U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins

Man are you one out of touch, ignorant fool. Romney is going to win in a fucking landslide just like Reagan did over Carter.
Reagan won over Carter by doing what Ron Paul did in tactics with delegates. That was effectively stopped this go around and rules were passed for in the future that it won't happen again.

That's a horrible comparison.
If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

you realize that treason is a capital offense, right, you fucking hypocritical piece of shit?

what kind of anti-american fucknugget would even propose this kind of crap?

you get a pass on some of the shit you spew because you're clearly not too bright, but i draw the line at treason.

you make me want to puke.

George Washington was a Traitor to England as were all those that fought on the side of the US.

you know, if i was english and it was the 18th century, you'd almost have a point, you drooling fuckwit.

but i'm not, it isn't and you need an adjustment to your meds.

piss off
If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

How fascinating. You are talking treason, of course. Last time people didn't like the duly elected President of the United States, they started a war and got their pee pee's whacked. You are in the same category of stupidity.
Mark Levin: U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins | RealClearPolitics

Sean Hannity: I would like to see a more aggressive articulation of conservative principles as you're saying, but do you see that this election goes the wrong way, is this the point of no return?

Mark Levin: In my mind, it's probably yes. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight the rest of my life. I’m not going to curl up in a fetal position and leave my family exposed to this. But it’s going to make the battle a 1000 times more difficult.

We have a Congress that seems incapable of responding to it, utterly timid and cowardly. We have a Supreme Court, even if you look at John Roberts that gives its imprimatur to the most outrageous power grab by the federal government in our lifetimes. So basically, rather than checks and balances of the federal government, we have collusion by the branches of government against the individual and the states.

Mark Levin and Sean Hannity.....now THERE's a brain trust for you......lol

BTW...Sean done his waterboarding for military charity yet like he promised?
Dude.......no worries. Hes not winning. My post election party has been planned for months and months now........a big part of which will be watching the returns rolll in over at MSNBC.

The economy is shit and the middle of the world is on fire. The incumbent is well under 50%. That = a loss........and electorally, its gonna be a blowout.

Oh, it's gonna be fun watching you post after election nite. :clap2: if you don't take yourself off this mortal coil in despair, that is.
Mark Levin: U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins | RealClearPolitics

Sean Hannity: I would like to see a more aggressive articulation of conservative principles as you're saying, but do you see that this election goes the wrong way, is this the point of no return?

Mark Levin: In my mind, it's probably yes. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight the rest of my life. I’m not going to curl up in a fetal position and leave my family exposed to this. But it’s going to make the battle a 1000 times more difficult.

We have a Congress that seems incapable of responding to it, utterly timid and cowardly. We have a Supreme Court, even if you look at John Roberts that gives its imprimatur to the most outrageous power grab by the federal government in our lifetimes. So basically, rather than checks and balances of the federal government, we have collusion by the branches of government against the individual and the states.

Mark Levin and Sean Hannity.....now THERE's a brain trust for you......lol

BTW...Sean done his waterboarding for military charity yet like he promised?

between them, they have years of military service and surely know what they're...

oh, wait

I just want to tell you, as a citizen of this country, that if you take up arms in rebellion against our democratically elected government, it will be my very great pleasure to shoot you like a rabid dog in the street.

Hope I've made myself clear, motherfucker.


Lets trade barbs over who is going to kill who. That sounds like loads of fun. It just goes to show you how close we really are to all out civil war.

It wouldn't be that hard. Some general making an Operation Valkyrie type model, gets the assistance of some foreign government the way the rebels in Libya got the cooperation of Britian, France and the US. Hosni Mubarak was democratically elected. Democratically elected governments are deposed all the time. Lots of dictators are. Mostly of poor countries that don't have assets like we have. As our largest creditors, the Chinese could come in to protect their investments because our democratically elected government is too incompetent to do so. I don't think anything bad will happen to obama. He would just be taken into custody for his own protection.

Naturally such a thing could not happen without an established network of saboteurs dedicated to obama's overthrow already in place. That network is here now just waiting for adequate leadership. Because not every nation in the world is led by egocentric megalomaniacs like obama, both Russia and China are no doubt training such leadership now. I wish them well. VERY well.

