U.S. Secretly Develops Convention Banned Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction???

Frankly, I am not inclined to believe anything or any one I have not personally verified. In this case, every one is lying.
This is the RIGHT position. You just kept a sound and critical mind.

But I do care about my journalistic and academic reputation. And I ALSO double-check everything.
Since you "KNOW" all of these facts, then there must be at least one reputable source you can point to where you get your "facts".
I UNDERSTAND what you mean.

1. Let's not confuse REPORTER activities with JOURNALIST or criminal investigations. I am not General Powell, who is being fried in a frying pan. I'm not shaking a tube of tooth powder. I'

2. I' m keeping track of the facts, bringing them to the reader, and then I start analyzing them. But you will learn a great deal from my subsequent reports.

Do you have ANY doubts about the lack of moral barriers of politicians in Washington or the military in the Pentagon? I have NO. All are soaked in hypocrisy, lies, and misanthropy. And in the belief that only Americans are "people". And everyone else is NOT human.
Yes it is, but to do that we need to change the political system or at least arrest and prosecute the political leadership of both the Democratic and Republican parties since both are complicit in creating a TOTAL information system of lies.

Yes, it is, but to do that we need to change the political system or at least arrest and prosecute the political leadership of both the Democratic and Republican parties since both are complicit in creating a TOTAL information system of lies.

Republicans VERY loathe remembering that they ALL but six noble gentlemen voted for aggression against Iraq.

Only 6 of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).
How about not canceling different pointls of view? That would be a start. You know like stop the MSM from calling Fox News 'faux' news and stop calling NPR 'objective?'
I UNDERSTAND what you mean.

1. Let's not confuse REPORTER activities with JOURNALIST or criminal investigations. I am not General Powell, who is being fried in a frying pan. I'm not shaking a tube of tooth powder. I'

2. I' m keeping track of the facts, bringing them to the reader, and then I start analyzing them. But you will learn a great deal from my subsequent reports.

Do you have ANY doubts about the lack of moral barriers of politicians in Washington or the military in the Pentagon? I have NO. All are soaked in hypocrisy, lies, and misanthropy. And in the belief that only Americans are "people". And everyone else is NOT human.

MOSCOW, March 6. /TASS/. Evidence of a US-financed military biological program developed in Ukraine has been revealed during Russia’s special operation in that country, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.
"In the course of the special military operation, evidence of the Kiev regime’s hasty measures to conceal any traces of the military biological program finance by the US Department of Defense in Ukraine has been revealed," he said.
According to the spokesman, information was received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories that especially hazardous pathogens: plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia and other lethal diseases infecting agents had been urgently destroyed on February 24.

According to Konashenkov, following the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the Ukrainian health ministry issued an instruction to all biolaboratories to URGENTLY DESTROY HAZARDOUS PATHOGENS they had.

"Obviously, after the launch of the special military operations, Pentagon became afraid that SECRET BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS in Ukraine will be exposed. We will share the results of the analysis of the documents we have received in the near future. Some of them, in particular the Ukrainian health ministry’s instruction TO DESTROY pathogens and certificates of completion from the Kharkov and Poltava biolaboratories we are publishing right now," he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories.
When clarifying the unfolding developments, the Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure. There are no threats whatsoever to the civilian population.

Yes it is, but to do that we need to change the political system or at least arrest and prosecute the political leadership of both the Democratic and Republican parties since both are complicit in creating a TOTAL information system of lies.

Yes, it is, but to do that we need to change the political system or at least arrest and prosecute the political leadership of both the Democratic and Republican parties since both are complicit in creating a TOTAL information system of lies.

Republicans VERY loathe remembering that they ALL but six noble gentlemen voted for aggression against Iraq.

Only 6 of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).

And so did most Democrats, like Hillary and Kerry.
All those who voted to invade Iraq should be prosecuted for murder.
Because we would not put all our eggs in one basket.
To get around American laws, the Pentagon scums have set up 336 bio laboratories in 30 countries around the world.

A year and a half ago, I wrote about the fact that two of America's LEADING virologists worked at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before pandemia. I had published their names and even their photos if I'm not mistaken.
That would be a reason for war. Could we be lied to? Is Russia really fighting to close these bio labs?
There were several of them:
1. 15,000 Slavs killed in the Donbas and preparations for an attack on it, followed by a massacre of the Russian-speaking population;

2. The threat of NATO approaching directly to Russia's borders - the flight time of an American missile to Moscow would be 4 minutes;

3. It has become known that the Kiev regime is close to building a "dirty" (or "traditional") nuclear missile;

4. Collection of the genetic material of Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians with the subsequent creation of genetic weapons of mass destruction in American biological laboratories. This, I'm sorry, is "worse" than the crimes of the German Nazis.
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Amid information from areas liberated by the Russian army that numerous secret bio laboratories were operating in Ukraine to develop biological weapons (prohibited by an international convention to which the United States is a signatory), China has demanded that the White House provide COMPREHENSIVE information about the development of biological weapons in its secret laboratories overseas.

Chinese foreign ministry on Tuesday called on the United States to release all-around details of its biological laboratories in Ukraine, and urged relevant parties to ensure their safety

The results of the interim journalistic investigation will be published here later.

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2022-03-08 21:38:16
View attachment 612824
Why would we believe anything coming out of Russia?
There were several of them:
1. 15,000 Slavs killed in the Donbas and preparations for an attack on it, followed by a massacre of the Russian-speaking population;

2. The threat of NATO approaching directly to Russia's borders - the flight time of an American missile to Moscow would be 4 minutes;

3. It has become known that the Kiev regime is close to building a "dirty" (or "traditional") nuclear missile;

4. Collection of the genetic material of Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians with the subsequent creation of genetic weapons of mass destruction in American biological laboratories. This, I'm sorry, is "worse" than the crimes of the German Nazis.
Any independent verification of those crazy claims? Frankly, it sounds like you are simply manufacturing excuses to bomb more childrens hospitals in Ukraine.
View attachment 612823

Amid information from areas liberated by the Russian army that numerous secret bio laboratories were operating in Ukraine to develop biological weapons (prohibited by an international convention to which the United States is a signatory), China has demanded that the White House provide COMPREHENSIVE information about the development of biological weapons in its secret laboratories overseas.

Chinese foreign ministry on Tuesday called on the United States to release all-around details of its biological laboratories in Ukraine, and urged relevant parties to ensure their safety

The results of the interim journalistic investigation will be published here later.

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2022-03-08 21:38:16
View attachment 612824
The irony that all of the traitors defending Wuhan are being called to account by the CCP for bioweapons research is priceless!

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