U.S. House Adopts 'Sue The Saudis' 9/11 Bill...

I have a question. Why now ?? 9/11 was 15 years ago .
The legislation has taken 3 years to work through congress. And why not now anyway? At what point would you give up the fight, seeking justice against the perpetrators of those who killed one of your family members? While the government fights needless wars of aggression in places it wants to control using terrorism as an alibi, these people have never taken their eyes of the actual perpetrators of 9/11 terrorism. Why are you such a willing government stooge? Because Obama?
I have a question. Why now ?? 9/11 was 15 years ago .
The legislation has taken 3 years to work through congress. And why not now anyway? At what point would you give up the fight, seeking justice against the perpetrators of those who killed one of your family members? While the government fights needless wars of aggression in places it wants to control using terrorism as an alibi, these people have never taken their eyes of the actual perpetrators of 9/11 terrorism. Why are you such a willing government stooge? Because Obama?

3 years ? Well then that puts us at a 12 year delay .

From what I read/heard this could come back to hurt us more than help us . It's easy to have knee jerk reactions and not think of what problems you are creating .

It's not an obama thing . I think any prez would be against this . Why didn't this fly wh bush.?
I have a question. Why now ?? 9/11 was 15 years ago .
The legislation has taken 3 years to work through congress. And why not now anyway? At what point would you give up the fight, seeking justice against the perpetrators of those who killed one of your family members? While the government fights needless wars of aggression in places it wants to control using terrorism as an alibi, these people have never taken their eyes of the actual perpetrators of 9/11 terrorism. Why are you such a willing government stooge? Because Obama?

3 years ? Well then that puts us at a 12 year delay .

From what I read/heard this could come back to hurt us more than help us . It's easy to have knee jerk reactions and not think of what problems you are creating .

It's not an obama thing . I think any prez would be against this . Why didn't this fly wh bush.?
The families deserve justice. It is clear the Saudis were involved in 9/11. Our government likely knows a lot more than they are telling us.

Why stop at suing the Saudis? Should not the US government and Bush also be sued. There is plenty of evidence that both knew something was coming and did nothing to stop it.
I have a question. Why now ?? 9/11 was 15 years ago .
The legislation has taken 3 years to work through congress. And why not now anyway? At what point would you give up the fight, seeking justice against the perpetrators of those who killed one of your family members? While the government fights needless wars of aggression in places it wants to control using terrorism as an alibi, these people have never taken their eyes of the actual perpetrators of 9/11 terrorism. Why are you such a willing government stooge? Because Obama?

3 years ? Well then that puts us at a 12 year delay .

From what I read/heard this could come back to hurt us more than help us . It's easy to have knee jerk reactions and not think of what problems you are creating .

It's not an obama thing . I think any prez would be against this . Why didn't this fly wh bush.?
It's not a twelve year delay, these people have been seeking justice from day one. Do us all a favor and learn something today.
Motley Rice - Attorneys at Law
I have a question. Why now ?? 9/11 was 15 years ago .
The legislation has taken 3 years to work through congress. And why not now anyway? At what point would you give up the fight, seeking justice against the perpetrators of those who killed one of your family members? While the government fights needless wars of aggression in places it wants to control using terrorism as an alibi, these people have never taken their eyes of the actual perpetrators of 9/11 terrorism. Why are you such a willing government stooge? Because Obama?

3 years ? Well then that puts us at a 12 year delay .

From what I read/heard this could come back to hurt us more than help us . It's easy to have knee jerk reactions and not think of what problems you are creating .

It's not an obama thing . I think any prez would be against this . Why didn't this fly wh bush.?
From what I read/heard this could come back to hurt us more than help us . It's easy to have knee jerk reactions and not think of what problems you are creating .

What do we have to fear if we aren't sponsoring terror in foreign lands?

Knee jerk reaction? You were just bitching about how long it has been since 9/11. Why do you have such difficulty in defending your position?
this may be unconstitutional . The con gives the prez the power to deal wh foreign Govs .
What are you, Saudi Arabian? Why is it that you don't want Americans who lost loved ones due to terrorism to be able to seek justice through the court system? Is it because it might hamper Obama's ability to kill more brown people in foreign lands? Or are you just trying to protect Obama because now he is going to walk out on a ledge all by himself and veto the bill, thereby letting everyone know he is more interested in protecting those that fund terrorism than he is in helping innocent victims attain closure.

There is nothing unconstitutional about citizens using the US court system to seek a redress of grievances. And it does not detract from the powers granted to the president in the constitution. But you already knew that.

Well said. And there is precedent. Americans have been allowed to sue other nations, such as Iran.
I just don't know what Saudi Arabia has to be guilty of. If the Saudi govt can be sued for having laws making it easy to donate to madrassas with wahabbi leanings, and even people shown to be involved ... I don't agree.

If there's some direct nexus showing the Saudis knew attacks were planned and did nothing ... have at it.
It's not the Saudi government that would be liable, it is individuals within the Saudi government. The law will strip the individuals of their diplomatic immunity. Prince Bandar as an example.

