U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no

Republicans are certainly slavoring to find a way to use this tragedy to their political advantage. Even Bush was very clear - this isn't a war against Islam, but against extremism and terrorism.

U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no.

...Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), a Republican presidential hopeful, created the most stir when appearing Sunday on ABC's "This Week." Reacting to Hillary Clinton's statement that she didn't believe the United States was at war with Islam, Rubio suggested, "That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but weren’t violent themselves."

Rubio continued: "This is a clash of civilizations.... There is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win. And we need to begin to take this seriously. These are individuals motivated by their faith."

This apocalyptic line — that we're locked in a live-or-die civilizational struggle — is a popular theme in the Republican debates, where an array of candidates grandstand on the cultural nature of the threat as a way to highlight the supposed weakness and political correctness of their Democratic opponents.

But French President François Hollande, whose nation's capital was the scene of carnage last week, does not agree with this talking point.

On Monday, he addressed the French Parliament, declaring, "France is at war." But he specifically rejected the rhetoric espoused by politicians such as Rubio and, closer to home, the far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

"We are not committed to a war of civilizations, because these assassins don't represent any civilization," Hollande said. "We are in a war against terrorism, jihadism, which threatens the whole world."

Actually he's right, muslims aren't civilized.
Muslim Arbitration Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tribunals were set up by lawyer Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi and operate in London, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham andNuneaton. Two more are planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.[4]Rulings can be enforced in both the County Courts and the High Court.[2] The media have described a system of Islamic Sharia courts which have the power to rule in civil cases.[4] As of 2008, the courts had dealt with around 100 cases dealing with issues such as inheritance and nuisance neighbours.[4]

The MAT operates under Section 1 of the Arbitration Act which states that: “the parties should be free to agree how their disputes are resolved, subject only to such safeguards as are necessary in the public interest”.[5] As such it operates within the framework of English law and does not constitute a separate Islamic legal system. Under the Act they are deemed to be "arbitration tribunals".[4]

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has no powers to grant a divorce which is valid in English and Welsh law.[5][6] Atalaq can be granted to recognise divorce.[5][6] A sharia marriage has no bearing on personal status under UK law.[7] The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has no jurisdiction on criminal matters but can attempt reconciliation between spouses.

What's wrong with this?
Islamic Sharia Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Islamic Sharia Council (ISC) is a London-based, quasi-Islamiccourt that provides legal rulings and advice to Muslims in accordance with its brand of Islamic Sharia based on the four Sunnischools of thought. It primarily handles cases of marriage and divorce and, to a lesser extent business and finance.[3] According to BBC News, thousands of Muslims have turned to the Council to resolve family and financial issues. The Council operates 16 tribunals in Britain, including in Birmingham, Bradford and London.[4] The Economist magazine states it has offered rulings to "thousands of troubled families since the 1980s",[5] the council states that it has dealt with an average of between 200 to 300 cases monthly as of January 2012.[6]

16 Tribunals................quasi Islamiccourt........ruling on domestic matters with Muslims to a tune of 200 to 300 cases a month.........

The Muslims there go there to settle Muslim to Muslim disputes and avoid the UK court system on domestic matters........They may not be binding under UK law but apparently they are binding to the participants.
Muslim Arbitration Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tribunals were set up by lawyer Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi and operate in London, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham andNuneaton. Two more are planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.[4]Rulings can be enforced in both the County Courts and the High Court.[2] The media have described a system of Islamic Sharia courts which have the power to rule in civil cases.[4] As of 2008, the courts had dealt with around 100 cases dealing with issues such as inheritance and nuisance neighbours.[4]

The MAT operates under Section 1 of the Arbitration Act which states that: “the parties should be free to agree how their disputes are resolved, subject only to such safeguards as are necessary in the public interest”.[5] As such it operates within the framework of English law and does not constitute a separate Islamic legal system. Under the Act they are deemed to be "arbitration tribunals".[4]

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has no powers to grant a divorce which is valid in English and Welsh law.[5][6] Atalaq can be granted to recognise divorce.[5][6] A sharia marriage has no bearing on personal status under UK law.[7] The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has no jurisdiction on criminal matters but can attempt reconciliation between spouses.

What's wrong with this?
I didn't say that marriage counseling is bad............I was asked for examples of Sharia law and courts in Europe so I gave the examples in the UK.........

