U.S. militia groups head to border stirred by Trump's call to arms

BUT where do these [supposedly] poor mexicans get the thousands of dollars that they claim they pay to smugglers when all the are doing is walking or riding to the USA Border . Sounds like sympathy BS as why pay smugglers thousands of dollars and what are they paying for ??
the legitimate folks running for their lives and joined that caravan just to get to the USA and try to LEGALLY get permission for immigrant status.
tRumpian hate speech to the contrary that's what they are all doing.
Trump hate speech is derrived from constant attacks from liberals who hide their hands after Trump hits back.

You mess with an old junkyard dog to much, and he's gonna get out of that fence, then what ?? I know what -the gang of leftist that were dragging sticks along the fence would try to set the dog up by forcing his anger to overcome him, and once he breaks out the fence they beat him with those sticks as if he just broke out without them doing a thing to bring him out.

The problem for the leftist however, is that the citizens of the community aren't stupid, and they know the junkyard dog was being taunted and picked at, and they know who beat the dog when he was forced out of the fence.

However the plan goes arry, and the junkyard dog chases these leftist in every direction they could run in or until they climbed up into the tree's yelling for their momma's... LOL
No, that's not how it goes. tRump attacks without provocation or reason. Everything from singling out individuals to attacking whole companies, nationalities, and races. He hates everyone with the unreasoning fervor of a thwarted child.
Lol like Obama did with,
Coal companies
Sicking the irs on conservative groups
Spying on elected represenatives
Sending illegal guns across the border, to hopefully get stronger gun regulations. Thank God that one failed.
Just to name a few.
All of that is fake news. And you eat it up and run back for seconds.
Excellent news.
Oh look, nut-bar extremists with gun!

What could possibly go wrong?
Stop illegals from entering our country.
Border patrol is doing a pretty good job of that. Most illegals are here because they overstay their visa, not by crossing the border.
---------------------------------------------- so what , both classes seem like good targets to go after Crep .
Vigilantes playing army. I hope they are arrested and then sent home. Trump is sending 5 soldiers for each person in the caravan and that doesn't include the border patrol who is already there. They don't need armed idiots getting in the way.
I guess something like this was probably inevitable. And given how crazed these people are now, having something really horrible happening is definitely a possibility.
Excellent news.
Oh look, nut-bar extremists with gun!

What could possibly go wrong?
Stop illegals from entering our country.
Border patrol is doing a pretty good job of that. Most illegals are here because they overstay their visa, not by crossing the border.
---------------------------------------------- so what , both classes seem like good targets to go after Crep .
Nothing to do with unstable vigilantes heading for Texas. Would you like to try again?
FALFURRIAS, Tex. —Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border.

U.S. militia groups head to border, stirred by Trump’s call to arms

Ewww the big scary word :" Militia" oh now that's scary for trendy's to see
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Entry into the Union is a federal Obligation since 1808. States are specifically denied and disparaged that Power, as are their People.
Texas Minutemen are a gang. We don't do gangs. They can parade themselves all over the place, but they are still a gang. These pricks have NO AUTHORITY to do anything on behalf the the American nation. Let them rot in jail where they belong, the self-appointed little bitches.

Well, a lot of people want to be a cowboy these days. And most of them have no real understanding of the concept of militia in the Constitution. I see postings around here about shooting people on sight and that's disturbing. We've seen reports in the past of innocent American citizens shot and killed by these groups down there on the border.

It's a bit of a touchy topic when we get into legitimate militias, though. They do serve a legitimate function of the state which is specifically stated in the Constitution. But it's a very specific scenario where well regulated militias are formed on demand for specific reason. It's not like there's a ready to go private militia waiting to be called upon.
just heard on FOX , even now the 'catholic church' is involved in helping the invaders as their 'nuns' are flagging down big rig trucks to give rides to the invaders and those rides are happening .
Their motives are nefarious, wrecklace, and suicidal. Who in Sam Hell cares about the Catholic Church anymore in this country ??? If do, then they are mentally messed up or actually part of the problem. No middle ground anymore with that group.
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.
Well that is the normal Progressives way of looking at it.
Just what we need. A bunch of conspiracy theory nuts with guns. Innocent people will probably die. Thanks Trump.

Not innocent people. Illegal people will die. What you think the civilian border groups are something new. They have been watching the border for years. They are well trained. A good portion are retired military.

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They are idiots.

Why. Because they don’t fit your agenda. Just remember there are 100’s of thousands of people who are ready to do what they have to. The libtards start fucking with there freedom, guns and normal Democrat bullshit. It will get very ugly and the liberals and Democrats don’t stand a chance against them.

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Just who has "fucked" with anyone's freedom? Aren't you the same asshole you were yesterday? Why do you want to murder innocent people?
That would be the Democrats who wish for total control and a new stupid class of residents who will vote as they are instructed to
And what??? Why are they pretending??? They may not overreach the authority that they no longer have. One doesn't get a badge for a lifetime. Any cop or member of the military who stops me must carry authority at that present moment to do so, and then I will respect that authority.

These "militia" people, gangs, have no authority. They are impostors; pretend folks, who have absolutely NO authority over anyone. These are gangs. Let's see their badges and their papers. I've respected cops all of my life, a badge meant that I stopped and did like what was told.

Who are these "militia" types?

According to the article, the Texas Minutemen were mentioned. I'm not familar with that group.

Here's what I found on their fedbook page. Texas Minutemen

Texas Minutemen are a gang. We don't do gangs. They can parade themselves all over the place, but they are still a gang. These pricks have NO AUTHORITY to do anything on behalf the the American nation. Let them rot in jail where they belong, the self-appointed little bitches.
On the other hand, these...caravans...have no authority to enter the US.

Now we have two sides with no authority, taking authority into their own hands.

Who are you rooting for?
Who is in charge of these "militia" gangs? Some pigfucker in camies trying to impose himself? What is his name who masquerades as one of us and pretends to represent us? He has no badge and he has no honor in the United States of America. No. This trash has no right to take over the the U.S. He speaks for no one, and certainly no American. We are Americans here, red, white, and blue. These people do NOT represent the American People. They are imposters.
Says the new globalist that wished so bad that this nation would fall under the control of the UN ever since you all lost control of the US government.

One thing about the globalist, they have to use government power in a tyrannical way in order to destroy their enemies in a supposed "LEGAL WAY". So they lost their manipulating of our government, and look outwardly to get what they think is a more powerful government body to control or over throw the American soviergn government here.

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