U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins

You're right I did. It's very hard when you have 5-10 Libs that I can actually converse with like an adult and they let the rest of their troll buddies take pot shots all day.

Same goes from some of my lilly-livered conservative compadres here, who when I could use a hand, they leave me hung out to dry. I have a long memory when it comes to that.

But...in reality..this is a messageboard afterall and no one is obligated to anyone. So it's a two way street.

Actually I give more credit to the Libs here. They stick together. Some of, and I stress..some...the Conservatives. are only interested in themselves.

Me, I tell it like it is. Who likes it likes it and who doesn't ..who cares.

I didn't come here to make 43,000+ close friends. :lol:

Well, at least you are honest.

With that being said, DIAF Neocon!!! (JK) :lol:

You got me...what does that mean? :confused:

DIAF: Die in a fire

JK: Just Kidding.
so whatcha gunna do if he wins>?

chill on message boards and whine abo0t how we're fucked for four years, that's what.
What happened to the nice Beretta?

I thought that you were going to rise above the partisan hateful rhetoric?

You're right I did. It's very hard when you have 5-10 Libs that I can actually converse with like an adult and they let the rest of their troll buddies take pot shots all day.

Same goes from some of my lilly-livered conservative compadres here, who when I could use a hand, they leave me hung out to dry. I have a long memory when it comes to that.

But...in reality..this is a messageboard afterall and no one is obligated to anyone. So it's a two way street.

Actually I give more credit to the Libs here. They stick together. Some of, and I stress..some...the Conservatives. are only interested in themselves.

Me, I tell it like it is. Who likes it likes it and who doesn't ..who cares.

I didn't come here to make 43,000+ close friends. :lol:

Well, at least you are honest.

With that being said, DIAF Neocon!!! (JK) :lol:

Now I post, clown around, smack down..frankly any damned thing I feel like.

In fact, if you look I only started a handful of threads the last few days.

How many times are we going to repeat the same thing. I was just as guilty of that as well.

I give what I get. Fuck with me, I'll fuck back.

Mock me, I'll return the favor.

I took this place far too seriously when I came here. I had been on other boards before.

Thought this one would be different...WRONG!

So now I go with the flow and take it in stride. :eusa_whistle:
U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Bush Wins
I remember the left basically saying this back in 2004. And guess what? The US did survived,,,kinda.
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so whatcha gunna do if he wins>?

chill on message boards and whine abo0t how we're fucked for four years, that's what.

If you are talking to me and you want a serous answer, I'll gave it to you a few days ago.

Maybe not directly to you.

If Obama wins, he's not going to get a damned thing done unless he gets BOTH Houses of the Congress. I lived through these 4 years...something tells me I'll survive 4 more if that's what happens.

Get's bad enough...I'll move to Canada! Lots of like-minded Americans that I know up there. :lol::lol:
Po' babys. All doom and gloom.

Tell you what, throw open the door of the single wide, clear the beer cans from out of the path, and go down to the employment office, and get a job. Then the world will look so much brighter to you. If more of you people in the red states did that, then there would not be so many of the 47% in those states. And an employed 'Conservative' is one less person we liberals have to support.

Yeah, you progressives sure do love to "support" people as long as it's with the taxpayer's money but when it comes to supporting people out of your own pockets...you're not so generous. Why IS that, Rocks?

As for me...I don't live in a trailer...I don't drink alcohol...I have a job. I'd simply like to keep some of the money that I work so hard to make. Why is that such a difficult concept for people like you to understand? Your notion that liberals support conservatives is laughable. Liberals buy votes by giving away someone else's money.
You're such a clueless douche that you aren't fit to carry his brief case, Matlock!

you'll forgive me if i rely on caselaw and not your stupidity, right? cool.

thanks for playing. are your feelings still hurt that you get shown to be a liar on pretty much every one of your spam threads?

you really should start letting grown ups talk about these things.

All that phony Beretta ever does is constantly whine about Jillian Jillian Jillian. He must be intimidated by how wicked smaht you are... ;)

I mean, the dope actually believes the sky is going to fall in America if Obama wins a second term, so he's obviously an overly emotional paranoid delusional nutjob...

i'm not responsible for his whiny butt... or his trolling ... or the bazillion threads he's created since mid-august.

but obama derangement syndrome seems to impair critical thinking.
If obama wins, it won't only be people moving to other countries, people will start putting their confidence in other countries right here. More companies will leave for other countries, more people who can get jobs in other countries will leave. Loyalty to the US will wither away as people make ties to more stable nations.
U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Bush Wins
I remember the left basically saying this back in 2004. And guess what? The US did survived,,,kinda.

Look I don't agree with just about any of the Liberal agenda. On the other hand, I'm no fan of the far right or Romney. He wasn't my pick.

Sometimes in life you have to take the good with the bad. I got cuaght up by befriending a few here...if one can actually befriend anyone in cyberspace. I let my guard down and didn't use my head.

Burn me once, shame on you..burn me twice..shame on me...or something like that.

They disappointed me as far as this place goes. So, I'll fight my own battles.

And wing it along here until the lection.

Then I'll decide whether to saty or not.

If Romney wins, I have to stay and gloat for a few days... :lol:
you'll forgive me if i rely on caselaw and not your stupidity, right? cool.

thanks for playing. are your feelings still hurt that you get shown to be a liar on pretty much every one of your spam threads?

you really should start letting grown ups talk about these things.

All that phony Beretta ever does is constantly whine about Jillian Jillian Jillian. He must be intimidated by how wicked smaht you are... ;)

I mean, the dope actually believes the sky is going to fall in America if Obama wins a second term, so he's obviously an overly emotional paranoid delusional nutjob...

i'm not responsible for his whiny butt... or his trolling ... or the bazillion threads he's created since mid-august.

but obama derangement syndrome seems to impair critical thinking.