BTW.....you stated I didn't know the answer.........by stating NO................after I said it offered marriage counseling............so who was wrong here.........me are you.........I just proved my statement............
Islamic Sharia Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Islamic Sharia Council (ISC) is a London-based, quasi-Islamiccourt that provides legal rulings and advice to Muslims in accordance with its brand of Islamic Sharia based on the four Sunnischools of thought. It primarily handles cases of marriage and divorce and, to a lesser extent business and finance.[3] According to BBC News, thousands of Muslims have turned to the Council to resolve family and financial issues. The Council operates 16 tribunals in Britain, including in Birmingham, Bradford and London.[4] The Economist magazine states it has offered rulings to "thousands of troubled families since the 1980s",[5] the council states that it has dealt with an average of between 200 to 300 cases monthly as of January 2012.[6]

16 Tribunals................quasi Islamiccourt........ruling on domestic matters with Muslims to a tune of 200 to 300 cases a month.........

The Muslims there go there to settle Muslim to Muslim disputes and avoid the UK court system on domestic matters........They may not be binding under UK law but apparently they are binding to the participants.

Yeah, that's what arbitration means. It's voluntary.

Is that what you're so afraid of happening here? That Muslims might go to their imam to resolve issues, rather than to civil court?
Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Mass Migration

In England, it’s been rape after rape – tens of thousands of young British girls are brutalised, tortured, beaten and raped by organised gangs comprised almost exclusively of Muslims. And now we have Germany. When Chancellor Merkel threw open the doors of her country to hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, she opened the door to the rape of German women.

Rape and sexual assault (as well as forced prostitution) is rampant within the refugee camps in Germany, and it has spilled out to the nearby towns. Rape in Germany has already been described as an “epidemic” and one that the German authorities, and media, are keeping rather quiet about. The reality is that German authorities, who know that many of these asylum seekers are rapists, will allow those men to live freely among German women – they have decided to allow German women to be raped, just like authorities all across Europe.

In stark contrast to today’s culturally suicidal politicians, I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak. This isn’t because I think Westerners are entitled to more protection than other people. Contrary to what my enemies would love to believe, I do actually care about women in the most misogynistic countries in the world, but we do nothing to advance the cause of women’s rights globally by destroying the rights of Western women – quite the opposite in fact.

Muslims have a habit of treating women like dogs...........and where they have immigrating to the rape crimes have increased in Muslim areas......


Seven-hour non-stop gang rape by 12 Afghan MUSLIM refugees was the ‘most gruesome rape marathon in Sweden’s history,’ say prosecutors. The rape was oral, anal, and vaginal, with up to three rapists in her at the same time. Only 7 of the 12 rapists were convicted.
Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Mass Migration

In England, it’s been rape after rape – tens of thousands of young British girls are brutalised, tortured, beaten and raped by organised gangs comprised almost exclusively of Muslims. And now we have Germany. When Chancellor Merkel threw open the doors of her country to hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, she opened the door to the rape of German women.

Rape and sexual assault (as well as forced prostitution) is rampant within the refugee camps in Germany, and it has spilled out to the nearby towns. Rape in Germany has already been described as an “epidemic” and one that the German authorities, and media, are keeping rather quiet about. The reality is that German authorities, who know that many of these asylum seekers are rapists, will allow those men to live freely among German women – they have decided to allow German women to be raped, just like authorities all across Europe.

In stark contrast to today’s culturally suicidal politicians, I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak. This isn’t because I think Westerners are entitled to more protection than other people. Contrary to what my enemies would love to believe, I do actually care about women in the most misogynistic countries in the world, but we do nothing to advance the cause of women’s rights globally by destroying the rights of Western women – quite the opposite in fact.

Muslims have a habit of treating women like dogs...........and where they have immigrating to the rape crimes have increased in Muslim areas......
I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak.
I'm sure they have every intention to do that.
Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Mass Migration

In England, it’s been rape after rape – tens of thousands of young British girls are brutalised, tortured, beaten and raped by organised gangs comprised almost exclusively of Muslims. And now we have Germany. When Chancellor Merkel threw open the doors of her country to hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, she opened the door to the rape of German women.

Rape and sexual assault (as well as forced prostitution) is rampant within the refugee camps in Germany, and it has spilled out to the nearby towns. Rape in Germany has already been described as an “epidemic” and one that the German authorities, and media, are keeping rather quiet about. The reality is that German authorities, who know that many of these asylum seekers are rapists, will allow those men to live freely among German women – they have decided to allow German women to be raped, just like authorities all across Europe.

In stark contrast to today’s culturally suicidal politicians, I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak. This isn’t because I think Westerners are entitled to more protection than other people. Contrary to what my enemies would love to believe, I do actually care about women in the most misogynistic countries in the world, but we do nothing to advance the cause of women’s rights globally by destroying the rights of Western women – quite the opposite in fact.

Muslims have a habit of treating women like dogs...........and where they have immigrating to the rape crimes have increased in Muslim areas......
I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak.
I'm sure they have every intention to do that.
Yet the crime rate there has grown with much of the growth in Muslim immigrant areas..............

