U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier

For now, the Navy escorts will only apply to American ships, defense officials said. This week, the Pentagon said the U.S. was bound by treaties to protect the Marshall Island cargo ship, but said it was trying to resolve the dispute through diplomatic channels.

U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier - WSJ
And not charging a fee for protection, what is happening to this metro-sexual Navy?

not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
We Okies still make it......the gravy is from corn starch in da dumplings...Some use milk, some just water, depended how poor you was...

corn starch? not for the gravy------corn starch is the 'nilla puddin' -------grease and flour for the gravy-------pig grease----hot---sprinkle in some regular white flour----stir fast an' hot------then spill in some milk----------even I kin do
OAKIE. an' fer dem dumplin's-------corn meal and pig grease YUM-----mebbe a egg-----sometimes
You said chicken and dumpling,s normally in a large stock pan with chicken broth chicken meat, flour dough dumplings spooned into the broth..
What are you talking about. All your kind don't understand anything!
Of COURSE there's cornstarch in the sauce! To thicken it! That's how it becomes 'Sauce'.
That's why all you people are all wrong about everything. If you don't know about sauce, what could you know? Everything you say must be wrong. You must be unAmerican to always be saying wrong things! You are selling us out to our enemies!

(how'm I doin'?)
For now, the Navy escorts will only apply to American ships, defense officials said. This week, the Pentagon said the U.S. was bound by treaties to protect the Marshall Island cargo ship, but said it was trying to resolve the dispute through diplomatic channels.

U.S. Navy Starts Accompanying Ships in Strait Where Iran Seized Cargo Carrier - WSJ
And not charging a fee for protection, what is happening to this metro-sexual Navy?

not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
We Okies still make it......the gravy is from corn starch in da dumplings...Some use milk, some just water, depended how poor you was...

corn starch? not for the gravy------corn starch is the 'nilla puddin' -------grease and flour for the gravy-------pig grease----hot---sprinkle in some regular white flour----stir fast an' hot------then spill in some milk----------even I kin do
OAKIE. an' fer dem dumplin's-------corn meal and pig grease YUM-----mebbe a egg-----sometimes
You said chicken and dumpling,s normally in a large stock pan with chicken broth chicken meat, flour dough dumplings spooned into the broth..

I said chiken'n dumplin's-----da navy dumplin's is yellow---corn flour
And not charging a fee for protection, what is happening to this metro-sexual Navy?

not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
We Okies still make it......the gravy is from corn starch in da dumplings...Some use milk, some just water, depended how poor you was...

corn starch? not for the gravy------corn starch is the 'nilla puddin' -------grease and flour for the gravy-------pig grease----hot---sprinkle in some regular white flour----stir fast an' hot------then spill in some milk----------even I kin do
OAKIE. an' fer dem dumplin's-------corn meal and pig grease YUM-----mebbe a egg-----sometimes
You said chicken and dumpling,s normally in a large stock pan with chicken broth chicken meat, flour dough dumplings spooned into the broth..

I said chiken'n dumplin's-----da navy dumplin's is yellow---corn flour
What are you talking about. All your kind don't understand anything!
Of COURSE there's cornstarch in the sauce! To thicken it! That's how it becomes 'Sauce'.
That's why all you people are all wrong about everything. If you don't know about sauce, what could you know? Everything you say must be wrong. You must be unAmerican to always be saying wrong things! You are selling us out to our enemies!

(how'm I doin'?)

wrong----cornstarch gravy breaks down------with veggies in it---------YA DO A ROUX-------pig grease and flour-----that way the broccoli juice does not curdle it. cook up a roux----then add the broth----mebbe some milk
not only NOT CHARGING A FEE------the ship will probably supply the standard lunch--------chicken 'n dumplin's to the
civilians. I miss that mess--------chicken 'n dumplin's in
really weird gravy----------and vanilla puddin' garnished with a sprig of parsley...... yum
We Okies still make it......the gravy is from corn starch in da dumplings...Some use milk, some just water, depended how poor you was...

corn starch? not for the gravy------corn starch is the 'nilla puddin' -------grease and flour for the gravy-------pig grease----hot---sprinkle in some regular white flour----stir fast an' hot------then spill in some milk----------even I kin do
OAKIE. an' fer dem dumplin's-------corn meal and pig grease YUM-----mebbe a egg-----sometimes
You said chicken and dumpling,s normally in a large stock pan with chicken broth chicken meat, flour dough dumplings spooned into the broth..

I said chiken'n dumplin's-----da navy dumplin's is yellow---corn flour

They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the agg says the extremist MusliSays the extremist Muslim
They should Iran is maniacal.

Actually, Iran is collecting a legally enforcible debt, and within international law.
The company concerned had admitted fault, but has not yet paid.
There is no issue here except a bad debt.

America uses this as an excuse to threaten a nation that is legally entitled to seize this ship under international law.

As usual, America is the aggressive nation.

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying

says the extremist Muslim. do you have a source for what you were saying

I'm still waiting for Freddie to justify his LIBEL ---"the USA is threatening Iran"-----kinda funny-----millions of ummah scum, pimps and whores chant---DEATH TO AMERICA and he complains ----'the usa is threatening iran'

Hard to take an Extremist Muslim seriously when he acts as a stand up comedian.
Hard to take an Extremist Muslim seriously when he acts as a stand up comedian.

Given this news is in the public domain and very easy to find, one wonder why some are trying to hide it, pretending Iran made an aggressive move against an innocent ship.
In fact Iran has simply followed international law, seizing a debt just as a US based collections company would take your car to settle an unpaid an unpaid bill.

What does aggressive America do? Covers up the truth and sends warships out as if this is some nasty Iranian plot to disrupt shipping.

Much as some want to paint a picture of Iranian pirates attacking innocent ships, this is normal and legal.

SIRS Seized Ship Has Left Wake of Bad Debts and Stranded Crews

America has also done this.
US hedge fund seizes Argentinian navy ship as collateral on bad debt - AR15.Com Archive

Still, can't go around mentioning this is totally legal, and something America does, not when you want Iran to look bad.
debtor's prison went belly up a century ago----for all civilized

Did they?
Of course, Israel just attacks unarmed ships and murders crew members.

No one ever accused Israel of being civilised.
debtor's prison went belly up a century ago----for all civilized

Did they?
Of course, Israel just attacks unarmed ships and murders crew members.

No one ever accused Israel of being civilised.

no ----Israel does not do that nor does it attack kindergartens and murder the children whilst the meccaist sluts wiggle
their whorish asses and ululate for allah-------that's a MECCAIST thing-------no one ever accused the meccaist bitches or their brothers of anything remotely decent.
Keep struggling to defend the filth you so ENJOY---freddie
can anyone tell me just how the particular ship involved in this recent Iranian pig aggression has anything to do with who's
debt to Iran ?????????
I am having some trouble finding information on this latest
bit of meccaist filth-----is the crew of the ship also being

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