U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins

If the president opposes the Constitution has he violated his own oath of office? What is the obligation of the military at that point? Have they vowed to defend and protect the Constitution or the person of the president?

I guess this means you took up arms against GW, as well, right, since he did his best to dismantle the Bill of Rights during his term in office?

Obviously not, since you haven't been put in front of a firing squad yet. That makes your newfound constitutional protectionism ring pretty hollow.

Just like I predicted, right COWARD? "I'm going to tell my mommy"...boo hoo! Did you stomp your feet as well.

A lawyer who can't fight her own battles.

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If obama wins, it won't only be people moving to other countries, people will start putting their confidence in other countries right here. More companies will leave for other countries, more people who can get jobs in other countries will leave. Loyalty to the US will wither away as people make ties to more stable nations.

Will you stamp your feet, howl at the top of your lungs, and have a temper tantrum?

You can join Alec and Stephen Baldwin in threatening to leave if the guy you don't like gets elected. I hear El Salvador has a low cost of living.

Here, have a binky, whiny traitor.

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If the president opposes the Constitution has he violated his own oath of office? What is the obligation of the military at that point? Have they vowed to defend and protect the Constitution or the person of the president?

I guess this means you took up arms against GW, as well, right, since he did his best to dismantle the Bill of Rights during his term in office?

Obviously not, since you haven't been put in front of a firing squad yet. That makes your newfound constitutional protectionism ring pretty hollow.

There was no military coup against Bush. There weren't even any foiled plots against Bush.
If the president opposes the Constitution has he violated his own oath of office? What is the obligation of the military at that point? Have they vowed to defend and protect the Constitution or the person of the president?

I guess this means you took up arms against GW, as well, right, since he did his best to dismantle the Bill of Rights during his term in office?

Obviously not, since you haven't been put in front of a firing squad yet. That makes your newfound constitutional protectionism ring pretty hollow.

There was no military coup against Bush. There weren't even any foiled plots against Bush.

You know why? Because loud-mouthed morons like you don't give a fuck about the constitution or bill of rights.

You're all horse and no cowboy, binky boy.
Really. They can ask if they like. Piss poor defense for a "lawyer". Nice strategy Perry Mason.

Interesting how Beretta mocks taxpaying professional folks while mooching off society.

it's a common affliction among the "base"

Keep talking while I keep PMing. this is you life for what 6 years? They ban me...life goes on. You're a sad sack of shit. But keep talking to your 3 friends. :lol::lol:
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Poor woodel righties...

The end of the world is near if knucklehead Mitt doesn't get elected.

Talk about deluded.

Not for me.

We'll keep the house (and make it more right).

We might win the senate (and if we do, it will be with Akin.....which should be fun).

Either way....we get more senate seats.

Obama will be lame duck from day 1.

Kiss my ass.

more delusions...

and now reality:

@fivethirtyeight: I'm not prone to hyperbole. But G.O.P. senate map is
imploding. Chance of a takeover now just 21%


The trend in the presidential race has been difficult to discern lately. President Obama has very probably gained ground since the conventions, but it’s hard to say exactly how much, and how quickly his bounce is eroding.

There are no such ambiguities in the race for control of the Senate, however. Polls show key races shifting decisively toward the Democrats, with the Republican position deteriorating almost by the day.

Since we published our initial Senate forecast on Tuesday, Republicans have seen an additional decline in their standing in two major races.

Two polls of Virginia published on Wednesday gave the Democrat, the former Gov. Tim Kaine, leads of 4 and 7 percentage points over the Republican, the former Senator George Allen. The FiveThirtyEight forecast model now gives Mr. Kaine roughly a 75 percent chance of winning the seat on the strength of the new polls, up from about 60 percent in Tuesday’s forecast.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com
it's a common affliction among the "base"

Keep talking while I keep PMing. this is you life for what 6 years? They ban me...life goes on. You're a sad sack of shit. But keep talking to your 3 friends.

You arent going to be a little bitch like Del are you???

He floods mine.....

Nah. I only reply to those that ask..fear not. I made my point. Who wants to believe will. It''s all there.

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