First of all, your chart doesn't make any sense - the axis on the bottom doesn't match what the title claims.

Secondly, Sweden greatly expanded their legal definition of "rape" in 2005, which is why the number has shot up.
Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Mass Migration

In England, it’s been rape after rape – tens of thousands of young British girls are brutalised, tortured, beaten and raped by organised gangs comprised almost exclusively of Muslims. And now we have Germany. When Chancellor Merkel threw open the doors of her country to hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, she opened the door to the rape of German women.

Rape and sexual assault (as well as forced prostitution) is rampant within the refugee camps in Germany, and it has spilled out to the nearby towns. Rape in Germany has already been described as an “epidemic” and one that the German authorities, and media, are keeping rather quiet about. The reality is that German authorities, who know that many of these asylum seekers are rapists, will allow those men to live freely among German women – they have decided to allow German women to be raped, just like authorities all across Europe.

In stark contrast to today’s culturally suicidal politicians, I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak. This isn’t because I think Westerners are entitled to more protection than other people. Contrary to what my enemies would love to believe, I do actually care about women in the most misogynistic countries in the world, but we do nothing to advance the cause of women’s rights globally by destroying the rights of Western women – quite the opposite in fact.

Muslims have a habit of treating women like dogs...........and where they have immigrating to the rape crimes have increased in Muslim areas......
I believe strongly that the Swedish government, the German government, and the British government ought to unequivocally and without reluctance put the best interests of their own people first – that means keeping rapists out, as well as refusing entry to those who violently threaten our right to speak.
I'm sure they have every intention to do that.
Yet the crime rate there has grown with much of the growth in Muslim immigrant areas..............

Violent crime is down in England, Sweden, and Norway.

What areas are you talking about?
Comparing crime rates across countries is fraught with difficulties - this is well known among criminologists and statisticians, less so among journalists and commentators.

On the face of it, it would seem Sweden is a much more dangerous place than these other countries.

But that is a misconception, according to Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and legal definitions vary widely.

"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.

"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."

The thing is, the number of reported rapes has been going up in Sweden - it's almost trebled in just the last seven years. In 2003, about 2,200 offences were reported by the police, compared to nearly 6,000 in 2010.

So something's going on.

But Klara Selin says the statistics don't represent a major crime epidemic, rather a shift in attitudes. The public debate about this sort of crime in Sweden over the past two decades has had the effect of raising awareness, she says, and encouraging women to go to the police if they have been attacked.

The police have also made efforts to improve their handling of cases, she suggests, though she doesn't deny that there has been some real increase in the number of attacks taking place - a concern also outlined in an Amnesty International report in 2010.

"But the major explanation is partly that people go to the police more often, but also the fact that in 2005 there has been reform in the sex crime legislation, which made the legal definition of rape much wider than before."

Botswana has the highest rate of recorded attacks - 92.9 per 100,000 people - but a total of 63 countries don't submit any statistics, including South Africa, where a survey three years ago showed that one in four men questioned admitted to rape.

In 2010, an Amnesty International report highlighted that sexual violence happens in every single country, and yet the official figures show that some countries like Hong Kong and Mongolia have zero cases reported.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News
Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

Denigration of ethnic groups
Michael Hess, a local politician from Sweden Democrat Party, encouraged Swedish journalists to get acquainted with Islam's view of women, in connection with the many rapes that took place in Cairo's Tahrir Square during the "Arab Spring". Hess wrote, "When will you journalists realize that it is deeply rooted in Islam's culture to rape and brutalize women who refuse to comply with Islamic teachings. There is a strong connection between rapes in Sweden and the number of immigrants from MENA-countries [Middle East and North Africa]."

This remark led to Michael Hess being charged with "denigration of ethnic groups" [hets mot folkgrupp], a crime in Sweden. In May last year, he was handed a suspended jail sentence and a fine -- the suspension was due to the fact that he had no prior convictions. The verdict has been appealed to a higher court.

For many years, Michael Hess lived in Muslim countries, and he is well acquainted with Islam and its view of women. During his trial, he provided evidence of how sharia law deals with rape, and statistics to indicate that Muslims are vastly overrepresented among perpetrators of rape in Sweden. However, the court decided that facts were irrelevant:

"The Court [Tingsrätten] notes that the question of whether or not Michael Hess's pronouncement is true, or appeared to be true to Michael Hess, has no bearing on the case. Michael Hess's statement must be judged based on its timing and context. ... At the time of the offense, Michael Hess referred neither to established research nor to Islamic sources. It was only in connection with his indictment that Michael Hess tried to find support in research and religious writings. The Court therefore notes that Michael Hess's pronouncement was obviously not a part of any reasoned [saklig] or trustworthy [vederhäftig] discussion. Michael Hess's pronouncement must therefore be viewed as an expression of disdain for immigrants with an Islamic faith."

