U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no

https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......

We have this thing called Freedom of Religion in our country. In case you forget.
We know that................do they.......................Under the article posted............if they believe in Islamic Law and the Quran to the letter..........then they would violate our Constitution and Laws..............didn't look at the article did you......................

The article you posted it bullshit.

NONE of our major religions would pass Constitutional muster if religious law were laid alongside it - religious law would violate the Constitution at every turn. But so what? Americans (at least most of them) don't want religious law. They want Constitutional law.
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......

We have this thing called Freedom of Religion in our country. In case you forget.
We know that................do they.......................Under the article posted............if they believe in Islamic Law and the Quran to the letter..........then they would violate our Constitution and Laws..............didn't look at the article did you......................

There's no need to read anything vomited out by the "Center for Security Policy".

Just that header is a sign that anything contained is pure nonsense.
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......


Frank Gaffney?

You know that even CPAC banned him for being a looney-toon, right?
He quoted the Quran............If they believe that is what rules them then how would they abide by our laws if they want Islamic law for themselves...............as it violates ours................

They have demanded Sharia in Europe and it has been approved over there in some places............Should we allow it here????????
Mind you...maybe the Republicans have a point.
We should learn from history.
Look what happened to the original American inhabitants when they let the immigrant hordes in from Europe!
Shootings, bombings, disease, failure to integrate and the eventual takeover of their way of life and government.
"Those that don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it"
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......


Frank Gaffney?

You know that even CPAC banned him for being a looney-toon, right?
He quoted the Quran............If they believe that is what rules them then how would they abide by our laws if they want Islamic law for themselves...............as it violates ours................

They have demanded Sharia in Europe and it has been approved over there in some places............Should we allow it here????????

Ever read the Bible? If Christians believe that is what rules them - how would they abide by our laws?
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......

We have this thing called Freedom of Religion in our country. In case you forget.
We know that................do they.......................Under the article posted............if they believe in Islamic Law and the Quran to the letter..........then they would violate our Constitution and Laws..............didn't look at the article did you......................

The article you posted it bullshit.

NONE of our major religions would pass Constitutional muster if religious law were laid alongside it - religious law would violate the Constitution at every turn. But so what? Americans (at least most of them) don't want religious law. They want Constitutional law.
Many Muslims want Sharia law................I want Constitutional law.....................should they adapt to us, or should we allow them to have Shariah here..........
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......

We have this thing called Freedom of Religion in our country. In case you forget.
We know that................do they.......................Under the article posted............if they believe in Islamic Law and the Quran to the letter..........then they would violate our Constitution and Laws..............didn't look at the article did you......................

The article you posted it bullshit.

NONE of our major religions would pass Constitutional muster if religious law were laid alongside it - religious law would violate the Constitution at every turn. But so what? Americans (at least most of them) don't want religious law. They want Constitutional law.
Many Muslims want Sharia law................I want Constitutional law.....................should they adapt to us, or should we allow them to have Shariah here..........

Which Muslims in America want Sharia law?
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......


Frank Gaffney?

You know that even CPAC banned him for being a looney-toon, right?
He quoted the Quran............If they believe that is what rules them then how would they abide by our laws if they want Islamic law for themselves...............as it violates ours................

They have demanded Sharia in Europe and it has been approved over there in some places............Should we allow it here????????

Would you like for me to quote the OT to you to "prove" all Jews want to kill anyone who wears a cotton-polyester blend t-shirt?

Where has your boogeyman of "Sharia" been "approved" in Europe, anyway?
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......


Frank Gaffney?

You know that even CPAC banned him for being a looney-toon, right?
He quoted the Quran............If they believe that is what rules them then how would they abide by our laws if they want Islamic law for themselves...............as it violates ours................

They have demanded Sharia in Europe and it has been approved over there in some places............Should we allow it here????????

Ever read the Bible? If Christians believe that is what rules them - how would they abide by our laws?
Christians aren't conducting the barbaric attacks we are seeing today over there via abiding by the Koran........and in Europe they have demanded Sharia and got it..............it has caused problems that we don't need...............Some countries are back tracking on Multi Culturalism there.
https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/upload/wysiwyg/article pdfs/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf

All Muslim immigrants please leave your Quran and Sharia Law at the door please.............it violates the Constitution.......

We have this thing called Freedom of Religion in our country. In case you forget.
We know that................do they.......................Under the article posted............if they believe in Islamic Law and the Quran to the letter..........then they would violate our Constitution and Laws..............didn't look at the article did you......................

The article you posted it bullshit.

NONE of our major religions would pass Constitutional muster if religious law were laid alongside it - religious law would violate the Constitution at every turn. But so what? Americans (at least most of them) don't want religious law. They want Constitutional law.

Believe me, muslims dont want religious law either.