It's time for accountability.
It’s time such idiotic ‘legislation’ be vetoed if it becomes law.

It’s nothing but political grandstanding by the partisan right during an election year, having nothing to do with ‘justice’ or ‘accountability.’

Did you support Americans suing other nations such as Iran? There is precedent. The Saudis do need to be held accountable. And then our Government should seriously reconsider its close relationship with the country.

Saudi Wahhabi Sunni Islam is the driving force behind brutal terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's a very bad country. I don't feel comfortable with my Government calling it a 'friend.'
I just don't know what Saudi Arabia has to be guilty of. If the Saudi govt can be sued for having laws making it easy to donate to madrassas with wahabbi leanings, and even people shown to be involved ... I don't agree.

If there's some direct nexus showing the Saudis knew attacks were planned and did nothing ... have at it.
It's not the Saudi government that would be liable, it is individuals within the Saudi government. The law will strip the individuals of their diplomatic immunity. Prince Bandar as an example.

It's time for accountability.
It’s time such idiotic ‘legislation’ be vetoed if it becomes law.

It’s nothing but political grandstanding by the partisan right during an election year, having nothing to do with ‘justice’ or ‘accountability.’

If Congress were controlled by the demoquacks all the sudden it would be noble, justice and accountability, partisan shill

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious projection coming from that particular poster. But actually, many Democrats are standing with Republicans on this. Obama needs to stand up for his own People. I'm completely over the Saudis owning our Presidents.
I just don't know what Saudi Arabia has to be guilty of. If the Saudi govt can be sued for having laws making it easy to donate to madrassas with wahabbi leanings, and even people shown to be involved ... I don't agree.

If there's some direct nexus showing the Saudis knew attacks were planned and did nothing ... have at it.
It's not the Saudi government that would be liable, it is individuals within the Saudi government. The law will strip the individuals of their diplomatic immunity. Prince Bandar as an example.

It's time for accountability.
It’s time such idiotic ‘legislation’ be vetoed if it becomes law.

It’s nothing but political grandstanding by the partisan right during an election year, having nothing to do with ‘justice’ or ‘accountability.’

If Congress were controlled by the demoquacks all the sudden it would be noble, justice and accountability, partisan shill

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious projection coming from that particular poster. But actually, many Democrats are standing with Republicans on this. Obama needs to stand up for his own People. I'm completely over the Saudis owning our Presidents.
I like to see them sue W and take all his family's wealth. Imagine how that would limit future presidents.
It's not the Saudi government that would be liable, it is individuals within the Saudi government. The law will strip the individuals of their diplomatic immunity. Prince Bandar as an example.

It's time for accountability.
It’s time such idiotic ‘legislation’ be vetoed if it becomes law.

It’s nothing but political grandstanding by the partisan right during an election year, having nothing to do with ‘justice’ or ‘accountability.’

If Congress were controlled by the demoquacks all the sudden it would be noble, justice and accountability, partisan shill

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious projection coming from that particular poster. But actually, many Democrats are standing with Republicans on this. Obama needs to stand up for his own People. I'm completely over the Saudis owning our Presidents.
I like to see them sue W and take all his family's wealth. Imagine how that would limit future presidents.

That's part of why Obama's refusing to help his People. He's a member of the Globalist Elite gang that's panicking at the thought of others being able to sue over crimes our Government routinely commits all around the world.
It's time for accountability.
It’s time such idiotic ‘legislation’ be vetoed if it becomes law.

It’s nothing but political grandstanding by the partisan right during an election year, having nothing to do with ‘justice’ or ‘accountability.’

If Congress were controlled by the demoquacks all the sudden it would be noble, justice and accountability, partisan shill

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious projection coming from that particular poster. But actually, many Democrats are standing with Republicans on this. Obama needs to stand up for his own People. I'm completely over the Saudis owning our Presidents.
I like to see them sue W and take all his family's wealth. Imagine how that would limit future presidents.

That's part of why Obama's refusing to help his People. He's a member of the Globalist Elite gang that's panicking at the thought of others being able to sue over crimes our Government routinely commits all around the world.
Yet millions of Americans believe Obama is unlike W, when clearly both are blood brothers.
It’s time such idiotic ‘legislation’ be vetoed if it becomes law.

It’s nothing but political grandstanding by the partisan right during an election year, having nothing to do with ‘justice’ or ‘accountability.’

If Congress were controlled by the demoquacks all the sudden it would be noble, justice and accountability, partisan shill

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious projection coming from that particular poster. But actually, many Democrats are standing with Republicans on this. Obama needs to stand up for his own People. I'm completely over the Saudis owning our Presidents.
I like to see them sue W and take all his family's wealth. Imagine how that would limit future presidents.

That's part of why Obama's refusing to help his People. He's a member of the Globalist Elite gang that's panicking at the thought of others being able to sue over crimes our Government routinely commits all around the world.
Yet millions of Americans believe Obama is unlike W, when clearly both are blood brothers.

They're members of the same Globalist Elite gang. They serve the NWO. They don't serve the American People.

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