U.S. parents accept children's transgender identity by age three

Bones, you make a good point. My problem with this is the way the mental are coddled and lied to. If an adult simply wants to tuck their dick and get a vag or vice versa its ok. Its their body. Big difference from denying biology
They aren't mental! The three year old should be left alone--if you read your whole article in the OP, a doctor who has worked with over 1,000 trans kids had only one revert to natal gender at puberty. 1 of 1,000. They know what they're saying. They're too young to be delusional. They know if they're a boy or girl, same as you and me. Just doesn't match the equipment.

A single doctor has worked with 1000 trans kids?


Yes, but the article does nothing to back that up besides the doctor's words. How can one doctor have seen 1000 transgendered children?

This is going to become a popularity thing, that will screw up more kids than will help.
Bones, you make a good point. My problem with this is the way the mental are coddled and lied to. If an adult simply wants to tuck their dick and get a vag or vice versa its ok. Its their body. Big difference from denying biology
They aren't mental! The three year old should be left alone--if you read your whole article in the OP, a doctor who has worked with over 1,000 trans kids had only one revert to natal gender at puberty. 1 of 1,000. They know what they're saying. They're too young to be delusional. They know if they're a boy or girl, same as you and me. Just doesn't match the equipment.

I am officially calling bullshit on that doctor.
I wonder if the libtards can tell us who "assigns" gender? When my son was born, his gender was male from that moment. It didn't take my three years to figure it out.
Like 99.9% of us. All this fascination with transgenders is leading some folks to believe it is happening all over the country to people in every neighborhood. Mother Nature is not ALWAYS perfect in her creations. Sometimes things come out a little different than is meant. It doesn't mean they're MENTAL or SICK or deserve to live in denial their whole lives because their close minded parents can't accept it.
You are being extremely close minded, lady. It is EXACTLY a mental problem. Do you understand what a mental problem is?
Do you know what pain in the ass BADGERING is?

People used to think schizophrenics were possessed by the devil because they acted "weird." Nothing could change people's minds except a century or so of science. Like bones pointed out, as a mom and grandma and generally kind person, I'd want the kid to be happy, not miserable and suicidal.

Different does not mean MENTAL necessarily. Normal is an average of a whole range of behavior. Being outside the "normal" range like Einstein's intelligence or Maria Callas's voice doesn't make them MENTAL and being born with wiring that identifies with the other gender doesn't mean they're BAD ABNORMAL IN NEED OF DRASTIC INTERVENTION.
You need to relax. Trannies won't hurt you.
I didn't or even imply they would. I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with the way society treats them with lies and delusion.. I have a cousin that is now a female boy. I have a genuine concern and would like trans to get actual help. Like love, affection and truth.
They absolutely have a mental problem. You can spin and try to change definitions if you want too. That's just your closed mindedness taking control.
They deny reality, lady. They say biology got it wrong. Which is bullshit. Their MIND is wrong.
Why does body win over mind in your reality?
I wonder if the libtards can tell us who "assigns" gender? When my son was born, his gender was male from that moment. It didn't take my three years to figure it out.
Like 99.9% of us. All this fascination with transgenders is leading some folks to believe it is happening all over the country to people in every neighborhood. Mother Nature is not ALWAYS perfect in her creations. Sometimes things come out a little different than is meant. It doesn't mean they're MENTAL or SICK or deserve to live in denial their whole lives because their close minded parents can't accept it.
You are being extremely close minded, lady. It is EXACTLY a mental problem. Do you understand what a mental problem is?
Do you know what pain in the ass BADGERING is?

People used to think schizophrenics were possessed by the devil because they acted "weird." Nothing could change people's minds except a century or so of science. Like bones pointed out, as a mom and grandma and generally kind person, I'd want the kid to be happy, not miserable and suicidal.

Different does not mean MENTAL necessarily. Normal is an average of a whole range of behavior. Being outside the "normal" range like Einstein's intelligence or Maria Callas's voice doesn't make them MENTAL and being born with wiring that identifies with the other gender doesn't mean they're BAD ABNORMAL IN NEED OF DRASTIC INTERVENTION.
You need to relax. Trannies won't hurt you.
I didn't or even imply they would. I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with the way society treats them with lies and delusion.. I have a cousin that is now a female boy. I have a genuine concern and would like trans to get actual help. Like love, affection and truth.
They absolutely have a mental problem. You can spin and try to change definitions if you want too. That's just your closed mindedness taking control.
They deny reality, lady. They say biology got it wrong. Which is bullshit. Their MIND is wrong.
Why does body win over mind in your reality?

