U.S. Supreme court deals major blow to the ten commandments

My dad used to take his rifle to school so he could go rabbit hunting later. So did his buddies.

But in those days kids read the Bible in school.

Well, I'm not sure what days those were. Again, we aren't talking about rabbit rifles, we are talking about assault rifles are the problem.

But you keep telling yourself it's because we don't selectively read from a book of superstitions.
Because Christians are blowing up people in Muslim countries?

I see you took your stupid pill this morning.

Um, yeah, here's the thing.

So when we drop a bunch of bombs on Muslims from an F-18, that's "civilized"....

but when a Muslim puts a bomb on a truck and gets some payback, that's "barbaric".

Yes, we are blowing people up in Muslim countries... that's the problem. And then when they counter attack, we whine like little bitches that they aren't peacefully giving up their oil.
You have zero clues and you're not even American, ergo: GFY.

We'll be just fine and dandy here.

The war was over in 1865, and I don't understand your emotionalism for something that far in the past. Sorry if you lost some relatives, but so did many others.
I am an American born and raised in one of the original 13 colonies, and I fly only one flag, the Stars and Stripes, not the flag of fools who tried to destroy our nation. It's not your place to decide who is an American and who isn't. You're on an awfully high horse that you don't deserve to be on.

You seem to be madly trying to plaster your symbols all over the place. Stop littering. I'm sure that you have plenty of room to display them in your own yard.
Well, I'm not sure what days those were. Again, we aren't talking about rabbit rifles, we are talking about assault rifles are the problem.

This is a .22 cal semi-automatic


This is a .22 cal semi-automatic that holds 3 more bullets before reloading than the one above


Legislators have tried to ban both as an assault weapon ... They both do the same thing ... And can both be commonly used to hunt rabbits, squirrels and whatnot.
We don't care that you think the one pictured at the top looks scary ... Feel free to go change your underwear ... :dunno:

Because Christians are blowing up people in Muslim countries?

I see you took your stupid pill this morning.

Um, yeah, here's the thing.

So when we drop a bunch of bombs on Muslims from an F-18, that's "civilized"....

but when a Muslim puts a bomb on a truck and gets some payback, that's "barbaric".

Yes, we are blowing people up in Muslim countries... that's the problem. And then when they counter attack, we whine like little bitches that they aren't peacefully giving up their oil.
I suggest you introduce yourself to 2 concepts...
Chronology and context.
And the difference is?

That the NRA has put so many guns out there that it's easy for crazy people to get them?

Back in the day, which I would have to assume is somewhere in the 1940's, because that's the last time bible reading in Public Schools was still a thing, we had less than 40 million privately owned guns, most of them hunting rifles.

Then a funny thing happened. People actually realized that shooting animals for fun was a barbaric and sadistic thing to do. So i guess the kind of sociopath who would shoot rabbits after school started getting a dose of Ritalin instead, and we are all better off for it.

This wasn't good enough for the gun industry, which started flooding the streets with more guns and bigger guns. And today we have more guns than we have people, and it shows.
I suggest you introduce yourself to 2 concepts...
Chronology and context.

Okay, let's look at "Chronology".

When did the first terror attack happen.
And when did the first time the Christian West start invading and bombing the middle east happen.

Oh, wait, no, Western invasions happened first. Pretty much in the 19th century when Europe started carving up what was left of the Ottoman Empire

Okay, now let's look at Context.

There was this great film called "The Battle for Algeirs", where the French capture a rebel leader, and they ask him, "Why do you hide bombs in women's baskets", and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd happily trade our baskets for your planes."

So when we do shit like this to them, either directly or by proxie (Yes, i mean you, Zionists!)


We really shouldn't whine and bitch when they do stuff like this in retaliation.


Our Middle East policy can be best described as sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung.
Legislators have tried to ban both as an assault weapon ... They both do the same thing ... And can both be commonly used to hunt rabbits, squirrels and whatnot.
We don't care that you think the one pictured at the top looks scary ... Feel free to go change your underwear ...

No, what's scary is that you sociopaths think you need to own those things, and some of you use them.
I suggest you introduce yourself to 2 concepts...
Chronology and context.

Okay, let's look at "Chronology".

When did the first terror attack happen.
And when did the first time the Christian West start invading and bombing the middle east happen.

Oh, wait, no, Western invasions happened first. Pretty much in the 19th century when Europe started carving up what was left of the Ottoman Empire

Okay, now let's look at Context.

There was this great film called "The Battle for Algeirs", where the French capture a rebel leader, and they ask him, "Why do you hide bombs in women's baskets", and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd happily trade our baskets for your planes."

So when we do shit like this to them, either directly or by proxie (Yes, i mean you, Zionists!)


We really shouldn't whine and bitch when they do stuff like this in retaliation.


Our Middle East policy can be best described as sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung.
Who supported Hitler?
Who stole the oil fields? (I'm sure no non-Arabs were beheaded during that event).
Why took billions in dollars and military equipment from Russia for the good of humanity?

Yeah, sure, Muslims...all good, all the time.
Who supported Hitler?

rich white people who were afraid of "communists". Maybe you need to read a history book.

Who stole the oil fields? (I'm sure no non-Arabs were beheaded during that event).

How is reclaiming your own territory "stealing"?

Why took billions in dollars and military equipment from Russia for the good of humanity?

Here's the thing, Russia sees weapons sales as commerce. We see it as policy. The biggest spender in the ME is Saudi Arabia. Going to really suck when (not if) the corrupt Saudi royals are overthrown and replaced with a pro-jihad government.
Who supported Hitler?

rich white people who were afraid of "communists". Maybe you need to read a history book.

Who stole the oil fields? (I'm sure no non-Arabs were beheaded during that event).

How is reclaiming your own territory "stealing"?

Why took billions in dollars and military equipment from Russia for the good of humanity?

Here's the thing, Russia sees weapons sales as commerce. We see it as policy. The biggest spender in the ME is Saudi Arabia. Going to really suck when (not if) the corrupt Saudi royals are overthrown and replaced with a pro-jihad government.
I hate to break it to you but the entire Arab world was in murderous chaos at the time...wars and changing borders were the order of the day.
Just like the Native Americans the Muslim world took in allies to help them murder their "fellow" Arabs.
The oil field technology was the bribe in exchange for weapons to commit murder.

Oh! I forgot, the Liberal line that Muslims committing murder is because someone stole their lollypop.

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