U.S. has intel that Russian commanders have orders to proceed with Ukraine invasion

Can you directly quote the lie and prove it is a lie, or are you just full of shit, as usual?

I'd say you're just full of shit and mindlessly repeating what the fake news media easily brainwashed your feeble mind into believing.
If anyone is full of shit it's you. Biden was referring to mechanisms in place to prevent widespread voter fraud & you know it, assclown.
U.S. Intelligence had info that Saddam was hiding WND also. US Intelligence told us we would be in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan also.

U.S. Intelligence lied to us under oath.
Or they got it wrong which is not the same thing as lying.

Have you ever considered the fact that Saddam knew we were conducting collection operations against the Iraqi Gov and wanted the US to think he had WMD? I’m not saying thats what happened for sure but it’s certainly a possibility and a rather plausible one.

There have also been numerous Iraqi and Syria officials who have told reporters And even the US Congress that stockpiles of chemical weapons were moved into Syria during the run up to the war. Again I don’t have confirmation that that is true but it makes sense that he would do such a thing. He flew all his high end MIGs to Iran before the war, that we know for sure.

It’s possible that the US Intel community has been participating in a huge cover up over the last 20 years but that seems rather implausible to me.
In case any world leaders are interested in our intel, we seem to be announcing or leaking it in real time.

I don't know what all the surprise is. I've been telling people for weeks that the Russian invasion is coming! And I'll say it again, we are only a couple days away from it now. Ukraine is about to get rubbed out of existence and Joe is going out for an ice cream cone.
Or they got it wrong which is not the same thing as lying.

No it's not, but they lied. The entire thing was a ruse to start a war. Even Afghanistan. OBL fled to Pakistan but we stayed in Afghanistan.

It wasn't about WND or getting the person responsible for 9-11. It was about telling countries they had better bend to our every whim and not step out of line.

Have you ever considered the fact that Saddam knew we were conducting collection operations against the Iraqi Gov and wanted the US to think he had WMD? I’m not saying thats what happened for sure but it’s certainly a possibility and a rather plausible one.
He did want people to think he had them. He was constantly being threatened and he wanted people to believe that but we knew he had none. We even turned the country upside down in an attempt to create a reason and came up empty for anything.

There have also been numerous Iraqi and Syria officials who have told reporters And even the US Congress that stockpiles of chemical weapons were moved into Syria during the run up to the war. Again I don’t have confirmation that that is true but it makes sense that he would do such a thing. He flew all his high end MIGs to Iran before the war, that we know for sure.

It’s possible that the US Intel community has been participating in a huge cover up over the last 20 years but that seems rather implausible to me.

Being in Afghanistan for 20 years seems implausible also but there we were.
Yeah, we'll find out soon enough.

Putin must have an ace up his sleeve that hasn't occurred to anyone. Or, he's just another sick authoritarian who can't control his megalomania.
Putin doesn't have enough trucks to support a far reaching invasion. Either he's bluffing, planning a short incursion, or hoping for a miracle.
The entire world has long since recognized that US Intelligence has no intelligence. They say whatever the communist democrats want them to say with total disregard as to truth or falsity.
No it's not, but they lied. The entire thing was a ruse to start a war. Even Afghanistan. OBL fled to Pakistan but we stayed in Afghanistan.

It wasn't about WND or getting the person responsible for 9-11. It was about telling countries they had better bend to our every whim and not step out of line.

He did want people to think he had them. He was constantly being threatened and he wanted people to believe that but we knew he had none. We even turned the country upside down in an attempt to create a reason and came up empty for anything.

Being in Afghanistan for 20 years seems implausible also but there we were.
How do you know what the Intel community knew? Where are you getting that info because no one in the intel community has said that.
No it's not, but they lied. The entire thing was a ruse to start a war. Even Afghanistan. OBL fled to Pakistan but we stayed in Afghanistan.

It wasn't about WND or getting the person responsible for 9-11. It was about telling countries they had better bend to our every whim and not step out of line.

He did want people to think he had them. He was constantly being threatened and he wanted people to believe that but we knew he had none. We even turned the country upside down in an attempt to create a reason and came up empty for anything.

Being in Afghanistan for 20 years seems implausible also but there we were.
We stayed in Afghanistan as long as we did due to mission creep not intelligence failures
How do you know what the Intel community knew? Where are you getting that info because no one in the intel community has said that.

I posted links, not to my opinion. Even Clapper owned up to lying and Powell admits he was lied to.
U.S. Intelligence had info that Saddam was hiding WND also. US Intelligence told us we would be in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan also.

U.S. Intelligence lied to us under oath.
Yet you still cover for those involved. Biden is one of them.
Yet you still cover for those involved. Biden is one of them.

I have never.........I suppose we could mark this down as another lie. I've noted many times that all involved deserve noting but a special place in Hell for what they have done. But make it about me as opposed to the lies and create your own.
In case any world leaders are interested in our intel, we seem to be announcing or leaking it in real time.

Zelendky was so concerned about our daily assertions of an imminent invasion that he headed to Germany for the weekend. Biden administration urged Zelensky not to leave Ukraine and visit Munich

We are such a joke. And that makes the world more dangerous.
You're right about being a joke. Your only interest is to destroy Biden. Don't worry about innocent people dying, massive destruction, communism advancing on a democracy.
No. Let's just all hate Biden and hope he fails.
You're the fucking joke you idiot.

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