You agian? You are a masochist aren't you. Tell them what you did and why I despise you.

That way I can get you thrown out of here. :lol:
We have been a socialistic republic for many many years and that is not likely to change no matter who wins

Kudos to BlindBoo for being the first dumbocrat to actually be HONEST about something. But how sad that he can say that with such comfort. We should all be outraged at the thought of Socialism, because it is nothing more than a nicer way of saying slavery. If you find slavery acceptable, you are one sick son of a bitch. And if you don't, then you should be fucking outraged at the thought of Socialism.

The only reason to be outraged at the thought of our society being a hybrid-socialistic republic is pure ignorance. No it's not a nicer way of saying slavery. Socialistic reforms have made the lives of ordinary US citizens much better in the last century. Now the corporatist are masquerading as liberatians and want to return to the days where they have virtual slaves in their workers. That should make you outraged.

Free market capitalism is what's made the lives of ordinary US citizens better in the last century, Sparky. If you don't recognize that fact then you're showing an incredible amount of ignorance as to what MADE this country succeed. Socialism hasn't come close to raising the standard of living for the populations that operate under it.
We have been a socialistic republic for many many years and that is not likely to change no matter who wins

Kudos to BlindBoo for being the first dumbocrat to actually be HONEST about something. But how sad that he can say that with such comfort. We should all be outraged at the thought of Socialism, because it is nothing more than a nicer way of saying slavery. If you find slavery acceptable, you are one sick son of a bitch. And if you don't, then you should be fucking outraged at the thought of Socialism.

The only reason to be outraged at the thought of our society being a hybrid-socialistic republic is pure ignorance. No it's not a nicer way of saying slavery. Socialistic reforms have made the lives of ordinary US citizens much better in the last century. Now the corporatist are masquerading as liberatians and want to return to the days where they have virtual slaves in their workers. That should make you outraged.

You've got no constitutional authority to be making this country into a socialist state. The depredations upon the Constitution which have got you where you are were put their via intimidation and judicial activism. Our Constitution was written in such a way that the common man could understand it. And we do.

These federal programs are UNSUSTAINABLE. I don't know what part of "UNSUSTAINABLE" you people aren't comprehending. TWO-THIRDS of our federal budget are being eaten up by them, and the result is that we're unable to fund the normal functions of our government.

Nobody is saying that safety nets aren't appropriate. But those safety nets were supposed to be operated at the STATE level, closer to the people, and organically balanced by competition with other states. Now that we already have these behemoths chowing through all our tax money, the states are broke, unable to take a fair share out of the revenue stream because the feds are taking the bulk of it.

And this pathetic strawman argument that Republicans are trying to end Social Security and Medicare now that people are dependent upon them is beneath contempt. ANYBODY who follows politics KNOWS that's not the case. What's being proposed are changes that affect no one who is currently enrolled, and give CHOICE to the next generation... and that choice INCLUDES traditional enrollment.

On the original topic of whether we're going to be okay or not if Obama wins, I think it's completely clear that we're not. We could be past the tipping point already where nobody can pull us back. You can't have more people taking than making. The takers aren't getting anything but crumbs so they're not getting enough to create a robust economy, and the makers aren't going to be willing to make more than what they, themselves, need because any extra is just gobbled up by a greedy government anyway.
Socialism doesn't work, not even when you slap a happy face on it. Look at Greece. Look at Spain. Look at France.

So, economically we'd be screwed. In terms of Liberty, equally so. Already we see this administration FAILING to uphold such principles as Freedom of Speech, in fact going behind our backs to support global initiatives at the U.N. designed to placate religious crackpots. Already we see choice in such deeply personal matters as healthcare taken from us, our medical records, complete with BMIs, seized for government consumption.
Mark Levin: U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins | RealClearPolitics

Sean Hannity: I would like to see a more aggressive articulation of conservative principles as you're saying, but do you see that this election goes the wrong way, is this the point of no return?

Mark Levin: In my mind, it's probably yes. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight the rest of my life. I’m not going to curl up in a fetal position and leave my family exposed to this. But it’s going to make the battle a 1000 times more difficult.

We have a Congress that seems incapable of responding to it, utterly timid and cowardly. We have a Supreme Court, even if you look at John Roberts that gives its imprimatur to the most outrageous power grab by the federal government in our lifetimes. So basically, rather than checks and balances of the federal government, we have collusion by the branches of government against the individual and the states.

It was probably at the point of no return the day after obama was elected.
Poor woodel righties...

The end of the world is near if knucklehead Mitt doesn't get elected.

Talk about deluded.
Poor woodel righties...

The end of the world is near if knucklehead Mitt doesn't get elected.

Talk about deluded.

Not for me.

We'll keep the house (and make it more right).

We might win the senate (and if we do, it will be with Akin.....which should be fun).

Either way....we get more senate seats.

Obama will be lame duck from day 1.

Kiss my ass.
whiny little lying troll, isn't he?

Game, set , match

Go ahead...deny it!


Anyone interested...let me know and I tell you about jillian's premature ejaculation on any an issue she was proven to be very very wrong about.

I'm still here aren't I jillian? :lol::lol::lol:

See folks? waht did I predict. Little jilly went and got her posse.

I'm done with you. I give people here more credit than you. You insult their intelligence.

They see what I do and you do. They can decide for themselves. Have one of your cronies send me a warning or better yet abuse your power and do it yourself. I really don't care. This place may be your life but not mine.

I just pass the day here since things are slow where I work this time of year...not that I have to explain that to a shithead like you.

See folks? What did I predict? Little jilly went and got her posse.
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