Because if they did, they would be fleeing to Saudi Arabia rather than Sweden......
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sharia is a significant source of legislation in various Muslim countries. Some apply all or a majority of the sharia code, and these include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brunei, United Arab Emirates,Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. In these countries, sharia-prescribed punishments such as beheading, flogging andstoning continue to be practiced judicially or extra-judicially.[11][12] The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[13] violence,[14] and even warfare.[15] Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize parts of sharia and accept it as the law on divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[16] In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunalmakes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial.[17]
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sharia is a significant source of legislation in various Muslim countries. Some apply all or a majority of the sharia code, and these include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brunei, United Arab Emirates,Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. In these countries, sharia-prescribed punishments such as beheading, flogging andstoning continue to be practiced judicially or extra-judicially.[11][12] The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[13] violence,[14] and even warfare.[15] Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize parts of sharia and accept it as the law on divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[16] In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunalmakes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial.[17]

Yes. Arbritation. Much like rabbinical courts and other religious and non-religious arbritration systems that are voluntarily entered in to.
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sharia is a significant source of legislation in various Muslim countries. Some apply all or a majority of the sharia code, and these include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brunei, United Arab Emirates,Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. In these countries, sharia-prescribed punishments such as beheading, flogging andstoning continue to be practiced judicially or extra-judicially.[11][12] The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[13] violence,[14] and even warfare.[15] Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize parts of sharia and accept it as the law on divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[16] In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunalmakes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial.[17]

Now here's the hard part.

Do you understand the difference between codifying Sharia into law, and it's use in private arbitration?
As usual the lefties only hear what they want to hear. The French president was tougher than Rubio. Didn't you hear him say France is at freaking war? He didn't mention a clash of civilizations because he said the jihadists and the terrorists do not represent a civilization.
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sharia is a significant source of legislation in various Muslim countries. Some apply all or a majority of the sharia code, and these include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brunei, United Arab Emirates,Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. In these countries, sharia-prescribed punishments such as beheading, flogging andstoning continue to be practiced judicially or extra-judicially.[11][12] The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[13] violence,[14] and even warfare.[15] Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize parts of sharia and accept it as the law on divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[16] In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunalmakes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial.[17]

Now here's the hard part.

Do you understand the difference between codifying Sharia into law, and it's use in private arbitration?
Yadda yadda yadda................they term it Marriage Counseling to a degree...............Using Imam to settle marriage disputes in Muslim areas...........but I don't think it's that quaint......................They have been pushing for Sharia in France, Belgium, Norway, and etc................In areas with large Muslim populations the Rape Crimes have gone up up and away........prime example Norway.............
As usual the lefties only hear what they want to hear. The French president was tougher than Rubio. Didn't you hear him say France is at freaking war? He didn't mention a clash of civilizations because he said the jihadists and the terrorists do not represent a civilization.

The French President was both tougher and more sophisticated in his statements. That's a combination that American politicians seem to lack. For some reason, our country seems to view those two qualities as a see-saw.
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sharia is a significant source of legislation in various Muslim countries. Some apply all or a majority of the sharia code, and these include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brunei, United Arab Emirates,Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. In these countries, sharia-prescribed punishments such as beheading, flogging andstoning continue to be practiced judicially or extra-judicially.[11][12] The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[13] violence,[14] and even warfare.[15] Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize parts of sharia and accept it as the law on divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[16] In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunalmakes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial.[17]

Now here's the hard part.

Do you understand the difference between codifying Sharia into law, and it's use in private arbitration?
Yadda yadda yadda................they term it Marriage Counseling to a degree...............Using Imam to settle marriage disputes in Muslim areas...........but I don't think it's that quaint......................They have been pushing for Sharia in France, Belgium, Norway, and etc................In areas with large Muslim populations the Rape Crimes have gone up up and away........prime example Norway.............

So your answer to my question is "no", then.

That explains a lot.
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sharia is a significant source of legislation in various Muslim countries. Some apply all or a majority of the sharia code, and these include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Brunei, United Arab Emirates,Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. In these countries, sharia-prescribed punishments such as beheading, flogging andstoning continue to be practiced judicially or extra-judicially.[11][12] The introduction of sharia is a longstanding goal for Islamist movements globally, including in Western countries, but attempts to impose sharia have been accompanied by controversy,[13] violence,[14] and even warfare.[15] Most countries do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize parts of sharia and accept it as the law on divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.[16] In Britain, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunalmakes use of sharia family law to settle disputes, and this limited adoption of sharia is controversial.[17]

Now here's the hard part.

Do you understand the difference between codifying Sharia into law, and it's use in private arbitration?
Yadda yadda yadda................they term it Marriage Counseling to a degree...............Using Imam to settle marriage disputes in Muslim areas...........but I don't think it's that quaint......................They have been pushing for Sharia in France, Belgium, Norway, and etc................In areas with large Muslim populations the Rape Crimes have gone up up and away........prime example Norway.............

So your answer to my question is "no", then.

That explains a lot.
I read a few articles on how they describe that arbitration as a marriage counseling service.............so if those articles are wrong then continue............

I've also state that the Muslim immigrants have caused problems in some countries like Norway.........do you disagree.............
Muslim Arbitration Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tribunals were set up by lawyer Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi and operate in London, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham andNuneaton. Two more are planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.[4]Rulings can be enforced in both the County Courts and the High Court.[2] The media have described a system of Islamic Sharia courts which have the power to rule in civil cases.[4] As of 2008, the courts had dealt with around 100 cases dealing with issues such as inheritance and nuisance neighbours.[4]

The MAT operates under Section 1 of the Arbitration Act which states that: “the parties should be free to agree how their disputes are resolved, subject only to such safeguards as are necessary in the public interest”.[5] As such it operates within the framework of English law and does not constitute a separate Islamic legal system. Under the Act they are deemed to be "arbitration tribunals".[4]

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has no powers to grant a divorce which is valid in English and Welsh law.[5][6] Atalaq can be granted to recognise divorce.[5][6] A sharia marriage has no bearing on personal status under UK law.[7] The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has no jurisdiction on criminal matters but can attempt reconciliation between spouses.

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