U.S. militia groups head to border stirred by Trump's call to arms

FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

Yeah, the troops heard. This time they will shoot to kill militia thieves that try to steal their equipment.
The militias also have drones. I hope they use them and get caught.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see

Yeah, the troops heard. This time they will shoot to kill militia thieves that try to steal their equipment.
When they find the bodies they will find more dead Hispanics.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see
So you are saying American citizens are willing to do what elected Democratic Party politicians refuse to do - protect our borders and the American people?!

Got it...thanks
Oh go fuck yourself your sniveling lying POS.

Obama increased security at the border.

Trump is wanting to build a 30' wall behind a Walmart selling 40' ladders. Only a stupid fuck thinks that is the best way to secure our borders.
The only reason he has gone there, is because of the obstruction that exist among those politicians who have caused desperation among those who have to end the problem at the border because of the problem within. Ending it within has turned out to be a nightmare because to many are harboring illegals (sanctuary cities), and working the illegals, and benefiting greatly from illegals to the detrimental effect it causes the country at large.

So yes, let's stop it at the border and do it now. It's time to put our country where our mouth is, and save it, balance it, and secure it.
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see
So you are saying American citizens are willing to do what elected Democratic Party politicians refuse to do - protect our borders and the American people?!

Got it...thanks
Oh go fuck yourself your sniveling lying POS.

Obama increased security at the border.

Trump is wanting to build a 30' wall behind a Walmart selling 40' ladders. Only a stupid fuck thinks that is the best way to secure our borders.
The only reason he has gone there, is because of the obstruction that exist among those politicians who have caused desperation among those who have to end the problem at the border because of the problem within. Ending it within has turned out to be a nightmare because to many are harboring illegals (sanctuary cities), and working the illegals, and benefiting greatly from illegals to the detrimental effect it causes the country at large.

So yes, let's stop it at the border and do it now. It's time to put our country where our mouth is, and save it, balance it, and secure it.
The obstruction is that democrats find invaders like this to be heroic

Family Dog Dies Trying To Protect Woman From Assault
Oh go fuck yourself your sniveling lying POS. Obama increased security at the border.


Obama aided and abetted illegals, Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13, Human traffickers, and terrorists, heling them all get into this country and to bring others into this country.

Obama violated both Constitution and Rule of Law.
- After declaring publicly that he could not take any personal action to affect existing Immigration Law the self-professed Constitutional Expert violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress (Separation of Powers) to impose his own 'Dream Act' edict as if it were law. (Since then., Liberal judges who are just as ignorant as Barry about the Constitution has attempted to keep the illegal Presidential legislation / Act from being wiped from the books.

- At one point Obama ordered his DOJ NOT to detain, arrest, indict, file charges against, and/or prosecute any illegal for any crime less that a Felony. This non-Constitutional 'Obama-Right' was a special perk / 'right' that US citizens were not afforded - no US citizen got the 'protection' of not being arrested / charged with violating laws less than a felony.

- In Direct violation of Federal Laws Democrats began to harbor / give safe haven to illegals, violent gangs, violent illegals, terrorists, etc.... Mayors, Governors, etc - all collaborating to violate Federal Law to aid and abet illegals.

The Obama administration sent a team down to Mexico to teach illegals how to apply for govt social program benefits after successfully crossing into the US...Democrats have also been caught numerous times signing up /registering illegals to vote.

So don't give me this crap about how Obama 'secured the border' and prevented violent illegals/ murderers from coming into the US. Obama delivered thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in 100+ civilians being killed - to include Americans. Some of those weapons made it back into the US and were used in the attack on a Recruiting station and in the murder of 2 Americans. There have been a plethora of news articles about Illegals who were deported for committing crimes or released by the Obama administration coming back into the US 5 ... 6 times only to commit more crimes / kill American citizens.

Obama himself stepped in to get a 'refugee' a visa to come to the US...while MOCKING Americans, saying publicly that Americans were afraid of 'widows and orphans'....and not long after that very same 'refugee' murdered 7 Americans in California in a terrorist attack...

Obama is recognized as a 'Globalist', one who was / is for open borders and has, like other Democrats, put their welfare / interests above those of Americans

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