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U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream

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If Muslims were as bad as the bigots make them out to be- we would be having millions of murders by Muslims in America each year.....but we don't
And how many Muslims are living in America currently?

Ever bother to look at the correlation between the percentage of Muslims in a culture and the escalation of violence by Muslims in a culture.

Are you even aware of the rapes and intimidation in Europe as Islam grows?
We in the west need to scrutinize religion , since the likes of reverend Jim Jones has proven that religion is NOT above scrutiny and is a major criminal enterprise and more over, a major hate cult. Islam took that paradigm to a major new extreme. I don't know a good Muslim anymore than I know a good nazi. We need to reevaluate Islam as hate death cult given their actions in the last 15 years.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check out muslim history since the founding of islam 1400 hundred years in the past . islam was founded about 650 - 700 AD and they have been murderous ever since . See their first invasion of Spain at around 700 or so AD Mary .
Latest Pew Poll....interesting. It's been ten years since the last poll on American Muslims and, like before...they aren't much different then other American demographics.

U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream

The early days of Donald Trump’s presidency have been an anxious time for many Muslim Americans, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Overall, Muslims in the United States perceive a lot of discrimination against their religious group, are leery of Trump and think their fellow Americans do not see Islam as part of mainstream U.S. society.

At the same time, however, Muslim Americans express a persistent streak of optimism and positive feelings. Overwhelmingly, they say they are proud to be Americans, believe that hard work generally brings success in this country and are satisfied with the way things are going in their own lives – even if they are not satisfied with the direction of the country as a whole.

In addition, half of Muslim Americans say it has become harder to be Muslim in the U.S. in recent years. And 48% say they have experienced at least one incident of discrimination in the past 12 months.

But alongside these reports of discrimination, a similar – and growing – share (49%) of Muslim Americans say someone has expressed support for them because of their religion in the past year. And 55% think Americans in general are friendly toward U.S. Muslims, compared with just 14% who say they are unfriendly.

The Muslim population in the U.S. is growing and highly diverse, made up largely of immigrants and the children of immigrants from all across the world. Indeed, respondents in the survey hail from at least 75 nations – although the vast majority are now U.S. citizens. As a group, Muslims are younger and more racially diverse than the general population.

The survey also shows that Muslims largely share the general public’s concerns about religious extremism. Indeed, if anything, Muslims may be more concerned than non-Muslims about extremism in the name of Islam. Yet most Muslims say there is little support for extremism within the U.S. Muslim community, and few say they think violence against civilians can be justified in pursuit of religious, political or social causes.

While U.S. Muslims are concerned about extremism and overwhelmingly opposed to the use of violence against civilians, they also are somewhat mistrustful of law enforcement officials and skeptical of the integrity of government sting operations. About four-in-ten U.S. Muslims (39%) believe most Muslims who have been arrested in the U.S. on suspicion of plotting terrorist acts posed a real threat. But three-in-ten (30%) say law enforcement officers have arrested mostly people who were tricked and did not pose a real threat. And an additional three-in-ten volunteer that “it depends” or offer another response or no response. Views on this topic among the general public are less divided: A majority of U.S. adults (62%) say officers in sting operations have mostly arrested people who posed a real threat to others.

Muslims say their faith is not only about beliefs and rituals
The diversity of Muslims in the U.S. extends to religious beliefs and practices as well. While nearly all Muslims say they are proud to be Muslim, they are not of one mind about what is essential to being Muslim, and their levels of religious practice vary widely.

Most U.S. Muslims (64%) say there is more than one true way to interpret Islam. They also are more likely to say traditional understandings of Islam need to be reinterpreted in light of modern contexts (52%) than to say traditional understandings are all that is needed (38%).

Muslims also were asked whether each of eight actions and behaviors is an “essential” part of what being Muslim means to them, an “important but not essential” part or “not an important” part. Fully 85% of Muslims say believing in God is essential to what being Muslim means to them, more than say the same about any other item in the survey. And nearly three-quarters say “loving the Prophet Muhammad” is essential to what being Muslim means to them.


Most Muslims say working for justice, protecting the environment among keys to what it means to be Muslim

No surprise to anyone who actually knows Muslims in America.

Like virtually every immigrant group- by third generation they are Football loving Americans who don't speak their grandparents language.

If Muslims were as bad as the bigots make them out to be- we would be having millions of murders by Muslims in America each year.....but we don't.

