U.S. SPACE FORCE? CIC Bone Spur wants (orders) a sixth Branch of the Military? Can they win there?

I thought we had treaties not to militarize space

So odds are standard protocol of the Catholic Church industry in maintaining Islam "death to the infidels" with Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" tautology which led to the Catholic Church "man is God" assassination of JFK will eventually assassinate Trump for a standalone spaceforce of Dalek exterminate, exterminate, exterminate as the 21st century master race where space is the place for the human race except following the same Christiananality super ego pedophile mentality in homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming techniques for olympic survival of the fittest fascists marathon crusade.
By golly I think you've hit on something. Good show. Jolly good show.

Probably raised in an area of the USA where missing out on that national religion tautology churchstate lynching enforcement "serve the Pope or die" was the only show of those good ole boys whose Christiananality pedophile mentality super egos were as jolly as Islam "death to the infidels" jihads or Dr Who Daleks' exterminate, exterminate, exterminate......


This about sums up that national religion churchstate lynching enforcement of Islam being Christianity's only God previously resulting in the burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act & how this Christian Nation Catholic Church will rule the earth with a spaceforce in a "man is God" survival of the fittest fascists sociopsychopathic military human farming of the planet rule of law in that supreme swastika up Uranus court tradition.

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