U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

The Tanks will be operating outta Germany ?
in Moscow

RT news isn’t banned. I just went to their website. Took 5 seconds. Still there. Not banned. If you want to espouse Russian propaganda, you are free to do so. No one will jail you. But don’t expect FaceBook or YouTube or anyone else to help you.

Meanwhile the Russian government banned instagram and arrest people who say what they don’t like.

The US government had RT news on YouTube, a channel with over a million subscribers, closed. Facebook and other social media outlets, don't allow RT. The US government has an immense amount of control over American media and often does steer the narrative, in whichever way best serves their policy interests. More, Ukraine even before the war, was already banning pro-Russian media television stations and radio. They were under threat of violence, by the Asov ultranationalists, the members of the Right-Sector, the Svoboda Party, were terrorizing everyone who was deemed "too friendly" to Russia, or pro-Russian, in the Ukrainian government and in the media. The whole government of Ukraine was under the heel of the right-wing ultranationalists, so to claim that Russia has its authoritarianism, doesn't give you the moral high ground. Yes, Russia is more authoritarian than the USA, so what? Ukraine also had and has now plenty of authoritarianism. Do you condemn Ukraine too?

The bottom line is that you're in denial. You don't give a shit if Russo-Ukrainians in Ukraine are suffering persecution and violence from ultra-nationalists. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine, who live in the Donbas and in Crimea, don't recognize the legitimacy or authority of the post-coup Kyiv government. Russia isn't going to allow Western Ukrainians, to continue persecuting and murdering the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. These people chose to make their territory and lands, part of Russia. They returned to Russia, a part of Ukraine inhabited by ethnic Russians that was once Russian territory. Now it's Russian territory again. If you want to start WW3 over this, it's you who is crazy. You're the one who is nuts if you want to fight WW3 with Russia over Ukraine. You're freaking out of your mind.

As far as me supposedly being homophobic or transphobic, because I point out the fact that many American liberals hate Russia on account of its non-friendly policies towards the LGBTQ agenda, is just your disingenuous attempt to gaslight me, and invalidate my views. Let's assume I am homophobic and transphobic, so what? I'm afraid my children, and the children of my society, my country, being used as guinea pigs in an LGBTQ social engineering experiment, in an effort to legitimize their sexual orientation, making it mainstream and a healthy alternative to heterosexuality.

Let's emasculate males and make women more masculine, blurring the lines between gender, making sex and gender more "fluid", in order to advance LGBTQ interests, whatever that might be.

NO NO, let's not do that. How about that?

People have a good reason to be "phobic" about the LGBTQ agenda. It's actually a sign that you're not crazy and you're quite normal. When people are against this:





That's good. It's healthy, it's right for Russia not to want this lunacy over there. We have it here in America, but they don't want it there in their country. If my being against this crap, makes me "phobic", then I'm phobic. That's fine, ill be "phobic". Phobic, sane and healthy.
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The US government had RT news on YouTube, a channel with over a million subscribers, closed. Facebook and other social media outlets, don't allow RT. The US government has an immense amount of control over American media and often does steer the narrative, in whichever way best serves their policy interests. More, Ukraine even before the war, was already banning pro-Russian media television stations and radio. They were under threat of violence, by the Asov ultranationalists, the members of the Right-Sector, the Svoboda Party, were terrorizing everyone who was deemed "too friendly" to Russia, or pro-Russian, in the Ukrainian government and in the media. The whole government of Ukraine was under the heel of the right-wing ultranationalists, so to claim that Russia has its authoritarianism, so what? Ukraine also had and has now plenty of authoritarianism. Do you condemn Ukraine too?

The bottom line is that you're a denial. You don't give a shit if Russo-Ukrainians in Ukraine are suffering persecution and violence from ultra-nationalists. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine, who live in the Donbas and in Crimea, don't recognize the legitimacy or authority of the post-coup Kyiv government. Russia isn't going to allow Western Ukrainians, to continue persecuting and murdering the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. These people chose to make their territory and lands, part of Russia. They returned to Russia, a part of Ukraine inhabited by ethnic Russians that was once Russian territory. Not it's Russian territory again. If you want to start WW3 over this, it's you who is crazy.

