U.S. parents accept children's transgender identity by age three

A 3 years old girl is just a baby without any self awareness.
Anybody should believe what she says... :eusa_think:
She could say tomorrow "Mom I feel like a unicorn, I am a unicorn"...:dunno:

I am the Emperor of the Western Hemisphere with territory on several other planets.

3 year olds making life decisions?!
I remember being three. My parents didn't have to tell me I was a girl. This child in your OP knows who he is. There is no confusion here, except yours.
Its not being confused thinking you are a girl when you are a male? :confused:
WTF are you talking about?
You said there is no confusion except me. However, the female the OP is about thinks he is a boy. That sounds like confusion, madam
3 year olds making life decisions?!
I remember being three. My parents didn't have to tell me I was a girl. This child in your OP knows who he is. There is no confusion here, except yours.

Baloney...no way a three year old child has the awareness and mental capacity to even begin to think this garbage
Three year olds begin "playing" at traditional gender roles, don't they? Maybe not. I did. Tea parties and baby dolls in the crib my grampa made me. Dressing up in Mommy's old clothes. Note MOMMY'S old clothes. And believe it or not I still remember a yellow Sunday dress that my mother says I had when I was three. It was a dream. NOW TELL ME I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS A GIRL.
3 year olds making life decisions?!
I remember being three. My parents didn't have to tell me I was a girl. This child in your OP knows who he is. There is no confusion here, except yours.

Baloney...no way a three year old child has the awareness and mental capacity to even begin to think this garbage
Three year olds begin "playing" at traditional gender roles, don't they? Maybe not. I did. Tea parties and baby dolls in the crib my grampa made me. Dressing up in Mommy's old clothes. Note MOMMY'S old clothes. And believe it or not I still remember a yellow Sunday dress that my mother says I had when I was three. It was a dream. NOW TELL ME I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS A GIRL.
Simple test

Offer your son a toy truck or a doll

If he choses the doll.....Get him neutered
This would, by anyone else, be labeled a joke. But you are crazy & demented. So that wont work :(

Listen snowflake...

If your kid does not know he is supposed to choose a truck by three, it is time to take action
Buy him a dress and start to have tea parties with him

You don't have the first clue what you're babbling about....again

Suppose you want to have a tea party for your three year old daughter and she would rather drink beer and watch the football game with dad

You need to buy that girl a pair of vice grips and some duct tape
i was more a hoyden and my friends to this day will look at me and say 'stop being a guy'
I was in a tree fort or bringing home snapping turtles and minnows by the time they let me loose in the neighborhood. But I still liked pretty Sunday dresses. Just not the scratchy slip.
i hate dresses.....i have not worn a dress in decades lol i rock the same sad look i rocked when i was 20......levis....t shirt and flannel shirt....i can be used as a bad example
right now with uggs....ugly ass uggs....my muck about boots...i use to wear kick ass cowboy boots.....however getting them on and off is more of a challenge.....omg i dont even try the fucking skinny jeans...that is a what the fuck was i thinking purchase
why does the concept of sexual re assignment cause so much conflict? if one see the 'body' as a vehicle..then why not modify it to meet the mind's concept of what the body should be? now i am all for an adult who thinks they are a different sex..giving it a try......use to be hard to do...hard to live as the opposite sex and see doctors for at least a year....the you had top surgery where the breast buds are removed or the adams apple is shaved down....this is with hormone treatments.....then you have the final bottom surgery when the sex organs are removed and revamped....that is a rather final stage..as most will lose the ability to orgasm....a lot of male to female draw the line at the bottom surgery...

o gawd here with go....chicks with dicks are popular.....dont even think they arent...with women and men.....i do not know if yall are really this prudish or just shy about revealing your fetishes or proclivities....i mean really are yall this boring in bed...that you have no concept of anything that does not fall in the black and white realm of thinking?

perhaps another time.....
I am sexually adventurous but I do not fantasize about getting rammed in the ass by a dude with rock hard tits and a delusional mentality.
Bones, you make a good point. My problem with this is the way the mental are coddled and lied to. If an adult simply wants to tuck their dick and get a vag or vice versa its ok. Its their body. Big difference from denying biology

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