doesn't turn an economic downturn into the recession of the century, as did Obama.

Tax revenues are setting all time records. Taxes can't keep up with spending increases. What will the feds say needs cut first? It will be SS. One of the programs that actually is self funded and NOT IN THE RED today. No COLA for SS.

No one will talk about welfare or it's funding. Even though welfare gets a COLA every YEAR.
By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

yes, it does. This is our civic, moral obligation to our Republic:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

True.....and that is why instead of a copy of the Bible, presidents take their oath with their left hand on a copy of the Constitution......

OOOOps, never mind......sorry, LOL
Our Secular and Temporal, Constitution is more supreme than any Commandments of Any God.
Changes in the tax code would, obviously, go directly AGAINST Trump's business interests....So, the "test" will be if this demagogue will actually propose such changes....Please DO hold your breath.

Its truly sad that folks don't know how the tax code works. There are no freebies, unless you give the money to charity. All taxes are owed, but they are simply deferred if you re-invest your money into the economy. Would you rather not have those deferments, so the rich would simply pay the tax and put their money in the bank?

These codes have been refined over many years to get the best deal for America and Americans.


Here are FIVE popular tax loopholes that, according to Mark, are the "best deal for America and Americans"

Accelerated Depreciation Deduction

Deferral of Overseas Income

Deductions for Shipping Jobs Overseas

Corporate Jet Deduction


Lets start with the accelerated depreciation schedule. What don't you like about it?


Hmm. I want to have a serious discussion with Nat about his concerns, and his response is a "laugh" emoticon. Is this how he usually debates?

Hmm. I want to have a serious discussion with Nat about his concerns, and his response is a "laugh" emoticon. Is this how he usually debates?


I very much believe the old adage and admonition about wrestling with pigs.....LOL
Hmm. I want to have a serious discussion with Nat about his concerns, and his response is a "laugh" emoticon. Is this how he usually debates?


I very much believe the old adage and admonition about wrestling with pigs.....LOL

So this is how you debate? Why don't you just admit you don't know enough about the subject to defend yourself. Its OK, from the looks of it, you are not alone. BTW, when you are ready to tell me why accelerated depreciation is a bad deal for America, I'll be here.

By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

yes, it does. This is our civic, moral obligation to our Republic:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How is that, in any way, considered a moral obligation.

Those qualifications could be met in ways that could be considered very immoral (and in fact, some of them have been from time to time (or do you consider the Civil War to be in the formation of a more perfect union ?).
Changes in the tax code would, obviously, go directly AGAINST Trump's business interests....So, the "test" will be if this demagogue will actually propose such changes....Please DO hold your breath.

Its truly sad that folks don't know how the tax code works. There are no freebies, unless you give the money to charity. All taxes are owed, but they are simply deferred if you re-invest your money into the economy. Would you rather not have those deferments, so the rich would simply pay the tax and put their money in the bank?

These codes have been refined over many years to get the best deal for America and Americans.


Here are FIVE popular tax loopholes that, according to Mark, are the "best deal for America and Americans"

Accelerated Depreciation Deduction

Deferral of Overseas Income

Deductions for Shipping Jobs Overseas

Corporate Jet Deduction


Lets start with the accelerated depreciation schedule. What don't you like about it?


Hmm. I want to have a serious discussion with Nat about his concerns, and his response is a "laugh" emoticon. Is this how he usually debates?


It's what she does to deflect....basically when she's getting her rear end kicked.

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