As far as me supposedly being homophobic or transphobic, because I point out the fact that many American liberals hate Russia on account of its non-friendly policies towards the LGBTQ agenda and interests, is just a disingenuous attempt to gaslight me, and invalidate my views. Let's assume I am homophobic and transphobic, so what? I'm afraid of my children, and the children of my society, my country, being used as guinea pigs in an LGBTQ social engineering experiment, in an effort to legitimize their sexual orientation, making it mainstream and a healthy alternative to heterosexuality. Let's emasculate males and make women more masculine, blurring the lines between gender, make it more "fluid", in order to advance LGBTQ interests, whatever that might be.

People have a good reason to be "phobic" about the LGBTQ agenda. It's actually a sign that you're not crazy and you're quite normal.
The government didn’t ban RT, nor do they have a right to exist on other people’s platforms. RT exists free and open on a website they pay for themselves. It should come as no surprise to RT that FaceBook doesn’t want to be associated with foreign government propaganda, especially when it comes from an authoritarian regime that is now engaged in an invasion of a sovereign nation resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocents.

The supposed persecution of ethnic Russians in Ukraine is propaganda to justify war and death. Russian language and culture wasn’t banned. Nazis don’t control Ukraine. The civil war in Donbas was funded and fueled by Russian weapons, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocents who happen to be in an airliner flying over the conflict zone.

There is nothing to justify the Russian invasion. Russia chose it and they’re responsible for their choices.
The government didn’t ban RT, nor do they have a right to exist on other people’s platforms. RT exists free and open on a website they pay for themselves. It should come as no surprise to RT that FaceBook doesn’t want to be associated with foreign government propaganda, especially when it comes from an authoritarian regime that is now engaged in an invasion of a sovereign nation resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocents.

The supposed persecution of ethnic Russians in Ukraine is propaganda to justify war and death. Russian language and culture wasn’t banned. Nazis don’t control Ukraine. The civil war in Donbas was funded and fueled by Russian weapons, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocents who happen to be in an airliner flying over the conflict zone.

There is nothing to justify the Russian invasion. Russia chose it and they’re responsible for their choices.

These social media platforms shouldn't be private anymore, they should be publicly owned and serve the public good. They have too much control and influence in our culture, to be allowed to censor certain opinions. As I showed, the US federal government has already tried to control internet social media platforms, in an attempt to control the narrative. They do the same with television and radio. If the American people were more vigilant, and these outlets were no longer in the hands of liberals or anyone else of any particular persuasion, but in the hands of the public, we wouldn't have this level of censorship. The government would have to abide by the 1st amendment, just as it does with public television.

Haven't you seen all of that loony shit on your local public television channel? If social media is made public, it will be freer.
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Send Stacy Abrams, that nuclear grade ugly will send the Russians running in terror.
any comment on this ?

Of course, we're now at war with Russia. They didn't want to invade Germany or Western Europe, or even Ukraine before this war started. It's the US and its Western allies that have started this by expanding NATO to Russia's doorstep, right on its border. Then if that wasn't enough, a coup is orchestrated in Ukraine in 2014, starting an 8 year-long conflict between Ukrainian ultranationalists and Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas. People like you started it.
The US government had RT news on YouTube, a channel with over a million subscribers, closed. Facebook and other social media outlets, don't allow RT. The US government has an immense amount of control over American media and often does steer the narrative, in whichever way best serves their policy interests. More, Ukraine even before the war, was already banning pro-Russian media television stations and radio. They were under threat of violence, by the Asov ultranationalists, the members of the Right-Sector, the Svoboda Party, were terrorizing everyone who was deemed "too friendly" to Russia, or pro-Russian, in the Ukrainian government and in the media. The whole government of Ukraine was under the heel of the right-wing ultranationalists, so to claim that Russia has its authoritarianism, doesn't give you the moral high ground. Yes, Russia is more authoritarian than the USA, so what? Ukraine also had and has now plenty of authoritarianism. Do you condemn Ukraine too?

The bottom line is that you're in denial. You don't give a shit if Russo-Ukrainians in Ukraine are suffering persecution and violence from ultra-nationalists. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine, who live in the Donbas and in Crimea, don't recognize the legitimacy or authority of the post-coup Kyiv government. Russia isn't going to allow Western Ukrainians, to continue persecuting and murdering the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. These people chose to make their territory and lands, part of Russia. They returned to Russia, a part of Ukraine inhabited by ethnic Russians that was once Russian territory. Now it's Russian territory again. If you want to start WW3 over this, it's you who is crazy. You're the one who is nuts if you want to fight WW3 with Russia over Ukraine. You're freaking out of your mind.

