U.S. Soldiers Punished For Not Attending Christian Concert

Several things I noticed in the story:

They weren't allowed to use their laptops, iPods, cell phones or any other electronics. Really? Privates with their own personal items in a basic training environment? Back in the old days, when the Army was all about training warriors, that shit was called "contraband."

They weren't allowed to go to the PX, library or any other place on post. Wahh! In the life of a private, that's called a "privilege" NOT a right. They weren't "locked down," they just weren't authorized to be anywhere else but the barracks or that concert. Again, that's what being in basic training is all about.

The Army is all about teamwork. These shitbirds don't get it. They're selfishly concerned about their own personal preferences. That will get soldiers killed on the battlefield. The sergeant doesn't give a damn about Jesus or any religious message from that concert. He's concerned about building a team. He gave those soldiers the opportunity to act as one team, and a handful of them fucked it up.

So, yeah, the sergeant handled it correctly. And he needs to take those whining crybabies to the back of the woodshed for some good old-fashioned wall-to-wall counseling. But today's Army won't allow that.

I'm with you on the contraband thing. I'm also with you on the fact that the choices would be concert or barracks... HOWEVER...

Back when I was in basic training, I remember several religious services being held for various reasons, and no-one was forced to go, EVER.

There are many, many ways to ingrain team mentality into trainees, and religious brainwashing sure as hell doesn't need to be one of them.

The problem occurred because the soldiers were given punishment AFTER the event, not because they were confined to the barracks DURING the event.

You know better than that. They were not punished after the fact. They were not punished at all. They had a duty position, and they had a choice of duties. They chose to clean the barracks instead of attending the concert. That is the whole story, other than the whine because they couldn't fuck off for 2 hours. They are trainees, their time is under total control. And you know this if you went through any military training.

When I went through boot in 88 we weren't even allowed to wear a watch, let alone have music players and such. And the PX? Hell the only time we EVER got to go there was once a week as a platoon to buy necessitates. AIT the next year wasn't much more lenient.

I love reading people who never served expound about the military.

Life of a trainee

You wake up when told
You clean barracks when told
You PT when told
You Shower when told
You eat when told
You train when told
You eat when told
You train when told
You eat again when told
You train again when told
You hit the rack when told


Free time? on Sunday afternoon if your platoon didn't screw up too much you would get use of the company day room. In AIT we did get on base privileges in week 6. off base was prohibited.
This is a BULLSHIT story and from a stupid liberal mod no doubt.

Next time you want to make a total fool of yourself do it where their arent any ex military personal.
When I went through basic in 1982, we were told that if we didn't go to church on Sunday that we would stay at the barracks and do cleanup.

We all went to church. We didn't care what denomination it was, we just didn't want to do cleanup. Why couldn't those soldiers just realize that?
Yes because real men take illegal bullshit like having to be punished for not listening to a religious sermon. :cuckoo::cuckoo:


this is why free thinking people generally avoid military service

I can appreciate a comment like that from someone on the outside, and I'm not trying to insult or otherwise offend that point of view. I don't think I can offer a brief explanation of the type of mentality the military instills and adequately do it justice. To outsiders, it appears as if soldiers are brainwashed or otherwise forced into submission. In my view, military veterans are fairly open-minded after having been exposed to so much during a few tours of duty. What appears as blind obedience to the outsider is really discipline and order. It's this discipline that trains a soldier to remain at his or her post in the face of extraordinary danger when all instincts are telling that individual to run away to safer ground. It's the espirit de corps that motivates the soldier to help a wounded comrade off the battlefield rather than to selfishly run to safety without regard for others.

It's not all sunshine and roses. We're talking about a warrior ethic, and it's not the romanticized version that you see in recruiting commercials. War is man's brutality against his fellow man in its purest and ugliest form. In order to survive war, a warrior must be able to inflict violence without remorse or hesitation. It's not a pretty sight. Was never meant to be.

I find it amusing that some general thinks he can influence soldiers with this Christian concert. Like I said before, most soldiers would attend just in the hope of catching a glimpse of legs in skirts after having been in an environment of uniforms and boots. Same goes for attending church services, even more so since that's where they hope to hook up with a "good girl." Not saying that all soldiers are like this; just saying that if you really think soldiers are going to be influenced, brainwashed or otherwise converted by some Christian concert, then you don't know shit about soldiers.

Just being honest.


I often tell the stories of my military experience to my Sunday School class. It was not a pleasant experience in the moment, but as I look back I would not trade it for anything. I know it was hard work, and seemed to be mean, but I also know that I was learning how to protect myself and my buddies if we ended up in a war situation. I also recall that I know they were learning how to save my life under harsh situations. I would gladly do it over, and I know I would learn even more.

As to the Concert influencing men to change, I believe that is something that God would determine, not singers. If they were presenting the Gospel in music, that is their ministry. Beyond that, it is the task of the Holy Spirit to convence and convice.

It's all good.
When I went through basic in 1982, we were told that if we didn't go to church on Sunday that we would stay at the barracks and do cleanup.

We all went to church. We didn't care what denomination it was, we just didn't want to do cleanup. Why couldn't those soldiers just realize that?


You didn't care which Christian denomination it was. You would've cared a shit load if you had to go to a mosque and pretend to pray toward mecca.
I read all the way up until the usual insult fest. Here is my take on what happened.

Unless you were in the military you will not know or understand what really happened. You have mandatory fun things all the time. That means that the activity is your place of duty.

