U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no

The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.
Neither does Christianity. Thankfully we've managed to regulate the shit out of it.
You are confused. How have we regulated Christianity? What we do know is that like with everything else, once government gets involved it fucks it up. The worse thing that could happen to any religion is state control.

How did we regulate Christianity? Easy...the Constitution.
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.
Neither does Christianity. Thankfully we've managed to regulate the shit out of it.
You are confused. How have we regulated Christianity? What we do know is that like with everything else, once government gets involved it fucks it up. The worse thing that could happen to any religion is state control.
How did we regulate Christianity? Easy...the Constitution.
Wrong. As usual for you. Christianity isn't law.
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans disagree with you, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that they're better informed
about the Islamic faith than you are.

Are those Muslims that are attempting to establish Shariah Law disagreeing or are they merely refusing to assimilate into society?

There are very few Muslims in the US seeking to "establish" Sharia Law. Many of them wish to follow Sharia law, but that's not the same thing.

Unlike a majority of Republicans that would like to establish a National Religion...

(Republicans) Would you support or oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion?
57% Support establishing Christianity as the national religion.
30% Oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion.
13% Not Sure
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans disagree with you, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that they're better informed
about the Islamic faith than you are.

Are those Muslims that are attempting to establish Shariah Law disagreeing or are they merely refusing to assimilate into society?

There are very few Muslims in the US seeking to "establish" Sharia Law. Many of them wish to follow Sharia law, but that's not the same thing.

Unlike a majority of Republicans that would like to establish a National Religion...

(Republicans) Would you support or oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion?
57% Support establishing Christianity as the national religion.
30% Oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion.
13% Not Sure
A survey of 316 Republican primary voters? And probably taken outside of a fundamentalist church at that. You are gullible.
this is from an article at the site.

a snippet:
Also, it’s not like we’ve shut our doors until now; we have already been offering asylum and have taken in over two thousand refugees so far. One might expect that these would tend toward the Assyrian Christians who have been victimized by the genocides perpetrated by ISIS, but they account for fewer than 3% of those granted asylum in the US, according to CNS News:

Of 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, only 53 (2.4 percent) have been Christians while 2098 (or 96 percent) have been Muslims, according to State Department statistics updated on Monday.

The remaining 33 include 1 Yazidi, 8 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Baha’i, 6 Zoroastrians, 6 of “other religion,” 7 of “no religion,” and 3 atheists.

By comparison, Syria’s population breakdown in early 2011, before the civil war’s death toll and refugee exodus roiled the demographics, was 90 percent Muslim (including Sunnis, Shia, Alawites and Druze) and 10 percent Christian, according to the CIA World Factbook.

This has some wondering why we’re not focusing more on those fleeing obvious religious oppression and flat-out genocide, rather than just the broad population of those fleeing a war zone.

The short answer to that is that the flood of the latter has stretched the capabilities of our allies, and they want us to pitch in, especially since they are on the front lines of a crisis that was mostly provoked by a US-EU misadventure in Libya and the decision by Obama to just pull out of Iraq with no residual force to sustain stability. The longer answer is that the Obama administration has avoided acknowledging the genocides as a way to push off the need to intervene to stop them — which was, after all, the supposed reason for the intervention in Libya that turned into a war of decapitation.

all the rest of the article here:
Can governors actually block refugee resettlement?

ISIS is killing anyone who doesn't adhere to their exact "interpretation" of Islam. The majority of ISIS' victims are Muslim. The people fleeing are fleeing persecution, slavery, and death whether they are Muslim, Christian, or one of the many religious minorities in the region. We should not be using a religious litmus test to decide who to help.

all that is fine but you instead put down all Republicans for just asking questions with that nasty title about allowing them in even after the Terrorist attacks. they weren't asking just because they were MUSLIM.
France still have the courage of their principles despite the atrocities carried out on their soil.
They aren't going to give into fear.
That's got to sting and humble those that repeat the mantra of French cowardice yet are too frightened to show any humanity to the victims of the conflict and barbarism in the Middle East.
Bravo France!
French President François Hollande said Wednesday that he remains committed to taking in refugees following a wave of deadly attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people last week.

"Some have wanted to link the influx of refugees to Friday's acts of terror," Hollande said in a speech to French mayors. But "30,000 refugees will be welcomed in the next two years."
France Is Still Accepting 30,000 Refugees While Some American Politicians Want To Ban Them
France still have the courage of their principles despite the atrocities carried out on their soil.
They aren't going to give into fear.
That's got to sting and humble those that repeat the mantra of French cowardice yet are too frightened to show any humanity to the victims of the conflict and barbarism in the Middle East.
Bravo France!
French President François Hollande said Wednesday that he remains committed to taking in refugees following a wave of deadly attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 people last week.

"Some have wanted to link the influx of refugees to Friday's acts of terror," Hollande said in a speech to French mayors. But "30,000 refugees will be welcomed in the next two years."
France Is Still Accepting 30,000 Refugees While Some American Politicians Want To Ban Them
They need to stock up on Body bags then............

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