U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier

If anybody believes Iran can go to the missile races with the US, that person is fool.

No one claimed it, but China is in with a good chance. After all, they have bought US tech from Israel and have captured stealth drones to work with.
You'd have to be a fool to dismiss the possibility.

the possibility of what? islamo Nazi thuggery ? I agree----anyone who dismisses the fact of the filth of sluts
who put bombs on their whorish asses as -----'no big deal---everyone does it' ------is a fool. The stink of Islamic thuggery is very effective-----nothing like a raped and beheaded six year old girl lying in the gutter of Indonesia o convince hindus and Christians------"we either leave or convert to the stench". -------AND anyone who thinks that the mindset of the slut-thuggery does not PERMEATE the entire UMMAH ------is stupid
a KAZAKHSTAN cartoon ? is that the best you can do?

Perhaps you can point out the errors in it.
No, you can't because it's accurate.

where did I suggest "errors"? It is a cartoon depicting
an issue that goes on in the depraved minds of islamo Nazi dogs and pigs. There is no question that the US has military bases in several countries at the invitation of those
countries-------there is also no question that meccaist sluts put bombs on their stinking asses-------ALL OVER THE WORLD. How is the murdering slut-----HEROINE OF THE MOSQUE----hayat doing? did she do the whore ass up salat in INDONESIA last Friday?
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the aggressive nation.

A pity you don't see it that way when Israel tries to recover the debt from the P.A. for electricity used and not paid for. Time to cut them off until the bill is paid in full

good point-------of course it would also be a good idea to
sue Iran for all terrorist activities linked to their Hezbollah shills

When will Israel pay for their war crimes against the Pals. Israel created Hezbollah, as Lebanon had no army to get keep the Israelies from invading, so as a good neighbor , Iran helped. Got a problem with that, take it up with the Israel government who orders unprovoked attacks.

What war crimes have Israel been found guilty of then, can you provide a link to them please ?

Iran created Hezbolla unless you can produce a link from an unbiased source ?

What unprovoked attacks, how about a link from an unbiased source to prove this claim ?
If anybody believes Iran can go to the missile races with the US, that person is fool.

No one claimed it, but China is in with a good chance. After all, they have bought US tech from Israel and have captured stealth drones to work with.
You'd have to be a fool to dismiss the possibility.

It would be the catalyst that the world needs to start pounding all the communist countries into dust. And it would take just one champagne socialist dictator to fire just one nuclear warhead and the whole world would erupt in madness.
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the agg says the extremist MusliSays the extremist Muslim
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the aggressive nation.

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying
For now, the Navy escorts will only apply to American ships, defense officials said. This week, the Pentagon said the U.S. was bound by treaties to protect the Marshall Island cargo ship, but said it was trying to resolve the dispute through diplomatic channels.

U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier - WSJ
And not charging a fee for protection, what is happening to this metro-sexual Navy?

not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
I like AF chow real well. Army was fine. Navy was not all that good.

STUPID GRUNT!!!! navy beats air-force every time----
btw-----call me Ma'am----stupid grunt!!!!!!! -----remember----
it's NAVY BEAN SOUP at the football game---that's NAVY
BEAN SOUP------you stupid grunts do not even have
For now, the Navy escorts will only apply to American ships, defense officials said. This week, the Pentagon said the U.S. was bound by treaties to protect the Marshall Island cargo ship, but said it was trying to resolve the dispute through diplomatic channels.

U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier - WSJ
I think this may make a case for corvette class, brown water capable ships.

must I google? MARSHALL ISLAND?
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the agg says the extremist MusliSays the extremist Muslim
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the aggressive nation.

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying
For now, the Navy escorts will only apply to American ships, defense officials said. This week, the Pentagon said the U.S. was bound by treaties to protect the Marshall Island cargo ship, but said it was trying to resolve the dispute through diplomatic channels.

U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier - WSJ
And not charging a fee for protection, what is happening to this metro-sexual Navy?

not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
We Okies still make it......the gravy is from corn starch in da dumplings...Some use milk, some just water, depended how poor you was...
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the agg says the extremist MusliSays the extremist Muslim
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the aggressive nation.

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying

I'm still waiting for Freddie to justify his LIBEL ---"the USA is threatening Iran"-----kinda funny-----millions of ummah scum, pimps and whores chant---DEATH TO AMERICA and he complains ----'the usa is threatening iran'
For now, the Navy escorts will only apply to American ships, defense officials said. This week, the Pentagon said the U.S. was bound by treaties to protect the Marshall Island cargo ship, but said it was trying to resolve the dispute through diplomatic channels.

U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier - WSJ
And not charging a fee for protection, what is happening to this metro-sexual Navy?

not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
We Okies still make it......the gravy is from corn starch in da dumplings...Some use milk, some just water, depended how poor you was...

corn starch? not for the gravy------corn starch is the 'nilla puddin' -------grease and flour for the gravy-------pig grease----hot---sprinkle in some regular white flour----stir fast an' hot------then spill in some milk----------even I kin do
OAKIE. an' fer dem dumplin's-------corn meal and pig grease YUM-----mebbe a egg-----sometimes

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