Why does gravity win over mind?
why does no one discuss the doctors involved in this? these kids are being used a lab rats by the endocrinologist
no one seems to question that

I'm waiting for a parent or victim to sue the doctor for using hormones in an unapproved manner (to stunt puberty in developing minors). Who pays for this, anyway? Insurance wont cover experimental life-saving treatments. I cant imagine they cover experimental, controversial, cosmetic treatments with potential life-threatening consequences.
Bones, you make a good point. My problem with this is the way the mental are coddled and lied to. If an adult simply wants to tuck their dick and get a vag or vice versa its ok. Its their body. Big difference from denying biology
They aren't mental! The three year old should be left alone--if you read your whole article in the OP, a doctor who has worked with over 1,000 trans kids had only one revert to natal gender at puberty. 1 of 1,000. They know what they're saying. They're too young to be delusional. They know if they're a boy or girl, same as you and me. Just doesn't match the equipment.

I am officially calling bullshit on that doctor.
Go ahead, Marty. I'm sure the doctor would call bullshit on you, too, if she/he knew you were throwing out their experience because it doesn't fit your agenda.
I wonder if the libtards can tell us who "assigns" gender? When my son was born, his gender was male from that moment. It didn't take my three years to figure it out.
Like 99.9% of us. All this fascination with transgenders is leading some folks to believe it is happening all over the country to people in every neighborhood. Mother Nature is not ALWAYS perfect in her creations. Sometimes things come out a little different than is meant. It doesn't mean they're MENTAL or SICK or deserve to live in denial their whole lives because their close minded parents can't accept it.
You are being extremely close minded, lady. It is EXACTLY a mental problem. Do you understand what a mental problem is?
Do you know what pain in the ass BADGERING is?

People used to think schizophrenics were possessed by the devil because they acted "weird." Nothing could change people's minds except a century or so of science. Like bones pointed out, as a mom and grandma and generally kind person, I'd want the kid to be happy, not miserable and suicidal.

Different does not mean MENTAL necessarily. Normal is an average of a whole range of behavior. Being outside the "normal" range like Einstein's intelligence or Maria Callas's voice doesn't make them MENTAL and being born with wiring that identifies with the other gender doesn't mean they're BAD ABNORMAL IN NEED OF DRASTIC INTERVENTION.
You need to relax. Trannies won't hurt you.
I didn't or even imply they would. I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with the way society treats them with lies and delusion.. I have a cousin that is now a female boy. I have a genuine concern and would like trans to get actual help. Like love, affection and truth.
They absolutely have a mental problem. You can spin and try to change definitions if you want too. That's just your closed mindedness taking control.
They deny reality, lady. They say biology got it wrong. Which is bullshit. Their MIND is wrong.
Why does body win over mind in your reality?
OMG lol really?
Like 99.9% of us. All this fascination with transgenders is leading some folks to believe it is happening all over the country to people in every neighborhood. Mother Nature is not ALWAYS perfect in her creations. Sometimes things come out a little different than is meant. It doesn't mean they're MENTAL or SICK or deserve to live in denial their whole lives because their close minded parents can't accept it.
You are being extremely close minded, lady. It is EXACTLY a mental problem. Do you understand what a mental problem is?
Do you know what pain in the ass BADGERING is?

People used to think schizophrenics were possessed by the devil because they acted "weird." Nothing could change people's minds except a century or so of science. Like bones pointed out, as a mom and grandma and generally kind person, I'd want the kid to be happy, not miserable and suicidal.

Different does not mean MENTAL necessarily. Normal is an average of a whole range of behavior. Being outside the "normal" range like Einstein's intelligence or Maria Callas's voice doesn't make them MENTAL and being born with wiring that identifies with the other gender doesn't mean they're BAD ABNORMAL IN NEED OF DRASTIC INTERVENTION.
You need to relax. Trannies won't hurt you.
I didn't or even imply they would. I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with the way society treats them with lies and delusion.. I have a cousin that is now a female boy. I have a genuine concern and would like trans to get actual help. Like love, affection and truth.
They absolutely have a mental problem. You can spin and try to change definitions if you want too. That's just your closed mindedness taking control.
They deny reality, lady. They say biology got it wrong. Which is bullshit. Their MIND is wrong.
Why does body win over mind in your reality?