Because other than the religious wingnut minority- they want the same things as every immigrant here- a place to succeed, raise family, be safe.
----------------------------------------------------- see Europa Syriusly . Numbers of muslims in the USA is about 1 and a half percent . Wait till they increase their numbers which hopefully they won't be allowed to do Syriusly
Islam is a mind placebo for people that believe in the cosmic wombat from the 7th dimension . Islam is borderline whack jobs that behead people, tax apostates and other wise condemn any one not like them. But Boo, hoo, we see what utter despicable swine Muslims act like? Opps, silly me, being realist and observing facts and stuff.I must be a Islamophobic or something.
You believe everything on FOX,pauvre con.

If Muslims were as bad as the bigots make them out to be- we would be having millions of murders by Muslims in America each year.....but we don't
And how many Muslims are living in America currently?

Ever bother to look at the correlation between the percentage of Muslims in a culture and the escalation of violence by Muslims in a culture.

Are you even aware of the rapes and intimidation in Europe as Islam grows?
We in the west need to scrutinize religion , since the likes of reverend Jim Jones has proven that religion is NOT above scrutiny and is a major criminal enterprise and more over, a major hate cult. Islam took that paradigm to a major new extreme. I don't know a good Muslim anymore than I know a good nazi. We need to reevaluate Islam as hate death cult given their actions in the last 15 years.

And given the message of Islam's teachings.
i personally don't think that MOST religion needs scrutiny . 'And ' islam' has been scrutinized for 1400 hundred years so the verdict that 'islam' is the big problem religion in the world should be common knowledge throughout the entire world .
'jim jones' was a weirdo , i think that he helped kill 300 weirdos on private property in a foreign land as they drank poisonous cool aid that was mixed up by a few of his followers and most drank voluntarily . Most drank because they wanted to drink as they followed his and their religion . ------------------ Sad perhaps but i think it was only 300 or so people doing what they wanted to do . islam though , see the results of islams war on the Western world , especially in Europe and 'arabia' today in current news .
I'm still trying yo figure out how middle class Muslims can build 10 million dollar mosques.
I'm sure they're not being funded by Saudi Arabia.
The vast majority of mosques built in America are small buildings or renovated houses turned into mosques. They are constructed by the local muslim community using fund raising activities over several years.

The large multi-million dollar mosques can take many years to build. The one I attend, the largest on the east coast, took 20 years from start to finish. Planning stage, city permits, buying the land, ground preparation, foundation poured, walls erected, roof, plumbing, etc. Each step in construction only took place as the the money was raised. Many times the partially built mosque set idle for months waiting for more money to be collected to continue with the next phase of construction.

Also not all muslims are middle class income earners. There are many muslim doctors, lawyers, dentists, businessmen, and other professionals, who have deep pockets and can contribute a significant sum of money towards the building of a large mosque. ..... :cool:
The large mosques are built by Saudi Arabia under the condition that they send the clerics who are the principles.
The large mosques are built by Saudi Arabia under the condition that they send the clerics who are the principles.
While some of the large mosques were constructed with initial seed money donated by wealthy Saudi citizens. After 911 that money dried up when the U.S. government became involved in the process. Which caused many Saudi donors to withdraw their help in funding mosque construction. .... :cool:
So what if they do?
The large mosques are built by Saudi Arabia under the condition that they send the clerics who are the principles.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Plus , imagine their calls tp prayer . And to you Issa , its all just friendly conversation and a bit of info , hopefully leading to reasons to stop importing YOU muslims Issa .
Islam is a mind placebo for people that believe in the cosmic wombat

And so is Judaism and Christianity.

But Christians and Muslims and Jews in the United States all are concerned about essentially the same thing- family, jobs, safety, economic stability and advancement.
i personally don't think that MOST religion needs scrutiny . 'And ' islam' has been scrutinized for 1400 hundred years so the verdict that 'islam' is the big problem religion in the world should be common knowledge throughout the entire world .

It is 'common knowledge' among religious bigots- just like it is 'common knowledge' that Judaism is the big problem religion among the anti-semites.
see what 'islam' does all around the world with their murders , mayhem and targeting of 'ariana grande' type concerts for little girls in England wasn't it . 'allahu akbar' , murder those little girls was the muslim warcry a few months ago :afro: Syriusly ??
see what 'islam' does all around the world with their murders , mayhem and targeting of 'ariana grande' type concerts for little girls in England wasn't it . 'allahu akbar' , murder those little girls was the muslim warcry a few months ago :afro: Syriusly ??

I see what Islamist Terrorists do all over the world.

Where are the murders, mayhem and targeting by the 3 million Muslims here in the United States?
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