You are talking treason....I would like nothing more than Obama to Lose the election. But if he wins, then he wins, America will go on for another four years and then the Rebulicans have another chance to take it back.

One thing seprates the US and most civilized countries from the uneducated, unwashed, regligous fantics that we see in the world now is our ability to have a peaceful elections and transfers of power. So, if you are preaching revolution and assasination, dont bring it around me.
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If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

How fascinating. You are talking treason, of course. Last time people didn't like the duly elected President of the United States, they started a war and got their pee pee's whacked. You are in the same category of stupidity.

I cant believe I actually agree with bodey...fuck miracles do happen
This is definitively the most important election ever.

Are we an exceptional, leading country.. Or just one among many?

Do we keep our house in order.. Or spend trillions we don't have?

Do we have morals and a backbone.. Or limp-wrists and no morals?

Do we bow to every enemy.. Or do we let them know who's boss?

No one can ever over-stress how important this election is.
I always wonder why these fools would publish things they know are lies.

.... then I remember who it is that thinks fux is a source for anything but bullshit.
Haven't you repubs read the news? Economy is picking up. Stock market is up reflecting optimism. Anybody that says Obama is a marxist, socialist, kenyan - show the proof. That's just right wing crying points. Obama's a left of center Democrat thats kept us from going into a full scale depression. Ryan/Romney want to voucherize medicare. Think 2x before you vote for them. You want Granny moving in with you because she can't do much with a 5 to 6k voucher to purchase medical care? Check the record. Most republican politicians haven't liked social security or medicare from their beginnings and now they see their opening to destroy them eventually.

They pledge your allegiance to obama and hoist the obama flag. Is it still the United States of America or the United States of obama. Or maybe obamamerica.

Urging rebellion? I hardly think so. Recognizing that rebellion and/or invasion is almost upon us something entirely different. Two so-called plots against the obama regime have been uncovered. Do you think they are the only ones?
Anybody think Romney was refering to only Democrats when he discussed the freeloaders? Look at a chart of the red states and all their poverty and the food stamps and other safety nets these people use up. This is thanks to anti union and anti minimum wage sentiment that goes back decades. And yet, a majority of these red states poor people will vote republican. If they would stop and think, they would realize Romney is refering to them also.
This is definitively the most important election ever.
While I agree with that... Someone should have told the republican party that before they started fucking over and insulting the independents.

Exactly when did that happen? You are aware Obama gave a speech to fund raisers where he stated he was NEVER going to get 40 percent of the vote. And Ohh look, the Press is not running the story.
Somewhere around the turn of the last century, the country turned left, and picked up speed when FDR came along. It can change back, but it'll take a major catastrophe worse than the 1930s depression to restore fiscal sanity and personal responsibility. Pretty sure I'll be dead before that happens.
Did you look at the map of where the most of the "47%" are at?

As usual --- you have no talent for analyzing data. No wonder you think every storm is due to Global Warming..

ALL of those maps that I've seen are colored by PERCENT of population. Alabama for instance is right at 40% and California is about 38%. Illinois and Mich aren't far behind.

SOOOO??? 38% of California is equal to about 10 Alabamas isn't it? And 2% percentage points make those colors change so dramatically don't they?

To wit -----

You blue staters aren't paying for crap.... So don't brag about carrying a load bro.

You're gullible and your math analysis skills REALLY REALLY suck.
FDR gave us social security which saved a lot of people from poverty. What's wrong with being on the left if left wing policies can keep people from dire poverty?

Somewhere around the turn of the last century, the country turned left, and picked up speed when FDR came along. It can change back, but it'll take a major catastrophe worse than the 1930s depression to restore fiscal sanity and personal responsibility. Pretty sure I'll be dead before that happens.
Alexis de Tocqueville quotes:
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

cont...Alexis de Tocqueville Quotes (Author of Democracy in America)

Yeah... Mark is right. This is already a "soft tyranny". The government is into every aspect of our lives. We're nearly immobilized by bureaucracy, as we witnessed in the Gulf Oil Spill and as we see developing in the healthcare industry. If Obama gets another four, we're done. On my more cynical days I wonder if it's already too late for anyone to pull us from the brink. We have politicians who are highly motivated to buy votes and the nation at the tipping point on receiving them.

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