U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no

Republicans are certainly slavoring to find a way to use this tragedy to their political advantage. Even Bush was very clear - this isn't a war against Islam, but against extremism and terrorism.

U.S. Republicans see a clash of civilizations. French president says no.

...Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), a Republican presidential hopeful, created the most stir when appearing Sunday on ABC's "This Week." Reacting to Hillary Clinton's statement that she didn't believe the United States was at war with Islam, Rubio suggested, "That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but weren’t violent themselves."

Rubio continued: "This is a clash of civilizations.... There is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win. And we need to begin to take this seriously. These are individuals motivated by their faith."

This apocalyptic line — that we're locked in a live-or-die civilizational struggle — is a popular theme in the Republican debates, where an array of candidates grandstand on the cultural nature of the threat as a way to highlight the supposed weakness and political correctness of their Democratic opponents.

But French President François Hollande, whose nation's capital was the scene of carnage last week, does not agree with this talking point.

On Monday, he addressed the French Parliament, declaring, "France is at war." But he specifically rejected the rhetoric espoused by politicians such as Rubio and, closer to home, the far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

"We are not committed to a war of civilizations, because these assassins don't represent any civilization," Hollande said. "We are in a war against terrorism, jihadism, which threatens the whole world."

For it to be a clash of civilizations, Islam would have to be civilized.
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly.

Most coming into Europe are men in their 20s and 30s.
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly.

Most coming into Europe are men in their 20s and 30s.

No - most of those who have illegally crossed into Europe by sea have been male, but as well, most of those are not even Syrian.

We're discussing the people on the official refugee list.
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Sorry Doc, you got the diagnosis wrong again!

Straight from the UNHCR.......65% men, 20% children, 14% women and only 52% from Syria........

UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Sorry Doc, you got the diagnosis wrong again!

Straight from the UNHCR.......65% men, 20% children, 14% women and only 52% from Syria........

UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

You're looking at the chart of "sea arrivals" - in other words, illegal immigration - which is not what we're discussing.

We are discussing registered refugees. From your link:

UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Your link Factcheck.org has been accused of being a fradulent lefty shill site since 2012.........

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group
They failed to fight for their country and chose to run............and migrate.

all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Your link Factcheck.org has been accused of being a fradulent lefty shill site since 2012.........

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

I provided the link directly from the source as well, but if your cognitive dissonance is bothering you too much, feel free to ignore it or pretend that it's "biased" too.
all those able bodied YOUNG men you see standing in the lines, WHY aren't they staying and FIGHTING FOR THEIR own countries? You see folks this is the scam they pull over on you. WOULDN'T you stay and fight for your country? now why aren't the MILLIONS on millions of these people and how did they ALL OF A SUDDEN decide they were high tailing it out of there.

who care what names they call you, what they assume they know you want and all the other crap. You PEOPLE need to stop and think about these things and the people are dropping on our laps

The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Your link Factcheck.org has been accused of being a fradulent lefty shill site since 2012.........

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

I provided the link directly from the source as well, but if your cognitive dissonance is bothering you too much, feel free to ignore it or pretend that it's "biased" too.

Spoken like a true Progressive shill.......but I digress.
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.
Neither does Christianity. Thankfully we've managed to regulate the shit out of it.

You're fucking crazy... America was founded on Judaeo-Christian principals... you know, the reliance on the providence of God... religion and morality are the basis of freedom.

You should thanks us.... oh, we don't regulate Christianity, we can't... anymore than we can regulate any religion.

Where do you nutters come up with this retarded shit?
The majority of Syrian refugees are children, women and the elderly. Are those the people you believe should be FIGHTING FOR THEIR own country?


UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Your link Factcheck.org has been accused of being a fradulent lefty shill site since 2012.........

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

I provided the link directly from the source as well, but if your cognitive dissonance is bothering you too much, feel free to ignore it or pretend that it's "biased" too.

Spoken like a true Progressive shill.......but I digress.


Way to prove my point, dude.
this is from an article at the site.

a snippet:
Also, it’s not like we’ve shut our doors until now; we have already been offering asylum and have taken in over two thousand refugees so far. One might expect that these would tend toward the Assyrian Christians who have been victimized by the genocides perpetrated by ISIS, but they account for fewer than 3% of those granted asylum in the US, according to CNS News:

Of 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, only 53 (2.4 percent) have been Christians while 2098 (or 96 percent) have been Muslims, according to State Department statistics updated on Monday.

