U.S. General Accounting Office sounds alarm on America’s insolvency

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

True.....and that is why instead of a copy of the Bible, presidents take their oath with their left hand on a copy of the Constitution......

OOOOps, never mind......sorry, LOL

And that relates to this how ?

Well, maybe because they swear to uphold the Constitution and don't ever swear to uphold the bible.

Nobody reads from the bible during the swearing in (or do they read the ten commandments which we are no longer allowed to display in our courthouses ?.........). They simply say "So help me God", and they turn their backs on him.

But, if you want to take this line of reasoning, why don't you tell me what "morality" you believe it is that the Constitution enforces or seeks to enforce.
A look in the mirror is in order...attacking Romney's extremely legal tax returns for nothing more that political theater directly leads to Trumps refusal to release his taxes. Heal thyself physician.

Extremely stupid......First, it was Trump who hammered Romney for NOT releasing his tax returns fast enough.......Second, when you bullshit your way into the oval office by stating you're the "best businessman that ever walked the planet"....Then, it would make some sense to show your returns as some proof that indeed you're one hell of a businessman.......and show the rest of us poor mortals how we TOO can make millions AND avoid paying one penny to the treasury.....

I really don't know much about his business dealings.

But, I suppose, if he runs a public corporation, they are required to file an annual report.

If all his dealings are private, you can take a guess at what he does (from what I know he owns a bunch of motels worldwide and flys all over the world).

'nuff said.
I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

yes, it does. This is our civic, moral obligation to our Republic:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How is that, in any way, considered a moral obligation.

Those qualifications could be met in ways that could be considered very immoral (and in fact, some of them have been from time to time (or do you consider the Civil War to be in the formation of a more perfect union ?).
That is what we are Supposed to be doing with our Government, as a civic, moral obligation.
Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

yes, it does. This is our civic, moral obligation to our Republic:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How is that, in any way, considered a moral obligation.

Those qualifications could be met in ways that could be considered very immoral (and in fact, some of them have been from time to time (or do you consider the Civil War to be in the formation of a more perfect union ?).
That is what we are Supposed to be doing with our Government, as a civic, moral obligation.

It's great you keep alluding to this concept even though there is no way to sustain the argument you are making.

Unless you want to clear up what you mean by "moral obligation".

If you mean everyone should want to as a matter of morality....no damage to liberty.

If you are suggesting the government legislate this so-called "morality", then you are completely off base.

And a one line response just shows that you are doing nothing but parroting some moron like Paul Krugman.

Show us that you can think for yourself.
We have our Orders, from our Founding Fathers, in general.

What orders were those ?

We were given a constitution which formed a representative republic at the federal level only.

All else was left to the states to decide.
did you not read the preamble to our federal Constitution?

There were nothing about orders there.

Look if you want to persist in trying to sell a fairy tale for an argument, go find a kiddies forum.

The preamble tells what the constitution was formed to do. The actual document tells us what it is doing.

And nowhere is there any mention of morality or a moral obligation. In fact, it is quite clear that those who framed this up were more interested in liberty than in yoking people to a strong central government that runs off of some kind of "moral" imperative.

They just got done booting people who did that.....out.
And you really think his book sales royalties cover all that? lol ...

You judge.......(Obama's total worth:about $12 Million)

A Timeline of Barack Obama’s Wealth
How exactly did Obama grow his fortune? Here’s a timeline of his earnings over the years, using data from the president’s previous financial disclosures:

  • 2004: He earns a salary of $60,287 from the Illinois State Senate and $32,144 from the University of Chicago Law School, where he taught. The president also has assets in four financial funds worth between $50,000 and $100,000 each.
  • 2005: Obama earns just over $847,000 off a book advance with Random House, plus $378,000 off book royalties. Meanwhile, his investments grow with the addition of a Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund valued between $50,000 and $100,000. He also reports deposit accounts valued between $150,000 and $350,000.
  • 2006: Obama reports royalties of just under $150,000, plus $425,000 off a book advance. He also acquires publicly-traded assets worth tens of thousands, including funds with Goldman Sachs and Vanguard.
  • 2007: Obama earns $3.3 million off book royalties from Random House and $816,000 from Dystel & Goderich Literary Management. He acquires a Northern Municipal Money Market Fund valued between $1 million and $5 million, in addition to U.S. Treasury notes valued between $500,000 and $1 million. For his daughters, he invests in two 529 college savings plans, each worth up to $250,000.
  • 2008: When Obama is sworn in as president, he owns somewhere between $1 million and $5.1 million in U.S. Treasury bills.
  • 2009: Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, which comes with a $1.4 million award. He donates it to an assortment of charities.
  • 2009-2015: Obama earns $400,000 a year as president and continues to earn book royalties, as well as interest on his investments.
Barack Obama’s Net Worth on His 55th Birthday

So he can't justify owning that much real estate and paying the maintenance and taxes on them. Thanks. I already knew his legal income was insufficient to justify it.
By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

Of course it does, and in fact a moral basis is the only way it works at all.
So he can't justify owning that much real estate and paying the maintenance and taxes on them. Thanks. I already knew his legal income was insufficient to justify it.