Most of the time you are given the option not to attend but if you choose not to attend your place of duty is change to the common area. A NCO (Non Commissioned Officer) was put in charge of those left behind.

Many NCOs feel that if you are on duty you should be working. This particular NCO had them cleaning the barracks. This NCO also felt that electronic devices are not appropriate to be using while you are on duty.

You may not agree with it but it happens with anything that is considered mandatory fun. This would include picnics, sports days, concerts, speakers, comedians, and even movies. Not all NCOs are the same and some will allow relaxing while they are gone. They just had a bad luck of the draw.

This happened to be a religious concert so they cried and claimed religion was being forced on them or they were being punished because they did not attend. That is not the case at all. They were on duty and this is what the NCO in charge felt they should do. When I was an NCO in charge of the stay behinds we always had an objective and when it was done the soldiers were free to do as they please as long as they were in the common area for easy assembly.
When I went through basic in 1982, we were told that if we didn't go to church on Sunday that we would stay at the barracks and do cleanup.

We all went to church. We didn't care what denomination it was, we just didn't want to do cleanup. Why couldn't those soldiers just realize that?


You didn't care which Christian denomination it was. You would've cared a shit load if you had to go to a mosque and pretend to pray toward mecca.

Oops mani accidentally exposed that once again this is just hatred of anything Christian.
This happened to be a religious concert so they cried and claimed religion was being forced on them or they were being punished because they did not attend. That is not the case at all.

Disingenuous bullshit fail.

They were punished for not attending. Pretending otherwise is seriously fucking retarded.

The fact that something is commonplace, doesn't necessarily make it right.

Now, if you want to make an argument that this is justifiable then give it your best shot. But please don't be so intellectually dishonest as to suggest that they were not punished for refusing to attend the religious concert.
This happened to be a religious concert so they cried and claimed religion was being forced on them or they were being punished because they did not attend. That is not the case at all.

Disingenuous bullshit fail.

They were punished for not attending. Pretending otherwise is seriously fucking retarded.

The fact that something is commonplace, doesn't necessarily make it right.

Now, if you want to make an argument that this is justifiable then give it your best shot. But please don't be so intellectually dishonest as to suggest that they were not punished for refusing to attend the religious concert.

Same thing happens for anything they attend. Did you every serve in the military? I am assuming not. It clearly states that it was an NCO in charge. Most NCOs I served with could care less about religion in general. I am sure you know it all though. I know for a fact I did not want to attend a USO concert because I did not care for the music. I was left behind and had to work until everyone returned. It was not a religious concert but I guess the NCO in charge must have thought it was because he made me work and I could not take a nap nor could I play the original Play Station. Maybe I could have complained.

They were not punished because it was a religious concert. They were punished because they did not attend the activity. If it was not a religious band this would have never been brought up but they still would have been treated the same way. Personally I do not think they were punished at all. They know the choices they had. No one said they had to listen to the message or even listen to the music. They had two choices to go to the concert or stay in the common area and do your duty day there under the supervision of an NCO. That is what the NCO in charge determined they had to do for their duty that day.

By the way, Is calling someone a retard because the do not agree with you intellectual honesty? This is exactly why your response fails. Not one time did I state anyone was anything for what they posted. I merely pointed out that it happens with every type of mandatory fun religious or not. To blame it on religion is being dishonest. It happens regardless of what the activity is. If you think all the mandatory fun things are religious in nature then you are being intellectually dishonest.
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blah blah blah :blahblah:

Again, this sort of punishment may be commonplace, and even justifiable, but it is still punishment. And to go on pretending otherwise is still fucking retarded.

true story :thup:
When I went through basic in 1982, we were told that if we didn't go to church on Sunday that we would stay at the barracks and do cleanup.

We all went to church. We didn't care what denomination it was, we just didn't want to do cleanup. Why couldn't those soldiers just realize that?


You didn't care which Christian denomination it was. You would've cared a shit load if you had to go to a mosque and pretend to pray toward mecca.

Oops mani accidentally exposed that once again this is just hatred of anything Christian.
He's an ass.
blah blah blah :blahblah:

Again, this sort of punishment may be commonplace, and even justifiable, but it is still punishment. And to go on pretending otherwise is still fucking retarded.

true story :thup:

Have you ever served in the Military? If you can answer this one question it will go a long way in how I can approach the discussion with you. Of course judging by your responses you are not wanting to discuss it and anyone with a different opinion is just not smart.
blah blah blah :blahblah:

Again, this sort of punishment may be commonplace, and even justifiable, but it is still punishment. And to go on pretending otherwise is still fucking retarded.

true story :thup:

Have you ever served in the Military? If you can answer this one question it will go a long way in how I can approach the discussion with you. Of course judging by your responses you are not wanting to discuss it and anyone with a different opinion is just not smart.

He's an ass, which is why he is one of the very few on my ignore list.
blah blah blah :blahblah:

Again, this sort of punishment may be commonplace, and even justifiable, but it is still punishment. And to go on pretending otherwise is still fucking retarded.

true story :thup:

Have you ever served in the Military? If you can answer this one question it will go a long way in how I can approach the discussion with you. Of course judging by your responses you are not wanting to discuss it and anyone with a different opinion is just not smart.

I prefer not to share personal information with anonymous internet vagrants. No offense.
Awe poor Minifold can't take it.

"Hi, you have received -39 reputation points from manifold.
Reputation was given for this post.

ignore this, wuss.


Fuck off dipshit.

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