The remaining 33 include 1 Yazidi, 8 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Baha’i, 6 Zoroastrians, 6 of “other religion,” 7 of “no religion,” and 3 atheists.

By comparison, Syria’s population breakdown in early 2011, before the civil war’s death toll and refugee exodus roiled the demographics, was 90 percent Muslim (including Sunnis, Shia, Alawites and Druze) and 10 percent Christian, according to the CIA World Factbook.

This has some wondering why we’re not focusing more on those fleeing obvious religious oppression and flat-out genocide, rather than just the broad population of those fleeing a war zone.

The short answer to that is that the flood of the latter has stretched the capabilities of our allies, and they want us to pitch in, especially since they are on the front lines of a crisis that was mostly provoked by a US-EU misadventure in Libya and the decision by Obama to just pull out of Iraq with no residual force to sustain stability. The longer answer is that the Obama administration has avoided acknowledging the genocides as a way to push off the need to intervene to stop them — which was, after all, the supposed reason for the intervention in Libya that turned into a war of decapitation.

all the rest of the article here:
Can governors actually block refugee resettlement?

UNHCR’s data show that 50.5 percent of refugees are women. Females age 18 to 59 make up 23.9 percent of the refugees, while males in that age group make up 21.8 percent.

Even younger males — age 12 to 17 — represent 6.5 percent of refugees, while females that age are 6.1 percent. The majority of refugees — 51.1 percent — are under age 17, including 38.5 percent who are younger than 12 years old. These numbers were as of Sept. 6.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Your link Factcheck.org has been accused of being a fradulent lefty shill site since 2012.........

Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

I provided the link directly from the source as well, but if your cognitive dissonance is bothering you too much, feel free to ignore it or pretend that it's "biased" too.

Spoken like a true Progressive shill.......but I digress.


Way to prove my point, dude.
this is from an article at the site.

a snippet:
Also, it’s not like we’ve shut our doors until now; we have already been offering asylum and have taken in over two thousand refugees so far. One might expect that these would tend toward the Assyrian Christians who have been victimized by the genocides perpetrated by ISIS, but they account for fewer than 3% of those granted asylum in the US, according to CNS News:

Of 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, only 53 (2.4 percent) have been Christians while 2098 (or 96 percent) have been Muslims, according to State Department statistics updated on Monday.

The remaining 33 include 1 Yazidi, 8 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Baha’i, 6 Zoroastrians, 6 of “other religion,” 7 of “no religion,” and 3 atheists.

By comparison, Syria’s population breakdown in early 2011, before the civil war’s death toll and refugee exodus roiled the demographics, was 90 percent Muslim (including Sunnis, Shia, Alawites and Druze) and 10 percent Christian, according to the CIA World Factbook.

This has some wondering why we’re not focusing more on those fleeing obvious religious oppression and flat-out genocide, rather than just the broad population of those fleeing a war zone.

The short answer to that is that the flood of the latter has stretched the capabilities of our allies, and they want us to pitch in, especially since they are on the front lines of a crisis that was mostly provoked by a US-EU misadventure in Libya and the decision by Obama to just pull out of Iraq with no residual force to sustain stability. The longer answer is that the Obama administration has avoided acknowledging the genocides as a way to push off the need to intervene to stop them — which was, after all, the supposed reason for the intervention in Libya that turned into a war of decapitation.

all the rest of the article here:
Can governors actually block refugee resettlement?

And the flood of migrants that has stretched our allies floated into Europe over the Med.......good find Steph!
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.
Neither does Christianity. Thankfully we've managed to regulate the shit out of it.

You're fucking crazy... America was founded on Judaeo-Christian principals... you know, the reliance on the providence of God... religion and morality are the basis of freedom.

You should thanks us.... oh, we don't regulate Christianity, we can't... anymore than we can regulate any religion.

Where do you nutters come up with this retarded shit?
America has a magical idea that was created upon its founding. In its founding documents, our forefathers made certain to include language that would prevent religion from interfering with people's freedoms and from religious tyranny. And so they gifted us the separation between church and state. And we have prospered.