As far as me supposedly being homophobic or transphobic, because I point out the fact that many American liberals hate Russia on account of its non-friendly policies towards the LGBTQ agenda, is just your disingenuous attempt to gaslight me, and invalidate my views. Let's assume I am homophobic and transphobic, so what? I'm afraid my children, and the children of my society, my country, being used as guinea pigs in an LGBTQ social engineering experiment, in an effort to legitimize their sexual orientation, making it mainstream and a healthy alternative to heterosexuality.

Let's emasculate males and make women more masculine, blurring the lines between gender, making sex and gender more "fluid", in order to advance LGBTQ interests, whatever that might be.

NO NO, let's not do that. How about that?

People have a good reason to be "phobic" about the LGBTQ agenda. It's actually a sign that you're not crazy and you're quite normal. When people are against this:

That's good. It's healthy, it's right for Russia not to want this lunacy over there. We have it here in America, but they don't want it there in their country. If my being against this crap, makes me "phobic", then I'm phobic. That's fine, ill be "phobic". Phobic, sane and healthy.
It's way more than that. Hate has got you by the balls, and you enjoy it. Your phobic is evil.
It's way more than that. Hate has got you by the balls, and you enjoy it. Your phobic is evil.


It's good to hate what should be hated. If you don't hate evil, then you're evil. I consider you a perverted freak, trying to destroy civilization.
The US government had RT news on YouTube, a channel with over a million subscribers, closed. Facebook and other social media outlets, don't allow RT. The US government has an immense amount of control over American media and often does steer the narrative, in whichever way best serves their policy interests. More, Ukraine even before the war, was already banning pro-Russian media television stations and radio. They were under threat of violence, by the Asov ultranationalists, the members of the Right-Sector, the Svoboda Party, were terrorizing everyone who was deemed "too friendly" to Russia, or pro-Russian, in the Ukrainian government and in the media. The whole government of Ukraine was under the heel of the right-wing ultranationalists, so to claim that Russia has its authoritarianism, doesn't give you the moral high ground. Yes, Russia is more authoritarian than the USA, so what? Ukraine also had and has now plenty of authoritarianism. Do you condemn Ukraine too?

The bottom line is that you're in denial. You don't give a shit if Russo-Ukrainians in Ukraine are suffering persecution and violence from ultra-nationalists. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine, who live in the Donbas and in Crimea, don't recognize the legitimacy or authority of the post-coup Kyiv government. Russia isn't going to allow Western Ukrainians, to continue persecuting and murdering the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. These people chose to make their territory and lands, part of Russia. They returned to Russia, a part of Ukraine inhabited by ethnic Russians that was once Russian territory. Now it's Russian territory again. If you want to start WW3 over this, it's you who is crazy. You're the one who is nuts if you want to fight WW3 with Russia over Ukraine. You're freaking out of your mind.

As far as me supposedly being homophobic or transphobic, because I point out the fact that many American liberals hate Russia on account of its non-friendly policies towards the LGBTQ agenda, is just your disingenuous attempt to gaslight me, and invalidate my views. Let's assume I am homophobic and transphobic, so what? I'm afraid my children, and the children of my society, my country, being used as guinea pigs in an LGBTQ social engineering experiment, in an effort to legitimize their sexual orientation, making it mainstream and a healthy alternative to heterosexuality.

Let's emasculate males and make women more masculine, blurring the lines between gender, making sex and gender more "fluid", in order to advance LGBTQ interests, whatever that might be.

NO NO, let's not do that. How about that?

People have a good reason to be "phobic" about the LGBTQ agenda. It's actually a sign that you're not crazy and you're quite normal. When people are against this:

That's good. It's healthy, it's right for Russia not to want this lunacy over there. We have it here in America, but they don't want it there in their country. If my being against this crap, makes me "phobic", then I'm phobic. That's fine, ill be "phobic". Phobic, sane and healthy.
Damn, this SOB has got it bad.
These social media platforms shouldn't be private anymore, they should be publicly owned and serve the public good. They have too much control and influence in our culture, to be allowed to censor certain opinions. As I showed, the government has already tried to control internet social media platforms, in an attempt to control the narrative. They do the same with television and radio. If the American people were more vigilant, and these outlets were no longer in the hands of liberals or anyone else of any persuasion, but in the hands of the public, we wouldn't have this level of censorship. The government would have to abide by the 1st amendment, just as it does with public television.
This post is total self contradictory nonsense.

Media outlets should remain private. That way the market determines what gets produced, not the government.

Russian government controls internet social media platforms. They pass laws enabling it. There are criminal penalties for violating it.

The US government doesn’t.
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