U.S. Leans Toward Providing Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

For the foreseeable future at least, Russia will likely up the ante on achieving the destruction of the Ukraine.

Later may come the use of a nuclear weapon directly on a large Ukrainian city?

The reason why that's possible and even probable is because the choice to pursue war against Russia will be placed in the hands of America.

I just can't see any possibility of Russia going down in a fight against America, while holding the world's most formidable weapons stockpile in reserve.

Could Putin and his military hold the support of the Russian people on defending their country?

Putin went into the game knowing at least that he has huge support and popularity with his people.

When negotiations begin, even if it has to be after a nuclear gambit, how will the spoils of war be divided?
The Russian people know about his lies. Support is dwindling.
It's funny how far some people will go to try to convince us of what they say is happening.
Ukie neo-Nazi's want a total of 300-400 tanks between Poland, Germany, and U.S..
Welcome to the abyss.
You don't have any evidence for your claims. As always, you are nothing but a miserable pos liar.
then why do all the libs want to engage in war with them? Ukraine is not worth killing american kids for, WTF is wrong with you on the left?
My GOD man, have you lost your fucking mind? The man said he wouldn't be invading Ukraine. Everything he has said or claimed has been a lie. He's a thug, a dictator, a murderer, and a Fascist. And you think we shouldn't engage? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
My GOD man, have you lost your fucking mind? The man said he wouldn't be invading Ukraine. Everything he has said or claimed has been a lie. He's a thug, a dictator, a murderer, and a Fascist. And you think we shouldn't engage? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
yes, he is all those things. so I ask you, are you willing to send your kids to die for Ukraine, your siblings, your nephews? your friend's kids?

and remember, we lost 58,000 in viet nam because you libs made the same claims. Will you never learn?

Why not wait for the Russian people to remove him? They are moving towards that right now.
you idiots said the same thing about Viet Nam----------then 58,000 americans died for nothing. fuckin indiots.
Apples and oranges Jim Bob. North Vietnam was fighting for Communism. Has there been a territorial change? No!
yes, he is all those things. so I ask you, are you willing to send your kids to die for Ukraine, your siblings, your nephews? your friend's kids?

and remember, we lost 58,000 in viet nam because you libs made the same claims. Will you never learn?

Why not wait for the Russian people to remove him? They are moving towards that right now.
We are sending equipment, not troops. When Putin starts gobbling up European territory, then we'll talk. In the mean time, you are talking about sending kids, not me.
We are sending equipment, not troops. When Putin starts gobbling up European territory, then we'll talk. In the mean time, you are talking about sending kids, not me.
So its OK to send billions of dollars in cash and equipment, when there are americans living on the streets and the country is going broke? are you totally insane?
bullshit, you claimed the domino theory then and you are doing it now. Your kids ready to die for Ukraine?
You are on the track of saying and debating nothing. You brought up Vietnam, not me. There was nothing to compare. We went there to stop Communism suposedly. Big mistake. Russia wants territory. Totally different game.
We are sending equipment, not troops. When Putin starts gobbling up European territory, then we'll talk. In the mean time, you are talking about sending kids, not me.
What specific benefit is there for the USA to help Ukraine militarily? Other than keeping the bribe money flowing to the Biden family of course.
So its OK to send billions of dollars in cash and equipment, when there are americans living on the streets and the country is going broke? are you totally insane?
You seem to be detached from reality. People on the street have nothing to do with dictators like Putin trying to take control of territory and soverignty. Your debates are weak and childish. People living on the streets is a domestic issue. Get a clue.
You are on the track of saying and debating nothing. You brought up Vietnam, not me. There was nothing to compare. We went there to stop Communism suposedly. Big mistake. Russia wants territory. Totally different game.
the communists wanted territory too. now they have it after we spent billions of dollars and 58K lives. Ukraine was part of russia for decades, let putin have it back then he will have to deal with that corrupt place.
What specific benefit is there for the USA to help Ukraine militarily? Other than keeping the bribe money flowing to the Biden family of course.
Soverignty you idiot. Without it, people like him will gobble it up like Hitler. Dude, educate yourself. History repeats itself. What are you, in the Fifth grade?
You seem to be detached from reality. People on the street have nothing to do with dictators like Putin trying to take control of territory and soverignty. Your debates are weak and childish. People living on the streets is a domestic issue. Get a clue.
So we are the world's police force? When did we get that title and who is funding it? Spending money trying to stop Putin is the same money that could be used to help Americans who desperately need it.

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