Hey, moron, it is YOU who are claiming that Obama owns "that much [expensive] real estate" (you probably heard it on Fox.)........

Who knows, maybe Obama stole the WH silverware and is planning on hocking it to make those real estate payments.
Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

True.....and that is why instead of a copy of the Bible, presidents take their oath with their left hand on a copy of the Constitution......

OOOOps, never mind......sorry, LOL
Our Secular and Temporal, Constitution is more supreme than any Commandments of Any God.

The First Amendment was inspired by the Baptists. The founders of the Baptist sect were the first to espouse separation of church and state, for moral reasons, and one of them was burned at the stake for it, Thomas Helwys. They and other evangelical sects were the main reason Thomas Jefferson ended up as President, and why he was so solicitous of the Danbury Baptists and their concerns, and why that clause is even in the Constitution. Contrary to current popular belief, the vast majority of the Constitution is indeed based on morals and humanist principles, none come from atheism or paganism.
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So he can't justify owning that much real estate and paying the maintenance and taxes on them. Thanks. I already knew his legal income was insufficient to justify it.

Hey, moron, it is YOU who are claiming that Obama owns "that much [expensive] real estate" (you probably heard it on Fox.)........

Who knows, maybe Obama stole the WH silverware and is planning on hocking it to make those real estate payments.

Yes, we know you're stupid and can only repeat what your Hive tells you to. Now, run along and find out the next meme you're supposed to run around posting on message boards, gimp.
By definition obeying the law isn't corruption.

I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

Of course it does, and in fact a moral basis is the only way it works at all.

Please show me where it specifically enforces morality.

There is nothing in statute that claims the preamble as it's basis, so you can spare us that stupidity.

One specific instance where morality is enforced.
Changes in the tax code would, obviously, go directly AGAINST Trump's business interests....So, the "test" will be if this demagogue will actually propose such changes....Please DO hold your breath.

Its truly sad that folks don't know how the tax code works. There are no freebies, unless you give the money to charity. All taxes are owed, but they are simply deferred if you re-invest your money into the economy. Would you rather not have those deferments, so the rich would simply pay the tax and put their money in the bank?

These codes have been refined over many years to get the best deal for America and Americans.


Here are FIVE popular tax loopholes that, according to Mark, are the "best deal for America and Americans"

Accelerated Depreciation Deduction

Deferral of Overseas Income

Deductions for Shipping Jobs Overseas

Corporate Jet Deduction


Lets start with the accelerated depreciation schedule. What don't you like about it?


Hmm. I want to have a serious discussion with Nat about his concerns, and his response is a "laugh" emoticon. Is this how he usually debates?


He/she/it/mutant is just your run of the mill astro-turfer, not here to actually discuss anything, so don't worry about it.
I am sure that those bankers who were too big to fail will CHEER your undying support. Congrats !!!

Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

Of course it does, and in fact a moral basis is the only way it works at all.

Please show me where it specifically enforces morality.

There is nothing in statute that claims the preamble as it's basis, so you can spare us that stupidity.

One specific instance where morality is enforced.

Don't have time to write the volumes needed. Why don't you just list what doesn't involve morality? That's a much shorter list, since it will have zero entries. Most of the 'stupid' people tend to be like yourself, unable to accept morals and principles as important. I didn't say a thing about the Preamble, so you're already dissembling.
Our legal system is what sets us apart in many ways.

To suggest a "moral" obligation when it comes to taxes means that you are suggesting a "morality" that the government enforces.

Are you sure you want to do that ?
We have a civic, moral, Constitution.

Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

Of course it does, and in fact a moral basis is the only way it works at all.

Please show me where it specifically enforces morality.

There is nothing in statute that claims the preamble as it's basis, so you can spare us that stupidity.

One specific instance where morality is enforced.

Don't have time to write the volumes needed. Why don't you just list what doesn't involve morality? That's a much shorter list, since it will have zero entries. Most of the 'stupid' people tend to be like yourself, unable to accept morals and principles as important. I didn't say a thing about the Preamble, so you're already dissembling.

Mixed you up with a different moron in this thread.

The power to collect taxes has no basis in morality.

Next question.
Our constitution does not enforce "morality" in any way shape or fashion.

True.....and that is why instead of a copy of the Bible, presidents take their oath with their left hand on a copy of the Constitution......

OOOOps, never mind......sorry, LOL
Our Secular and Temporal, Constitution is more supreme than any Commandments of Any God.

The First Amendment was inspired by the Baptists. The founders of the Baptist sect were the first to espouse separation of church and state, for moral reasons, and one of them was burned at the stake for it, Thomas Helwys. They and other evangelical sects were the main reason Thomas Jefferson ended up as President, and why he was so solicitous of the Danbury Baptists and their concerns, and why that clause is even in the Constitution. Contrary to current popular belief, the vast majority of the Constitution is indeed based on morals and humanist principles, none come from atheism or paganism.

What clause ?

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