Sadly, foreign meddling has left the middle east under the control of their version of bible thumpers and gun nuts.
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans disagree with you, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that they're better informed about the Islamic faith than you are.
They as Americans are free to disagree. But I still don't want MORE here. NO SALE.

Good for you.

Why should we care what you want?
Well I would think you would care about what other Americans think BEFORE caring about what another country thinks.

Tell that to the folks who just can't get enough of Putin, who would not shed tear if the US collapsed.
Seriously how many more times do we have to have this radical Islam vs Islam debate? Ever since the 9-11 attacks Republicans have made clear we are at war with radical Islam and Muslim extremist not Islam or Muslims who just want to practice their religion and live their lives.
Tell that to the folks in Dearborn Michigan.
  • Thread starter
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  • #77
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans disagree with you, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that they're better informed
about the Islamic faith than you are.

Are those Muslims that are attempting to establish Shariah Law disagreeing or are they merely refusing to assimilate into society?

What American Muslims are trying to establish Shariah law in America?
  • Thread starter
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  • #78
The islamic faith does NOT permit the American way of life. And it shows NO wish to do so. Its a violation of their faith to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of Muslim-Americans disagree with you, and I think it's a pretty safe bet that they're better informed about the Islamic faith than you are.
So you say
Western muslims pick and choose what to believe.

Kind of like Christians. Imagine that! :)
  • Thread starter
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  • #79
Where are you getting this ridiculous idea that refugees are going to be forced into people's homes?
Europe. And don't we base a lot of our bullshit off Europe now? :)

Well, no - we don't.

And no refugees have been forced into private homes in Europe, either.

So now we go from a person willing to invite and lead by example to "forced"..

And you keep proving why you are a far left drone..

So are you going to give up your bed for these refugees? or do you want to "force" them on others?


It's amazing to watch how ridiculous the meltdowns from you guys are getting.

There's no shortage of space or beds for refugees, there's no reason why I should "give up my bed" to anyone.

Exactly you do not care as long as does not affect you, right?

Typical far left drone..

But then again to this one inviting means forced..

Will it affect you? Will you be "forced" to give shelter? No. So what's your problem here?
  • Thread starter
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  • #80
this is from an article at the site.

a snippet:
Also, it’s not like we’ve shut our doors until now; we have already been offering asylum and have taken in over two thousand refugees so far. One might expect that these would tend toward the Assyrian Christians who have been victimized by the genocides perpetrated by ISIS, but they account for fewer than 3% of those granted asylum in the US, according to CNS News:

Of 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted into the U.S. since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, only 53 (2.4 percent) have been Christians while 2098 (or 96 percent) have been Muslims, according to State Department statistics updated on Monday.

The remaining 33 include 1 Yazidi, 8 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Baha’i, 6 Zoroastrians, 6 of “other religion,” 7 of “no religion,” and 3 atheists.

By comparison, Syria’s population breakdown in early 2011, before the civil war’s death toll and refugee exodus roiled the demographics, was 90 percent Muslim (including Sunnis, Shia, Alawites and Druze) and 10 percent Christian, according to the CIA World Factbook.

This has some wondering why we’re not focusing more on those fleeing obvious religious oppression and flat-out genocide, rather than just the broad population of those fleeing a war zone.

The short answer to that is that the flood of the latter has stretched the capabilities of our allies, and they want us to pitch in, especially since they are on the front lines of a crisis that was mostly provoked by a US-EU misadventure in Libya and the decision by Obama to just pull out of Iraq with no residual force to sustain stability. The longer answer is that the Obama administration has avoided acknowledging the genocides as a way to push off the need to intervene to stop them — which was, after all, the supposed reason for the intervention in Libya that turned into a war of decapitation.

all the rest of the article here:
Can governors actually block refugee resettlement?

ISIS is killing anyone who doesn't adhere to their exact "interpretation" of Islam. The majority of ISIS' victims are Muslim. The people fleeing are fleeing persecution, slavery, and death whether they are Muslim, Christian, or one of the many religious minorities in the region. We should not be using a religious litmus test to decide who to help.

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