Why does gravity win over mind?
Ummm....too philosophical for me, old buddy. Try something a bit more concrete.
Bones, you make a good point. My problem with this is the way the mental are coddled and lied to. If an adult simply wants to tuck their dick and get a vag or vice versa its ok. Its their body. Big difference from denying biology
They aren't mental! The three year old should be left alone--if you read your whole article in the OP, a doctor who has worked with over 1,000 trans kids had only one revert to natal gender at puberty. 1 of 1,000. They know what they're saying. They're too young to be delusional. They know if they're a boy or girl, same as you and me. Just doesn't match the equipment.

I am officially calling bullshit on that doctor.
Go ahead, Marty. I'm sure the doctor would call bullshit on you, too, if she/he knew you were throwing out their experience because it doesn't fit your agenda.

What agenda? A boy is a freaking boy. if an adult, or even a teenager still wants to go through with this have at it. but the very idea of accommodating a freaking 3 year old over this is just crazy? What is is about sex and gender that makes people ignore common sense? Would we coddle a 3 year old that wants nothing to eat but cookies? or decides it doesn't want to potty train, but to continue to wear diapers and shit/piss itself?
You are being extremely close minded, lady. It is EXACTLY a mental problem. Do you understand what a mental problem is?
Do you know what pain in the ass BADGERING is?

People used to think schizophrenics were possessed by the devil because they acted "weird." Nothing could change people's minds except a century or so of science. Like bones pointed out, as a mom and grandma and generally kind person, I'd want the kid to be happy, not miserable and suicidal.

Different does not mean MENTAL necessarily. Normal is an average of a whole range of behavior. Being outside the "normal" range like Einstein's intelligence or Maria Callas's voice doesn't make them MENTAL and being born with wiring that identifies with the other gender doesn't mean they're BAD ABNORMAL IN NEED OF DRASTIC INTERVENTION.
You need to relax. Trannies won't hurt you.
I didn't or even imply they would. I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with the way society treats them with lies and delusion.. I have a cousin that is now a female boy. I have a genuine concern and would like trans to get actual help. Like love, affection and truth.
They absolutely have a mental problem. You can spin and try to change definitions if you want too. That's just your closed mindedness taking control.
They deny reality, lady. They say biology got it wrong. Which is bullshit. Their MIND is wrong.
Why does body win over mind in your reality?

Why does gravity win over mind?
Ummm....too philosophical for me, old buddy. Try something a bit more concrete.

It demonstrates your absurdity by being absurd. A person, except in rare rare rare occurrences is born male or female. You are stuck with that, even with surgery, and people telling you otherwise. Adults can decide to mutilate themselves to try to fix an obvious mental issue, but only adults. and for kids, it should first be tried to get them to ID to their proper gender, and only if that doesn't work, and only after puberty, should something be done otherwise.
Well, I'm not getting anywhere with you two, but at least remember what I said, whether you agree or not. I will remember you think transgenders are mental; I know there is a rationale for that, though I don't necessarily agree.
Sorry you are upset about your cousin, TN. But is (s)he happy, well adjusted with friends and positive successes in life? If it's a generally screwed up kid I feel bad for him/her too. If the reason the kid is conflicted is because so many people can't accept the transgender thing, that's not on his "disease" though. That's on them. I realize you wouldn't be cruel but just being treated like a freak by the world in general is enough. People can tell.
Well, I'm not getting anywhere with you two, but at least remember what I said, whether you agree or not. I will remember you think transgenders are mental; I know there is a rationale for that, though I don't necessarily agree.
Sorry you are upset about your cousin, TN. But is (s)he happy, well adjusted with friends and positive successes in life? If it's a generally screwed up kid I feel bad for him/her too. If the reason the kid is conflicted is because so many people can't accept the transgender thing, that's not on his "disease" though. That's on them. I realize you wouldn't be cruel but just being treated like a freak by the world in general is enough. People can tell.

