U.S. militia groups head to border stirred by Trump's call to arms

Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.

Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.
-------------------------------- some may be but YOU and your ilk are traitorous Bulldog .

Traitorous? Because I'm not afraid of a few refugees? You're a coward.
I recall Barry Hussein's "call to arms" on election day when the "new black panthers" appeared in uniform in polling places sometimes carrying firearms and sometimes brandishing clubs. Barry's A.G. declined to prosecute.
----------------------------------------------------- yeah, i remember that , i think it was in Milwaukee wasn't it ??
Vigilantes playing army. I hope they are arrested and then sent home. Trump is sending 5 soldiers for each person in the caravan and that doesn't include the border patrol who is already there. They don't need armed idiots getting in the way.
I guess something like this was probably inevitable. And given how crazed these people are now, having something really horrible happening is definitely a possibility.

It's only inevitable because Trump stoked the fear of coward right wingers.
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.

Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.
-------------------------------- some may be but YOU and your ilk are traitorous Bulldog .

Traitorous? Because I'm not afraid of a few refugees? You're a coward.
-------------------------------------- yeah , TRAITOROUS because these Caravan Invaders are intent on invading through USA Borders and Sovereignty and i detect that YOU approve of their actions Bulldog .
They are doing what the US law allows...For those seeking asylum..
it's a mob
Asylum, in international law, the protection granted by a state to a foreign citizen against his own state. The person for whom asylum is established has no legal right to demand it, and the sheltering state has no obligation to grant it.
It is the right of a state to grant asylum to an individual, but it is not the right of an individual to be granted asylum by a state.
Asylum | law
Asylum is a protection granted to foreign nationals already in the United States or at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.
Asylum in the United States
you people are STUPID
FK these jackasses who are wasting our/yours/my $$$$ for NO justifiable reason
If you don't like it tough shit read the laws that concern your disbelief and yes some were passed during Republican administrations..But once they are on US soil they have to be given due process.
Congress is the key to fixing the whole problem. I have not a damn thing to do with it and it goes for millions of people also.
shoot to kill
shoot to kill
You would kill her? She was born on the migrant caravan on October 31. 2018.

---------------------------------------- is she going to be throwing any rocks or molotov cocktail bombbas at American Soldiers KM1026 ??

Right now I imagine she's too busy breastfeeding. But, I was replying to the one who posted the shoot to kill comment. He didn't say only shoot to kill those who pose a threat to the border patrol, he said shoot to kill and that's why I asked him of her could kill this newborn. But, after reading some of his other replies, I think it wouldn't bother him at all to shoot this baby.
Vigilantes playing army. I hope they are arrested and then sent home. Trump is sending 5 soldiers for each person in the caravan and that doesn't include the border patrol who is already there. They don't need armed idiots getting in the way.
I guess something like this was probably inevitable. And given how crazed these people are now, having something really horrible happening is definitely a possibility.

It's only inevitable because Trump stoked the fear of coward right wingers.
--------------------------------------- no fear here , i just don't want any more 'fith columnist' invader extras or replenishment in the USA Bulldog .
it's a mob
Asylum | law
Asylum in the United States
you people are STUPID
FK these jackasses who are wasting our/yours/my $$$$ for NO justifiable reason
If you don't like it tough shit read the laws that concern your disbelief and yes some were passed during Republican administrations..But once they are on US soil they have to be given due process.
Congress is the key to fixing the whole problem. I have not a damn thing to do with it and it goes for millions of people also.
shoot to kill
shoot to kill
You would kill her? She was born on the migrant caravan on October 31. 2018.

---------------------------------------- is she going to be throwing any rocks or molotov cocktail bombbas at American Soldiers KM1026 ??

Right now I imagine she's too busy breastfeeding. But, I was replying to the one who posted the shoot to kill comment. He didn't say only shoot to kill those who pose a threat to the border patrol, he said shoot to kill and that's why I asked him of her could kill this newborn. But, after reading some of his other replies, I think it wouldn't bother him at all to shoot this baby.
---------------------------------- well , just so she is peaceful but she;d be better off staying in her own country . If she gets into the USA she will only cost USA taxpayers money that should be spent on American kids or just Americans of all descriptions KM1026 .
no , but then , I am not a third world invader from mexico or other 'otm' lands Moonglow ,
Those people are NOT from Mexico! It's been reported over and over where they are from. They are mainly from Guatemala... Saying they're from Mexico only shows your ignorance of the facts.
no , but then , I am not a third world invader from mexico or other 'otm' lands Moonglow ,
Those people are NOT from Mexico! It's been reported over and over where they are from. They are mainly from Guatemala... Saying they're from Mexico only shows your ignorance of the facts.
----------------------------------------------- you show your own ignorance by not knowing what other ' OTM ' lands means . But hey , these invaders are all third worlders and calling them 'mex' if i were to do that is an insult to 'mexicans' . Now go ahead and try to figure out what ' OTM ' means KM1026 .
naw , carry of sticks is silly and Cave Man style . Carry of a gun is what is smart and much more effective . I just wanted to spread info on what was being mentioned in another posters post Moonglow .
GO TRUMP , get that razor wire and 15 , 000 American Troops spread out at the border eh !!
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naw , carry of sticks is silly and Cave Man style . Carry of a gun is what is smart and much more effective . I just wanted to spread info on what was being mentioned in another posters post Moonglow .

It's smart to be afraid every time you step out your front door? No. That's called being a coward. Careful or
did you figure out what ' OTM ' means yet you silly uninformed girl KM1026 ??
a small , maybe a 5 shot revolver is always good to have in a front pants pocket Bulldog .
shoot to kill
shoot to kill

This kind of talk is foolish.
if they don't comply or throw rocks--shoot to kill
Take your hate & move to Nortn Korea. We don't need stupid fucking assholes like you in this country.
Take your hate & move to Guatemala. We don't need stupid fucking assholes like you in this country.

I am not the one calling for people to kill people coming here for our help.

That would be you.

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