U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

Putin lied and said he wouldn't be invading Ukraine. Do you really think we think this is a fucking game? :bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3:
Unfortunately, you people are brain-dead. No matter of reasoning or evidence will convince you that NATO shouldn't be poking the bear in Eastern Europe and the US government shouldn't be sponsoring coups in Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine. And it's futile to try to convince you that the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea have a right to exist, and not be persecuted and murdered by Western Ukrainians that hate everything Russian. And it's a waste of time, to try to convince you, that it's not worth fighting WW3 with Russia because there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin.

It's a complete waste of time, to try to help you realize that WW3 with Russia is a really bad idea, for any reason, other than Russia firing missiles at the US. Starting a war with us. Hello, you don't want a nuclear war with Russia, especially for reasons like "I don't like the Ruskies, because, they're so homophobic, transphobic, LGBTQ phobic, rainbowphobic, feministphobic, they don't inject their children with puberty blockers or allow gay pride parades in Moscow, or have transsexual bathrooms. I don't like that, so let's fight a war with Russia, a nuclear power...yeah, we're so progressive and smart, we're so liberal, so we want a war with Russia".









"UUUuuu I hate Russia, they don't want to inject their children with puberty blockers, so we have to go to war with Russia, they're so mean. They're so straight and hetero, we need to emasculate them, make them more LGBTQ, more progressive. They're so socially conservative, I hate them..I hate them, I hate them, let's fight WW3 with them, let's have a nuclear war. They're so straight and family oriented, I hate that, this is so fascist, I hate it..."


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the communists wanted territory too. now they have it after we spent billions of dollars and 58K lives. Ukraine was part of russia for decades, let putin have it back then he will have to deal with that corrupt place.
There is still a North and South Vietnam. And Vietnam since then, has not taken anyone's territory. Get a clue.
Soverignty you idiot. Without it, people like him will gobble it up like Hitler. Dude, educate yourself. History repeats itself. What are you, in the Fifth grade?
yes, history repeats inself-------------Viet Nam, Kosovo, Africa, and you want to get us involved in another no-win killing field.
So we are the world's police force? When did we get that title and who is funding it? Spending money trying to stop Putin is the same money that could be used to help Americans who desperately need it.
You can call it anything you like. Me, I'd rather not be forced onto a train heading to a gas chamber some place.
You can call it anything you like. Me, I'd rather not be forced onto a train heading to a gas chamber some place.
So if we don't fight in Ukraine, Putin is going to take over the USA and send us all to gas chambers?? Is that your argument?
yes, history repeats inself-------------Viet Nam, Kosovo, Africa, and you want to get us involved in another no-win killing field.
You keep circling like a duck in a pond. You don't present anything with intelligence. Our troops are not there. In Vietnam we were. Damn son, do we need to tell you about Polly want a cracker?
yes, history repeats inself-------------Viet Nam, Kosovo, Africa, and you want to get us involved in another no-win killing field.
Easy for you to say when you’re not threatened with having your country taken over by a violent hostile authoritarian regime.
You keep circling like a duck in a pond. You don't present anything with intelligence. Our troops are not there. In Vietnam we were. Damn son, do we need to tell you about Polly want a cracker?
we had not troops in viet nam in the beginning, just equipment and money, then "advisors", then thanks to LBJ, 500,000 troops. shove the cracker up your ass, moron.
Its all one country now, are you a complete moron?
They are united, but they still view a south and north. 2014 - State media for first time marks anniversary of South Vietnam's 1974 clash with China over Paracel Islands, in sign of growing tension over Chinese intentions in the area. They joined the WTO.

1986 - Nguyen Van Linh becomes party leader. He introduces a more liberal economic policy.
The North introduced more liberal policies, therefore, they are united.
we had not troops in viet nam in the beginning, just equipment and money, then "advisors", then thanks to LBJ, 500,000 troops. shove the cracker up your ass, moron.
Our troops are not in Ukraine dumb ass. But you keep trying to pedal the notion they are going to be there.
you idiots said the same thing about Viet Nam----------then 58,000 americans died for nothing. fuckin idiots.
By the way, I was 100% against going to VietNam for obvious reasons. Apples and oranges. You are clueless.
So we are the world's police force? When did we get that title and who is funding it? Spending money trying to stop Putin is the same money that could be used to help Americans who desperately need it.
So we are the world's police force? When did we get that title and who is funding it? :auiqs.jpg: Answering your own question?
we had not troops in viet nam in the beginning, just equipment and money, then "advisors", then thanks to LBJ, 500,000 troops. shove the cracker up your ass, moron.
If we send the tanks we will have to send support Staff & Training Staff that will by far outnumber the Number of Training Advisors sent to Nam from 1959-1961
Easy for you to say when you’re not threatened with having your country taken over by a violent hostile authoritarian regime.

The Ukrainians are more authoritarian. They even tried to ban the Russian language and culture when 1/3 of Ukraine is Russo-Ukrainian.
Unfortunately, you people are brain-dead. No matter of reasoning or evidence will convince you that NATO shouldn't be poking the bear in Eastern Europe and the US government shouldn't be sponsoring coups in Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine. And it's futile to try to convince you that the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea have a right to exist, and not be persecuted and murdered by Western Ukrainians that hate everything Russian. And it's a waste of time, to try to convince you, that it's not worth fighting WW3 with Russia because there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin.

It's a complete waste of time, to try to help you realize that WW3 with Russia is a really bad idea, for any reason, other than Russia firing missiles at the US. Starting a war with us. Hello, you don't want a nuclear war with Russia, especially for reasons like "I don't like the Ruskies, because, they're so homophobic, transphobic, LGBTQ phobic, rainbowphobic, feministphobic, they don't inject their children with puberty blockers or allow gay pride parades in Moscow, or have transsexual bathrooms. I don't like that, so let's fight a war with Russia, a nuclear power...yeah, we're so progressive and smart, we're so liberal, so we want a war with Russia".

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"UUUuuu I hate Russia, they don't want to inject their children with puberty blockers, so we have to go to war with Russia, they're so mean. They're so straight and hetero, we need to emasculate them, make them more LGBTQ, more progressive. They're so socially conservative, I hate them..I hate them, I hate them, let's fight WW3 with them, let's have a nuclear war. They're so straight and family oriented, I hate that, this is so fascist, I hate it..."

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This is some stupid redneck shit right here, on so many levels. Your Homophobia/ conflicted confusion over dictators who prefer controlling the world. LOL! Son, you've got issues.

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