A crime in Sweden to speak your mind and views........................perhaps that is why most don't speak out against the immigrants as they could go to jail for it................Freedom of Speech need not apply in Sweden.
Second Stadium In Germany Evacuated, Police Warning Germans Not To Walk In Public In Large Groups…

But whatever, bring in more ‘refugees’

Via The Mirror:

all of it here:
Second Stadium In Germany Evacuated, Police Warning Germans Not To Walk In Public In Large Groups...
and how dare those Republicans questions allowing huge influx of "YOUNG able bodied men" into our country when they should be in their own fighting for it
Global Terrorism Increased By 80% In 2014

Gee who is responsible for this spike? Couldn’t guess…

(CNN)The deadly terror attacks in Paris and Beirut last week are consistent with a worldwide trend of increased terrorism — now at its highest level ever — according to a new study.

Deaths from global terrorism increased by 80% in 2014 with 32,658 people being killed, says the study.

The report highlights that despite 78% of terrorist acts being concentrated in five countries — Pakistan, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq — terrorism is spreading, with more countries recording attacks and deaths than previously.

The Global Terrorism Index report, which was released Tuesday, says there has been a “dramatic rise” in terrorism over the last 15 years. There are nine times more people killed in terrorist attacks today than there were in 2000.

Islamist groups Boko Haram and ISIS together were responsible for 51% of claimed global killings in 2014.

all of it here:
Weasel Zippers
but those damn Republicans questioning allowing them to be brought in and dumped on us citizens

VIDEO=> Czech President Warns Against Islamic “Culture of Murderers” at Prague Rally

Jim Hoft Nov 17th, 2015 7:45 pm

Czech President Milos Zeman spoke at the anti-Islamist rally in Prague on Tuesday following the ISIS Paris massacre.

Zeman warned against the Islamic “culture of murderers” during his speech.

Zeman slammed the European Union for imposing quotas of refugees on member states.

Islamists slaughtered 132 innocents in Paris on Friday.

The AP reported:

all of it here:

VIDEO=> Czech President Warns Against Islamic "Culture of Murderers" at Prague Rally - The Gateway Pundit
Republicans are certainly slavoring to find a way to use this tragedy to their political advantage. Even Bush was very clear - this isn't a war against Islam, but against extremism and terrorism.

U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no.

...Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), a Republican presidential hopeful, created the most stir when appearing Sunday on ABC's "This Week." Reacting to Hillary Clinton's statement that she didn't believe the United States was at war with Islam, Rubio suggested, "That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but weren’t violent themselves."

Rubio continued: "This is a clash of civilizations.... There is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win. And we need to begin to take this seriously. These are individuals motivated by their faith."

This apocalyptic line — that we're locked in a live-or-die civilizational struggle — is a popular theme in the Republican debates, where an array of candidates grandstand on the cultural nature of the threat as a way to highlight the supposed weakness and political correctness of their Democratic opponents.

But French President François Hollande, whose nation's capital was the scene of carnage last week, does not agree with this talking point.

On Monday, he addressed the French Parliament, declaring, "France is at war." But he specifically rejected the rhetoric espoused by politicians such as Rubio and, closer to home, the far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

"We are not committed to a war of civilizations, because these assassins don't represent any civilization," Hollande said. "We are in a war against terrorism, jihadism, which threatens the whole world."
Oh come on! A hit piece based on semantics? The Islamofacists, or whatever you want to call them very much do believe in a civilization based on their ideology and will kill for it. Hollande was not even responding to Rubio, the author did a smear job.

And the idea that Republicans are savoring to use this for political gain is just reprehensible. What are they supposed to do? Shut up and sit in the back of the bus?
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.
Neither does Christianity. Thankfully we've managed to regulate the shit out of it.
You are confused. How have we regulated Christianity? What we do know is that like with everything else, once government gets involved it fucks it up. The worse thing that could happen to any religion is state control.
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans disagree with you, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that they're better informed
about the Islamic faith than you are.

Are those Muslims that are attempting to establish Shariah Law disagreeing or are they merely refusing to assimilate into society?

There are very few Muslims in the US seeking to "establish" Sharia Law. Many of them wish to follow Sharia law, but that's not the same thing.

Unlike a majority of Republicans that would like to establish a National Religion...

(Republicans) Would you support or oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion?
57% Support establishing Christianity as the national religion.
30% Oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion.
13% Not Sure

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