U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier


Bomb Iran! BOMB IRAN!!
That is what will happen if Iran keeps acting stupidly, and it won't be able to reply, and the world will not support Iran.
I am very supportive of coming to an agreement with Iran and many Americans are, what is the alternative, war?

Obama will unless Israel and or Saudi Arabia starts something and Iran fights back, which I can see.

But tell us what you think?
I am very supportive of coming to an agreement with Iran and many Americans are, what is the alternative, war?

Obama will unless Israel and or Saudi Arabia starts something and Iran fights back, which I can see.

But tell us what you think?

the war has already started-------shit elements in Yemen (Iranian sponsored and armed) have attacked Saudi Arabia. The situation has been cooking for a very
long time-----in fact the "god" whose ass you still lick (Osama bin Laden) played
in this game decades ago. No "agreement" between the USA and Iran is going to put a halt to the INEVITABLE just as the idiot agreements between cock sucking Chamberlain and your other "god" adolf hitler, put a stop to world war II
How much do aircraft carriers cost (not to mention the thousands of people on them)? Would the value of bombing Iran be equal to such a sacrifice?
How much do aircraft carriers cost (not to mention the thousands of people on them)? Would the value of bombing Iran be equal to such a sacrifice?

??? what does your question mean? Aircraft carriers cost lots----millions and millions-----the Navy already got some. I doubt that there are THOUSANDS AND
THOUSANDS of people on them-----in fact I know there are not (I am a navy veteran)----our boys are paid no matter where they are floating. What sort of point are
you struggling to make? Where do you see a "sacrifice" -----we got aircraft carriers and subs floating around the world------all the time----and our boys get lunch every day
That country of that ship owes Iran money.

so? -------Iran gets to kidnap people for that reason? Nice precedent----there are lots of judgements against
various countries right now for terrorist actions------the US can start ROUNDING up their citizens
That country of that ship owes Iran money.

so? -------Iran gets to kidnap people for that reason? Nice precedent----there are lots of judgements against
various countries right now for terrorist actions------the US can start ROUNDING up their citizens

Well IDF shoot at fisherman so you talk about Iran holding a ship. Funny.
The financial dispute which caused the seizure of the ship has been ongoing for years and may or may not be legimate.

However the timing of the dispute was deliberately made now to indicate a show of strength by the Iranians.

The US has joined the Saudi blockade against Iranian ships supplying arms to the Houthi rebels in Yemen who are supported by Iran.

Furthermore the US Navy has commenced patrols to allow freedom of passage in the straight of Hormuz.

The timing of this action by Iran is indicative of the fact that Iran no longer takes America seriously as a world power and will make reprisals whenever they feel like... Obama and the US in its present state doesn't frighten them!

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