Really going to bail without addressing any of the points I brought up? Why do we condone things when they relate to sex and gender when we wouldn't condone it for any other type of behavior? If a 3 year old decided they hated their left arm? would we let them cut it off, or pin it behind their back so they couldn't see it?
Treatment for ambiguous genitalia
Treatment options to help assign the baby a definite gender may include:
  • Parental counselling - successful sex assignment and identity for the child depends largely on the attitude of the parents. It is important that both the mother and father are fully informed about their child's condition. Support groups may provide help in this area.
  • Surgery - for example, an overly large clitoris may be trimmed, or a fused vulva separated, or undescended testicles relocated into the scrotum. However, surgical gender assignment depends heavily on what genital structures the surgeons have to work with. The majority of babies with ambiguous genitalia have been brought up as girls. A few operations may be needed, usually begun in the child's first year. Further surgery might be required during adolescence. Some intersex support groups feel that surgery is not always the answer, particularly when the gender of the child is not clear. Others suggest that surgery should wait until the child is old enough to decide for themselves. However, most medical professionals advocate early surgical and hormonal intervention for the sake of clearly establishing the child’s gender and sense of belonging in society.
  • Counselling for the child - the child needs to be informed and talked to about their diagnosis in a very careful way.
  • Hormone therapy - during their teenage years, the child may need hormone supplementation therapy to help bring on puberty. A child with CAH will need to have daily hormone therapy.
Ambiguous genitalia
Well, I'm not getting anywhere with you two, but at least remember what I said, whether you agree or not. I will remember you think transgenders are mental; I know there is a rationale for that, though I don't necessarily agree.
Sorry you are upset about your cousin, TN. But is (s)he happy, well adjusted with friends and positive successes in life? If it's a generally screwed up kid I feel bad for him/her too. If the reason the kid is conflicted is because so many people can't accept the transgender thing, that's not on his "disease" though. That's on them. I realize you wouldn't be cruel but just being treated like a freak by the world in general is enough. People can tell.

Really going to bail without addressing any of the points I brought up? Why do we condone things when they relate to sex and gender when we wouldn't condone it for any other type of behavior? If a 3 year old decided they hated their left arm? would we let them cut it off, or pin it behind their back so they couldn't see it?
Where I'm coming from is respect for one of our most primal and wired in urges. Nuns have orgasms in their sleep. The drive to procreate is biologically as strong as the drive to eat. The gender roles assigned to male/female differs from culture to culture, but the understanding of who and what we are, in our fundamental self, shouldn't be denied. If we know who we are on the inside, it is more important than what is on the outside, I think.
Well, I'm not getting anywhere with you two, but at least remember what I said, whether you agree or not. I will remember you think transgenders are mental; I know there is a rationale for that, though I don't necessarily agree.
Sorry you are upset about your cousin, TN. But is (s)he happy, well adjusted with friends and positive successes in life? If it's a generally screwed up kid I feel bad for him/her too. If the reason the kid is conflicted is because so many people can't accept the transgender thing, that's not on his "disease" though. That's on them. I realize you wouldn't be cruel but just being treated like a freak by the world in general is enough. People can tell.

Really going to bail without addressing any of the points I brought up? Why do we condone things when they relate to sex and gender when we wouldn't condone it for any other type of behavior? If a 3 year old decided they hated their left arm? would we let them cut it off, or pin it behind their back so they couldn't see it?
Where I'm coming from is respect for one of our most primal and wired in urges. Nuns have orgasms in their sleep. The drive to procreate is biologically as strong as the drive to eat. The gender roles assigned to male/female differs from culture to culture, but the understanding of who and what we are, in our fundamental self, shouldn't be denied. If we know who we are on the inside, it is more important than what is on the outside, I think.
DNA is not on the inside?
Well, I'm not getting anywhere with you two, but at least remember what I said, whether you agree or not. I will remember you think transgenders are mental; I know there is a rationale for that, though I don't necessarily agree.
Sorry you are upset about your cousin, TN. But is (s)he happy, well adjusted with friends and positive successes in life? If it's a generally screwed up kid I feel bad for him/her too. If the reason the kid is conflicted is because so many people can't accept the transgender thing, that's not on his "disease" though. That's on them. I realize you wouldn't be cruel but just being treated like a freak by the world in general is enough. People can tell.

Really going to bail without addressing any of the points I brought up? Why do we condone things when they relate to sex and gender when we wouldn't condone it for any other type of behavior? If a 3 year old decided they hated their left arm? would we let them cut it off, or pin it behind their back so they couldn't see it?
Where I'm coming from is respect for one of our most primal and wired in urges. Nuns have orgasms in their sleep. The drive to procreate is biologically as strong as the drive to eat. The gender roles assigned to male/female differs from culture to culture, but the understanding of who and what we are, in our fundamental self, shouldn't be denied. If we know who we are on the inside, it is more important than what is on the outside, I think.

if you have a dick, you are a boy, if you have a vagina, you are a girl. For 99.9999% of the population that works fine. If someone decides otherwise, let them do so as an adult. To encourage 3 year olds to act like the gender/sex they are not is the height of "i can be anyone I want" idiocy that looks like you are helping someone, but in the end you are hurting them, and society as a whole.

The gender roles in society all boil down to males have sex with females so females can carry offspring to continue the species, either at the micro scale, where you propagate your own DNA, or at the macro scale where you assure the continuation of your culture. Saying one can deny their own physical gender at such a young age and basically ignore biology is the height of stupidity.

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